I'm here and I don't give a dam

Oh dear, nothing of note already, methinks there is nothing here to challenge me.

I'm sure there must be at least a few with something intelligent to say other than childish comments and name calling.

In other words, you're just a troll looking to provoke. Well, besides being a pansy for saying "oh dear".:lol:

Methinks you couldn't hold your own in a debate on how to boil water.

Aw come on Gunny. Don't give him the hard one first. You know it should be filling the kettle before the more advanced technique of heating the damned stuff.
dam it. i need to go to asshole school. what an entrance. is there something in the water?

make a bigh splash and then sink to the ground is not my motto.
You know that's funny because I was just thinking today that I will not be bent to the minds of fools or the ignorant. My task here is to open the minds of those who want to kep them shut, I don't suffer fools likely and I call a spade a spade. Don't answer cold logic with emotion or any other foolish diatribe.

I hate certain people, I hate those who keep their minds closed, I hate those who wish to exploit and manipulate people for any reason.

I am of the firm belief that man is capable of so much good and that we can achieve far more than the pittance we have thus far. To move away from economic slavery would be a good start to get rid of religion even better. Man cannot advance with his eyes glued shut and his arms tied round his back.

The simple earthworm has more freedom and liberty than man has, we are bound gagged and blindfolded to the extent it is like breathing the air. Time to wake up and stop dreaming, time for reality if you can stomach it.
Hello, before I start lets get one thing clear I will not be bent to the minds of fools or the ignorant. My task here is to open the minds of those who want to kep them shut, I don't suffer fools likely and I call a spade a spade. Don't answer cold logic with emotion or any other foolish diatribe.

I hate certain people, I hate those who keep their minds closed, I hate those who wish to exploit and manipulate people for any reason.

I am of the firm belief that man is capable of so much good and that we can achieve far more than the pittance we have thus far. To move away from economic slavery would be a good start to get rid of religion even better. Man cannot advance with his eyes glued shut and his arms tied round his back.

The simple earthworm has more freedom and liberty than man has, we are bound gagged and blindfolded to the extent it is like breathing the air. Time to wake up and stop dreaming, time for reality if you can stomach it.

along comes another know it all empty Ballsack....and that is COLD LOGIC....
...I don't suffer fools likely...

How do you live with yourself?

what does "suffer fools likely" mean?

Nothing. It makes absolutely no grammatical or syntactic sense. On the upside, everything in the opening post appears to be spelled correctly. Well, as long as he indeed doesn't give a dam. Of course, I don't know that I have heard of a private citizen giving a dam... maybe William Mulholland. These days, dams are generally the purview of the state and the feds.
Oh dear, nothing of note already, methinks there is nothing here to challenge me.

I'm sure there must be at least a few with something intelligent to say other than childish comments and name calling.

That depends. Do YOU have anything to say about a debatable topic?
CentrismsVoice and publicprotector, will get along famously

They seem to have one thing in common thus far
I like this guy. I think we should punish him severely. A little red thumb should do the trick. And a snide remark like: Poopyhead! Welcome aboard, buckwheat. I will cherish your name always. I am so sincere about that, too.

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