I'm just asking...why this effort to promote a race war???

Dem politicians are worried, blacks are waking up to the fact that even when they elect a black president the Democratic party shits on them. So Dem politicians fall back to the tried and true 'yeah but the GOP is racist' tactic.
Division of a society along any lines gives politicians greater power over the people.
It is just another step being perpetrated by the boy in the white house in order to bring the country to its knees.

Well the Obamas told us:

"“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
— Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
Transforming into what???

His wife told us Obama wants to CHANGE the USA into his image..
“We are going to have to change our conversation;
we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
— Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

I think that translates into. Change the history of the country to make it appear that the blacks are responsible for everything good.
just like the south American illegals want to come here and create pockets of south America instead of conforming, the boy in the white house and his man beast partner have come here to America and want to change it to look like Kenya, all the way down to the last detail of a starving populace
The boy?
It's these kind of people who want to start a race war:

White supremacists accused of planning for 'race war' in Florida


White supremacists accused of planning for race war in Florida - U.S. News

Well you know they are just going to say all 10 of these guys are democrats. DONT LAUGH! But they will..
Dem politicians are worried, blacks are waking up to the fact that even when they elect a black president the Democratic party shits on them. So Dem politicians fall back to the tried and true 'yeah but the GOP is racist' tactic.

Hahahaha you make it sound like the system is against minorities and the race of the POTUS doesnt matter.

I agree with you...LOL
White People documentary hosted by illegal immigrant features young Americans crying over their "white privilege"

In the interests of balance, when will Vargas be fronting a show calledBlack Peoplethat collectively blames all black people for black crime statistics, including the fact that black people in America commit over half of homicides despite making up only 13 per cent of the population?

How about the fact that despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commiteight timesmore crimes against whites than vice-versa?

How about the fact that interracial rapes are almost exclusively black on white?

How about the Barbary slave trade, under which over 1 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa until the middle of the 18th century?

Are black people going to be shown crying on camera having been shamed into taking responsibility for all of this? No, because that would be racist. But according to MTV and Vargas, subjecting someone to trial by media purely because of their skin color is perfectly acceptable – so long as they are white.

New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For What They ve Done in America Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

I honestly wondered what happened when we elected the first black president, I thought we were to be more inclusive...rather we are watching continued efforts to split America up racially.

The answer to your question may be depicted below:
Racist DEMS.jpg
White People documentary hosted by illegal immigrant features young Americans crying over their "white privilege"

In the interests of balance, when will Vargas be fronting a show calledBlack Peoplethat collectively blames all black people for black crime statistics, including the fact that black people in America commit over half of homicides despite making up only 13 per cent of the population?

How about the fact that despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commiteight timesmore crimes against whites than vice-versa?

How about the fact that interracial rapes are almost exclusively black on white?

How about the Barbary slave trade, under which over 1 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa until the middle of the 18th century?

Are black people going to be shown crying on camera having been shamed into taking responsibility for all of this? No, because that would be racist. But according to MTV and Vargas, subjecting someone to trial by media purely because of their skin color is perfectly acceptable – so long as they are white.

New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For What They ve Done in America Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

I honestly wondered what happened when we elected the first black president, I thought we were to be more inclusive...rather we are watching continued efforts to split America up racially.

At the same time he's signing new diversity regulations to force minority home owners into new neighborhoods.....Networks Punt on Unveiling of Regulations Set to Force the Diversification of Neighborhoods
Dem politicians are worried, blacks are waking up to the fact that even when they elect a black president the Democratic party shits on them. So Dem politicians fall back to the tried and true 'yeah but the GOP is racist' tactic.
It is kind of hard to argue against Democrats when examples of bigoted Republicans running for office keeps popping up.

Funny thing, A Republican can be sexists(not racist!), and blacks will say to themselves "What a racists Republican".

To think, that Blacks were voting overwhelmingly for Republicans after the Civil War. What do you think happened?
Dem politicians are worried, blacks are waking up to the fact that even when they elect a black president the Democratic party shits on them. So Dem politicians fall back to the tried and true 'yeah but the GOP is racist' tactic.
It is kind of hard to argue against Democrats when examples of bigoted Republicans running for office keeps popping up.

Funny thing, A Republican can be sexists(not racist!), and blacks will say to themselves "What a racists Republican".

To think, that Blacks were voting overwhelmingly for Republicans after the Civil War. What do you think happened?

You're deflection is noted. Meanwhile blacks are getting fed up with illegal alien loving Democrats.
Dem politicians are worried, blacks are waking up to the fact that even when they elect a black president the Democratic party shits on them. So Dem politicians fall back to the tried and true 'yeah but the GOP is racist' tactic.
It is kind of hard to argue against Democrats when examples of bigoted Republicans running for office keeps popping up.

Funny thing, A Republican can be sexists(not racist!), and blacks will say to themselves "What a racists Republican".

To think, that Blacks were voting overwhelmingly for Republicans after the Civil War. What do you think happened?

They've convinced themselves that blacks used to vote republican because they were smart, but now they dont its because the entire populace of blacks all became stupid at once.

Nevermind the odds of an entire race all going stupid at once...Dont think about that. They just have to believe it no matter how silly or impossible it is
Divide and Conquer. Keep the little People at each others' throats, and they'll stay distracted and compliant. In other words, a Race War is good for business. Many see mucho profit in it.

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