I'm Impressed, USMB

Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.
Then you must not date much.

All the girls and gays in California love Hillary.
I don't know why queers are for Hillary, because she will side with Muslims before them. Orlando is proof.

Gays are for Hillary because Trumptards call them queers. It's not complicated.

Trump is polling higher than any other modern Republican candidate among gays. BOOM! Hillary Loses ONE-THIRD of Gay Support Since #Orlando Massacre - Trump Gay Support SOARS

You conceptualize everything in simplistic terms of identity politics. You fail to see that the gay community has historically been one of pushing boundaries, both free speech and societal. The constricting, speech police the left has morphed into is contradictory to what the gay community has historically embraced.

That and a lot of them woke up to the fact that 11 Islamic countries publicly execute gays, and the Democrat party has decided Muslims are higher up on the victim pyramid then them. Gays created the mockery of the Catholic church, you don't think they will show that same fierce satire at the expense of Muslims--they can't because then they are racist.
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.

1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.

I have a theory that if trump ran as a democrat hed be the favorite to win the presidency.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Americans will never work together again. Democrats worked too hard to divide us and were quite successful.
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.
Then you must not date much.

All the girls and gays in California love Hillary.
I don't know why queers are for Hillary, because she will side with Muslims before them. Orlando is proof.

Gays are for Hillary because Trumptards call them queers. It's not complicated.
I wouldn't be so sure. Queers are arming up, while hillary wants to unarm them.
You knew they would work together once Oblama left office...Oh wait, they didn't cooperate very well when Dubya was sleeping in da White House..

Yeah George bush flew those jumbo jets into those buildings on 9/11, according to the dems.

And now we got trump pimping out the same kind of cock & bull about Obama creating Isis.

And now dems wonder why trump could say such a thing? ;)

reality is important. so is fact. no one is saying he flew the planes into the buildings. he did however ignore the prior administrations warnings and told the guy with the PDB that he could consider his butt covered....and then proceeded to ignore the warnings. whether he could have stopped it or not, if he hadn't been incompetent, is up for grabs.

but other than RWNJ's we know that if 3,000 americans in NYC died on this presidents watch you'd be shrieking that he was a muslim who allowed it to happen on purpose.

but that's because you're nutters.

Yeah well drawings of airplanes crashing into buildings are worthless unless they include actionable Intel.

And with the terrorists training over here under the watchful eye of the Clinton administration for the 9/11 attack represents a huge failure on their part.

So in the end theirs plenty of blame to pass around.

you wouldn't know what intel they'd have gotten if he did his job. that's the point.

clinton tried to get bin laden. you know that. but keep toeing the right's line.

is there blame to pass around? not much. though i know the right doesn't like talking about it.

thank you though for not pretending that if 9/11 happened on this president's watch the right wouldn't be saying he orchestrated the attacks himself. because we already know they would
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Americans will never work together again. Democrats worked too hard to divide us and were quite successful.

Besides that, these numb nuts act like the Democrats were so willing to work with Republicans before. They passed the Orwellian named Affordable Care Act--which BTW EVERY SINGLE prediction and promise of Obama Care was bullshit--they passed that bill without a SINGLE Republican vote. Then the president laughably states that it passed Congress with bipartisan support, and the media covers for the lie in 2012.

And when Republicans won't go along with selective enforcement of the laws by the Executive, they are obstructionists. Right.
You knew they would work together once Oblama left office...Oh wait, they didn't cooperate very well when Dubya was sleeping in da White House..
Apparently Comrade Citizen doesn't realize the republicans cooperated too often with Obama.

it's so amusing that you call the next president "comrade clinton" while licking the boots of the guy who idolizes putin.

poor confused RWNJ's. the cognitive dissonance must be really confusing you
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.
Then you must not date much.

All the girls and gays in California love Hillary.
I don't know why queers are for Hillary, because she will side with Muslims before them. Orlando is proof.

Gays are for Hillary because Trumptards call them queers. It's not complicated.
Gay Americans support Clinton because she’ll appoint judges to the Federal courts – and justices to the Supreme Court – who will safeguard the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, including those gay and transgender; also not complicated.
Funny, including one's that want do do away with the second amendment.
You knew they would work together once Oblama left office...Oh wait, they didn't cooperate very well when Dubya was sleeping in da White House..

Yeah George bush flew those jumbo jets into those buildings on 9/11, according to the dems.

And now we got trump pimping out the same kind of cock & bull about Obama creating Isis.

And now dems wonder why trump could say such a thing? ;)

Trump's fart-like assertion that OBAMA CREATED
ISIS------was idiotically non politic. But it does contain
a whole bushel of grains of truth. Obama's mid-east policy is just as idiotic as was that of Bush-----and Carter. No one
ever asked me.

Trump has two problems. One he is a business man who tends to cut to the chase. He says in 3 words what needs to be said in 10. Much like his reality TV show whose hallmark quote was "you're fired." So when he says Obama and Hillary are the founders of ISIS, he really means they set the conditions for the rise of ISIS. At least that is my opinon.

The other problem is his every word is screened by the MSM like no other before him. He makes it easy but they are really trying to find anything to save the establishment's darling.
You're plagarizing Fox commentators from last night. Nearly word for word. Try thinking up an idea of your own.
You knew they would work together once Oblama left office...Oh wait, they didn't cooperate very well when Dubya was sleeping in da White House..

Yeah George bush flew those jumbo jets into those buildings on 9/11, according to the dems.

And now we got trump pimping out the same kind of cock & bull about Obama creating Isis.

And now dems wonder why trump could say such a thing? ;)

Trump's fart-like assertion that OBAMA CREATED
ISIS------was idiotically non politic. But it does contain
a whole bushel of grains of truth. Obama's mid-east policy is just as idiotic as was that of Bush-----and Carter. No one
ever asked me.

Trump has two problems. One he is a business man who tends to cut to the chase. He says in 3 words what needs to be said in 10. Much like his reality TV show whose hallmark quote was "you're fired." So when he says Obama and Hillary are the founders of ISIS, he really means they set the conditions for the rise of ISIS. At least that is my opinon.

The other problem is his every word is screened by the MSM like no other before him. He makes it easy but they are really trying to find anything to save the establishment's darling.
You're plagarizing Fox commentators from last night. Nearly word for word. Try thinking up an idea of your own.

You are right but facts be the facts. Newt was right I just didn't want to quote him because I doubt I got it exactly right. Glad to hear you listen to Fox.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.

Yo, yes`em master, it really is a Fantasy World you live in! The problem you Slaves have is, Tunnel Vision, you can`t see reality! Carry on boy, the election is a long way down the road!!!

I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Now that Bitch Boehner is gone, I foresee an era of cooperation between McConnell, Ryan, and Hillary for the next 4 years or so.

Of course that still depends on if the GOP filibuster boyz can be reigned in also.

Best way to reign in a filibuster from your own party is threaten to take away their committee memberships.
That will mean the end of Ryan and McConnell.
Only know one Hillary supporter personally myself.

1. you live in south carolina where dumb donald is actually going to win (most likely)
2. i'm going to guess you surround yourself with people just like you.
Not really, one of my friends I see daily is from Vermont and was a big liberal. But fortunately Obama happened and he won't be voting for Hillary, still haven't convinced him to vote for Trump though.

then he was never a "big liberal". he was at best a moderate. no liberal is ever voting for trump.
After what Obama has done? Lots of liberals will be voting for Trump. That transgender bathroom thing converted lots of liberals, trust me.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Holy shit
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
Too bad liberals can't be as honest about the scandal / crime queen.
You knew they would work together once Oblama left office...Oh wait, they didn't cooperate very well when Dubya was sleeping in da White House..

Yeah George bush flew those jumbo jets into those buildings on 9/11, according to the dems.

And now we got trump pimping out the same kind of cock & bull about Obama creating Isis.

And now dems wonder why trump could say such a thing? ;)

reality is important. so is fact. no one is saying he flew the planes into the buildings. he did however ignore the prior administrations warnings and told the guy with the PDB that he could consider his butt covered....and then proceeded to ignore the warnings. whether he could have stopped it or not, if he hadn't been incompetent, is up for grabs.

but other than RWNJ's we know that if 3,000 americans in NYC died on this presidents watch you'd be shrieking that he was a muslim who allowed it to happen on purpose.

but that's because you're nutters.

The Clinton Administration policy of no profiling that was still in effect when Bush took office was instrumental in not preventing 9-11.
I decided to lurk the board while I had a little down time this week to see what the pulse is like in the election trenches.

I gotta say that I am impressed and a little surprised to see a lot of the right here so out in the open about how horrible Donald Trump is, how he got to where he is, and how badly he is poised to get creamed in November. It's like the anti-2012 election here.

It gives me hope that we might soon see the wall of obstruction crumble and we can once again work together as Americans first to solve problems the country faces.

Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery.

Many of you can make it out of the woods.

I know it.
The only wall of obstruction that exists is the progressive one. You planning on tearing it down anytime soon?

Trump is just more progressive wingnutery, with a R in front if his name. In case anyone missed it, every solution Trump offers is a government solution.
You knew they would work together once Oblama left office...Oh wait, they didn't cooperate very well when Dubya was sleeping in da White House..

Yeah George bush flew those jumbo jets into those buildings on 9/11, according to the dems.

And now we got trump pimping out the same kind of cock & bull about Obama creating Isis.

And now dems wonder why trump could say such a thing? ;)

reality is important. so is fact. no one is saying he flew the planes into the buildings. he did however ignore the prior administrations warnings and told the guy with the PDB that he could consider his butt covered....and then proceeded to ignore the warnings. whether he could have stopped it or not, if he hadn't been incompetent, is up for grabs.

but other than RWNJ's we know that if 3,000 americans in NYC died on this presidents watch you'd be shrieking that he was a muslim who allowed it to happen on purpose.

but that's because you're nutters.

Yeah well drawings of airplanes crashing into buildings are worthless unless they include actionable Intel.

And with the terrorists training over here under the watchful eye of the Clinton administration for the 9/11 attack represents a huge failure on their part.

So in the end theirs plenty of blame to pass around.

you wouldn't know what intel they'd have gotten if he did his job. that's the point.

clinton tried to get bin laden. you know that. but keep toeing the right's line.

is there blame to pass around? not much. though i know the right doesn't like talking about it.

thank you though for not pretending that if 9/11 happened on this president's watch the right wouldn't be saying he orchestrated the attacks himself. because we already know they would
Oh please, Bill would've took Laden out if he needed to cover up one of his scandals. Luckily he had Saddam to launch missiles to, so he could cover his scandals.
Walls work. Ask Hitlery. She's constructed a pretty big one around her lavish estate...


And with this post those planning on voting for Clinton will instead vote for Trump because the Clinton family took appropriate security measures to protect themselves.

Too funny.

It smacks of hypocrisy to anyone with common sense. A wall for my house, but no wall at the border for the rest of the peons.

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