I'm just going to flat out say this....

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

Gee, looks like you've been emboldened.

Yesterday I said Trump had emboldened the bigots, and people scoffed at that notion.

lol, thank you.

That is what he did…legitimize xenophobia.

Oh, it's always been there. When say legitimize, I suspect you are saying legitimize acting on it.

That, of course, isn't true. I'll let you tell me where I am wrong.

I see nothing wrong with people expressing their opinions. There is something cathartic about doing so. Maybe this is a good thing as it will for an open discussion where concerns from both sides get addressed.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

Fine, so how do we "get rid of them" without becoming something just as bad or worse than them?

Thats a good question.
In my mind? We need to stop importing muslims,they are incompatible with western culture.
While hispanics are generally compatible with our religious beliefs they refuse to adapt to our American beliefs.
So i feel the best course of action at this point is to stop all immigration until we figure out the problem. Although I believe if we had controlled our immigration from the get go with sensible immigration laws we wouldnt be where we are now.

The key phrase is all contained right in the middle here:

" 'They' " refuse to adapt to my beliefs"
That's your entire issue wrapped up in seven words.

Yet another Liberal game. Misquote someone and then take the high ground. He said "our American beliefs".

I admit HereWeGoAgain could have phrased it better, but the idea is correct. If he had said " They refuse to assimilate into the American culture" he would have been absolutely correct.
I better get out of this thread so I don't get any jizz on me from the racist circle jerk that is going to be going on in here.
You are the jizz, dumbass.

I bet you are the one that ends up eating the cracker.
I have no idea what that means.

Lew use attempting to be funny in an uncouth sorta way, but with his phobia about ejaculate he has has shown himself to be homophobic.

Poor Lew. He is having a terrible sexual identity crisis.
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.
again with the non christian trying to define what a Christian should be.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that one must bend over and take whatever the criminal wants to give you if you plan on going to heaven.
If anyone is going to hell for supporting either side of an argument like above, I suspect it would be the one that is tolerant to the point of letting these animals do as they wish. How many people have to die before you decide its time to do something about it.
I will say one thing, I pray that when your day comes to see them for what they really are, your revelation is not brought on at the expense of a loved one. I hope you see it and fight to correct it before you suffer any type of loss or tragedy ( and yes, I honestly do mean that)
If Matthew is not a Christian, he acts like a |Christian is supposed to. Which is better than most Christians act.

And you would know this how?
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.
again with the non christian trying to define what a Christian should be.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that one must bend over and take whatever the criminal wants to give you if you plan on going to heaven.
If anyone is going to hell for supporting either side of an argument like above, I suspect it would be the one that is tolerant to the point of letting these animals do as they wish. How many people have to die before you decide its time to do something about it.
I will say one thing, I pray that when your day comes to see them for what they really are, your revelation is not brought on at the expense of a loved one. I hope you see it and fight to correct it before you suffer any type of loss or tragedy ( and yes, I honestly do mean that)
If Matthew is not a Christian, he acts like a |Christian is supposed to. Which is better than most Christians act.

And you would know this how?
By his actions on these boards.
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.
again with the non christian trying to define what a Christian should be.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that one must bend over and take whatever the criminal wants to give you if you plan on going to heaven.
If anyone is going to hell for supporting either side of an argument like above, I suspect it would be the one that is tolerant to the point of letting these animals do as they wish. How many people have to die before you decide its time to do something about it.
I will say one thing, I pray that when your day comes to see them for what they really are, your revelation is not brought on at the expense of a loved one. I hope you see it and fight to correct it before you suffer any type of loss or tragedy ( and yes, I honestly do mean that)
If Matthew is not a Christian, he acts like a |Christian is supposed to. Which is better than most Christians act.

And you would know this how?
By his actions on these boards.

That may be true. But do you really know and understand what Christianity , and know what's in his heart? I kinda doubt you do. Just because he has some views that don't mesh with your Liberal ideologies does not make a non-Christian.

The type of Christianity you should be worried about, and condemn, is that practiced by Westboro Baptist Church.

If there is one Bible verse that Liberals should take to heart, it's "Judge, not lest thee be judged".
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
So basically you want America to be all white? And the cancer you speak of is diversity.

Show me where I said that.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

Fine, so how do we "get rid of them" without becoming something just as bad or worse than them?

Thats a good question.
In my mind? We need to stop importing muslims,they are incompatible with western culture.
While hispanics are generally compatible with our religious beliefs they refuse to adapt to our American beliefs.
So i feel the best course of action at this point is to stop all immigration until we figure out the problem. Although I believe if we had controlled our immigration from the get go with sensible immigration laws we wouldnt be where we are now.

The key phrase is all contained right in the middle here:

" 'They' " refuse to adapt to my beliefs"
That's your entire issue wrapped up in seven words.

Yet another Liberal game. Misquote someone and then take the high ground. He said "our American beliefs".

I admit HereWeGoAgain could have phrased it better, but the idea is correct. If he had said " They refuse to assimilate into the American culture" he would have been absolutely correct.

When he tries to spread it out to speak for everybody ("our American beliefs") that's an attempt to hide his own statement through diffusion. I simply paraphrased the spirit of his thinking --- "THEY" have to adjust to "ME" --- but not the other way around.


Actually the word "they" sums up the sentiment all by itself.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

Gee, looks like you've been emboldened.

Yesterday I said Trump had emboldened the bigots, and people scoffed at that notion.

lol, thank you.

That is what he did…legitimize xenophobia.

What you really mean is that we trashed the leftwing idiocy that says it's not acceptable to control our borders. Too bad douche bags like you have a problem with that, but no one cares. Americans have no desire to turn their home country into a dumping ground for all the drek from the third world.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

While I respect your point of view, I don't agree with it.

I don't want these immigrants either.

But the issue of inner cities is our problem and we need to square it away.

So tell me. How do we stop blacks in the inner cities from being the most prolific killers in our country?
At this point no one has done shit about it.
With jobs and building their self worth. The schools are already fine, once you build the self worth the schools will begin to function as intended. If you put a large group of people in a confined area and then dont give them any way to support themselves legally, the WILL resort to criminal activity in order to get their money. They will sell drugs, they will rob, they will kill.
Everyone keeps thinking that education has to come first and it has never worked, more money into the schools is not the answer, more money in to their pockets by being gainfully employed is the only way. I think you would see communities starting tot police themselves, you would see crime rates drop and you would see attendance and performance at schools increase.
Trump is the first candidate in as long as I can remember that has suggested using jobs as a catalyst for positive change.

You need to fix the culture before any of that will work.
The kids that do try and better themselves in school are ostracized by the rest. How the hell do you combat that?
that culture is a product of their environment, you have to change the environment. Jobs will do it. When they see the men in the community going to work every day, earning an honest days pay, the culture will start to change. who do they have as a role model in their community now? Lenny the crack dealer down on the corner? They need real men and women in their own communities to see as role models. this is one time when the change is going to come from the top down. When the start hearing the men joking each other about who produced more at work, or who got promoted etc... instead of who banged who's ho last night, their outlook will change.
None of this is going to change over night. but it has to start somewhere, we know building up schools wont work, flooding the community with small business loans wont work, handing the welfare generation after generation never worked. Jobs are pretty much the last thing to try.

Lenny the crack dealer doesnt want a job,and the others see him making money with very little effort and they want to do the same.
Than you have rap music glorifying the life style and that only compounds the problem.
These people like the gansta lifestyle.
In my opinion the best cure would be having a two parent household where dads around to square the little shits when they start acting the fool. Unfortunately that takes us right back to the culture problem.
While I respect your point of view, I don't agree with it.

I don't want these immigrants either.

But the issue of inner cities is our problem and we need to square it away.

So tell me. How do we stop blacks in the inner cities from being the most prolific killers in our country?
At this point no one has done shit about it.
With jobs and building their self worth. The schools are already fine, once you build the self worth the schools will begin to function as intended. If you put a large group of people in a confined area and then dont give them any way to support themselves legally, the WILL resort to criminal activity in order to get their money. They will sell drugs, they will rob, they will kill.
Everyone keeps thinking that education has to come first and it has never worked, more money into the schools is not the answer, more money in to their pockets by being gainfully employed is the only way. I think you would see communities starting tot police themselves, you would see crime rates drop and you would see attendance and performance at schools increase.
Trump is the first candidate in as long as I can remember that has suggested using jobs as a catalyst for positive change.

You need to fix the culture before any of that will work.
The kids that do try and better themselves in school are ostracized by the rest. How the hell do you combat that?
that culture is a product of their environment, you have to change the environment. Jobs will do it. When they see the men in the community going to work every day, earning an honest days pay, the culture will start to change. who do they have as a role model in their community now? Lenny the crack dealer down on the corner? They need real men and women in their own communities to see as role models. this is one time when the change is going to come from the top down. When the start hearing the men joking each other about who produced more at work, or who got promoted etc... instead of who banged who's ho last night, their outlook will change.
None of this is going to change over night. but it has to start somewhere, we know building up schools wont work, flooding the community with small business loans wont work, handing the welfare generation after generation never worked. Jobs are pretty much the last thing to try.

Lenny the crack dealer doesnt want a job,and the others see him making money with very little effort and they want to do the same.
Than you have rap music glorifying the life style and that only compounds the problem.
These people like the gansta lifestyle.
In my opinion the best cure would be having a two parent household where dads around to square the little shits when they start acting the fool. Unfortunately that takes us right back to the culture problem.
ok, we have tried Big Brother programs, dont work, we have tried pumping more money in the schools, dont work, we have tried jailing them by the thousands for simple weed busts, dont work, we have tried just killing them then finding out if they did anything wrong, really didnt work, we have tried giving them free money, didnt work.
What havent we tried? oh yeah, work with a take home pay that they could support a family on (with a little help from government assistance) what do we have to lose? nothing. Give them jobs so they can see a way out of the shithole they are currently stuck in
So you're good with importing terrorist in hopes of understanding them after they kill a shitload of us?
This is what makes you a special kind of asshole. You are conflating the VICTIMS of terrorism with the terrorists.

Al Qaeda and ISIS have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Vladimir Putin combined.

Hey, if you want to clean up America, how about all those gun-toting poison Skittles murdering 15,000 Americans every year? They make radical Muslims look like pansies. Why don't you start there?
So tell me. How do we stop blacks in the inner cities from being the most prolific killers in our country?
At this point no one has done shit about it.
With jobs and building their self worth. The schools are already fine, once you build the self worth the schools will begin to function as intended. If you put a large group of people in a confined area and then dont give them any way to support themselves legally, the WILL resort to criminal activity in order to get their money. They will sell drugs, they will rob, they will kill.
Everyone keeps thinking that education has to come first and it has never worked, more money into the schools is not the answer, more money in to their pockets by being gainfully employed is the only way. I think you would see communities starting tot police themselves, you would see crime rates drop and you would see attendance and performance at schools increase.
Trump is the first candidate in as long as I can remember that has suggested using jobs as a catalyst for positive change.

You need to fix the culture before any of that will work.
The kids that do try and better themselves in school are ostracized by the rest. How the hell do you combat that?
that culture is a product of their environment, you have to change the environment. Jobs will do it. When they see the men in the community going to work every day, earning an honest days pay, the culture will start to change. who do they have as a role model in their community now? Lenny the crack dealer down on the corner? They need real men and women in their own communities to see as role models. this is one time when the change is going to come from the top down. When the start hearing the men joking each other about who produced more at work, or who got promoted etc... instead of who banged who's ho last night, their outlook will change.
None of this is going to change over night. but it has to start somewhere, we know building up schools wont work, flooding the community with small business loans wont work, handing the welfare generation after generation never worked. Jobs are pretty much the last thing to try.

Lenny the crack dealer doesnt want a job,and the others see him making money with very little effort and they want to do the same.
Than you have rap music glorifying the life style and that only compounds the problem.
These people like the gansta lifestyle.
In my opinion the best cure would be having a two parent household where dads around to square the little shits when they start acting the fool. Unfortunately that takes us right back to the culture problem.
ok, we have tried Big Brother programs, dont work, we have tried pumping more money in the schools, dont work, we have tried jailing them by the thousands for simple weed busts, dont work, we have tried just killing them then finding out if they did anything wrong, really didnt work, we have tried giving them free money, didnt work.
What havent we tried? oh yeah, work with a take home pay that they could support a family on (with a little help from government assistance) what do we have to lose? nothing. Give them jobs so they can see a way out of the shithole they are currently stuck in

When I was a kid living in the burbs and there were no jobs in the area I rode my bike 15 miles to work and back until I saved enough money to get an apartment closer to my job.
Then I found a better job and rode the bus two hours each way until I saved enough money to buy a car.
These people can do the same,why dont they?
So you're good with importing terrorist in hopes of understanding them after they kill a shitload of us?
This is what makes you a special kind of asshole. You are conflating the VICTIMS of terrorism with the terrorists.

Al Qaeda and ISIS have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Vladimir Putin combined.

Hey, if you want to clean up America, how about all those gun-toting poison Skittles murdering 15,000 Americans every year? They make radical Muslims look like pansies. Why don't you start there?

Yeah,those ghetto blacks kill a shitload of people every year.
So you're good with importing terrorist in hopes of understanding them after they kill a shitload of us?
This is what makes you a special kind of asshole. You are conflating the VICTIMS of terrorism with the terrorists.

Al Qaeda and ISIS have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Vladimir Putin combined.

Hey, if you want to clean up America, how about all those gun-toting poison Skittles murdering 15,000 Americans every year? They make radical Muslims look like pansies. Why don't you start there?

I have a better chance of being killed by someone like you driving in your Mini-Van while on your cellphone and cutting off traffic because you are too busy with your phone call to pay attention to the road than being shot by one of those gun owners.

It is amazing how you believe banning guns will make the world a better place and yet terrorists and killers do not care what weapon they use to kill with and do not care if it is legal or illegal to own one!
With jobs and building their self worth. The schools are already fine, once you build the self worth the schools will begin to function as intended. If you put a large group of people in a confined area and then dont give them any way to support themselves legally, the WILL resort to criminal activity in order to get their money. They will sell drugs, they will rob, they will kill.
Everyone keeps thinking that education has to come first and it has never worked, more money into the schools is not the answer, more money in to their pockets by being gainfully employed is the only way. I think you would see communities starting tot police themselves, you would see crime rates drop and you would see attendance and performance at schools increase.
Trump is the first candidate in as long as I can remember that has suggested using jobs as a catalyst for positive change.

You need to fix the culture before any of that will work.
The kids that do try and better themselves in school are ostracized by the rest. How the hell do you combat that?
that culture is a product of their environment, you have to change the environment. Jobs will do it. When they see the men in the community going to work every day, earning an honest days pay, the culture will start to change. who do they have as a role model in their community now? Lenny the crack dealer down on the corner? They need real men and women in their own communities to see as role models. this is one time when the change is going to come from the top down. When the start hearing the men joking each other about who produced more at work, or who got promoted etc... instead of who banged who's ho last night, their outlook will change.
None of this is going to change over night. but it has to start somewhere, we know building up schools wont work, flooding the community with small business loans wont work, handing the welfare generation after generation never worked. Jobs are pretty much the last thing to try.

Lenny the crack dealer doesnt want a job,and the others see him making money with very little effort and they want to do the same.
Than you have rap music glorifying the life style and that only compounds the problem.
These people like the gansta lifestyle.
In my opinion the best cure would be having a two parent household where dads around to square the little shits when they start acting the fool. Unfortunately that takes us right back to the culture problem.
ok, we have tried Big Brother programs, dont work, we have tried pumping more money in the schools, dont work, we have tried jailing them by the thousands for simple weed busts, dont work, we have tried just killing them then finding out if they did anything wrong, really didnt work, we have tried giving them free money, didnt work.
What havent we tried? oh yeah, work with a take home pay that they could support a family on (with a little help from government assistance) what do we have to lose? nothing. Give them jobs so they can see a way out of the shithole they are currently stuck in

When I was a kid living in the burbs and there were no jobs in the area I rode my bike 15 miles to work and back until I saved enough money to get an apartment closer to my job.
Then I found a better job and rode the bus two hours each way until I saved enough money to buy a car.
These people can do the same,why dont they?
so you were the first of the generations that did that or did you grow up around adults with a sense of value.
I dont think you are completely catching

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