I'm just going to flat out say this....

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
except for one small detail.
He is right.
From your prejudiced perspective. But still people like this individual,and you too, are the cancer in this country.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
except for one small detail.
He is right.
From your prejudiced perspective. But still people like this individual,and you too, are the cancer in this country.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
except for one small detail.
He is right.
Funny how that works, someone like you that wants to destroy the country with your political correctness and socialist agenda thinks of those that want to preserve this country as a cancer.
Does a cancer change the cell or does a cancer repair a cell.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

Fine, so how do we "get rid of them" without becoming something just as bad or worse than them?
OLD SCHOOL: Drive /// NEW AGE: Drift

Removing a tumor doesn't turn you into a tumor. Try using logic instead of mindlessly parroting what your father-figure gurus preach to you.
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.
again with the non christian trying to define what a Christian should be.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that one must bend over and take whatever the criminal wants to give you if you plan on going to heaven.
If anyone is going to hell for supporting either side of an argument like above, I suspect it would be the one that is tolerant to the point of letting these animals do as they wish. How many people have to die before you decide its time to do something about it.
I will say one thing, I pray that when your day comes to see them for what they really are, your revelation is not brought on at the expense of a loved one. I hope you see it and fight to correct it before you suffer any type of loss or tragedy ( and yes, I honestly do mean that)

I agree. I think it's evil when our government knowingly does things that end in the murder of citizens. They are tasked with keeping the nation safe and yet they increase the risks for everyone by allowing anyone in.

We won't live free until the lawmakers live in fear.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

i feel ya dude. i figured it would get better after Dick Perry left, but Wheels Abbot only picked up where Dick left off.
Kochist Cowboy in the Clink

Call out the Rangers!
Call out the troops!
The word from the Governor is:

He once was a cowboy
Tending the herd
Wearing glasses,
He looks like a nerd!

RICO was with Sarah
Shooting a moose cow
When word came from Texas
He was headed for the hoosegow!
You need to fix the culture before any of that will work.
The kids that do try and better themselves in school are ostracized by the rest. How the hell do you combat that?
that culture is a product of their environment, you have to change the environment. Jobs will do it. When they see the men in the community going to work every day, earning an honest days pay, the culture will start to change. who do they have as a role model in their community now? Lenny the crack dealer down on the corner? They need real men and women in their own communities to see as role models. this is one time when the change is going to come from the top down. When the start hearing the men joking each other about who produced more at work, or who got promoted etc... instead of who banged who's ho last night, their outlook will change.
None of this is going to change over night. but it has to start somewhere, we know building up schools wont work, flooding the community with small business loans wont work, handing the welfare generation after generation never worked. Jobs are pretty much the last thing to try.

Lenny the crack dealer doesnt want a job,and the others see him making money with very little effort and they want to do the same.
Than you have rap music glorifying the life style and that only compounds the problem.
These people like the gansta lifestyle.
In my opinion the best cure would be having a two parent household where dads around to square the little shits when they start acting the fool. Unfortunately that takes us right back to the culture problem.
ok, we have tried Big Brother programs, dont work, we have tried pumping more money in the schools, dont work, we have tried jailing them by the thousands for simple weed busts, dont work, we have tried just killing them then finding out if they did anything wrong, really didnt work, we have tried giving them free money, didnt work.
What havent we tried? oh yeah, work with a take home pay that they could support a family on (with a little help from government assistance) what do we have to lose? nothing. Give them jobs so they can see a way out of the shithole they are currently stuck in

When I was a kid living in the burbs and there were no jobs in the area I rode my bike 15 miles to work and back until I saved enough money to get an apartment closer to my job.
Then I found a better job and rode the bus two hours each way until I saved enough money to buy a car.
These people can do the same,why dont they?
so you were the first of the generations that did that or did you grow up around adults with a sense of value.
I dont think you are completely catching

My parents divorced when I was eleven.
All it takes is a little effort,which these people cant seem to muster up.
I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I'm not the one crossing the border illegally,sucking the gov tit or killing people in the name of my religion.

Fuck off.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

i feel ya dude. i figured it would get better after Dick Perry left, but Wheels Abbot only picked up where Dick left off.

I see Abbot finally got the balls to stop sanctuary cities now that Trump was elected.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

i feel ya dude. i figured it would get better after Dick Perry left, but Wheels Abbot only picked up where Dick left off.

I see Abbot finally got the balls to stop sanctuary cities now that Trump was elected.

I did not know that, but im glad to. I just dont get trumps weekly make out sessions with mittens though. And the goldman guys, whats up with that ? and McConnels wife? meh, im sure its not as bad as it looks.fingers crossed.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

i feel ya dude. i figured it would get better after Dick Perry left, but Wheels Abbot only picked up where Dick left off.

I see Abbot finally got the balls to stop sanctuary cities now that Trump was elected.

I did not know that, but im glad to. I just dont get trumps weekly make out sessions with mittens though. And the goldman guys, whats up with that ? and McConnels wife? meh, im sure its not as bad as it looks.fingers crossed.

I'll withhold judgment until we have some evidence he's doing the same old shit.

Texas Governor Vows To "Ban Sanctuary Cities" | Zero Hedge
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

i feel ya dude. i figured it would get better after Dick Perry left, but Wheels Abbot only picked up where Dick left off.

I see Abbot finally got the balls to stop sanctuary cities now that Trump was elected.

I did not know that, but im glad to. I just dont get trumps weekly make out sessions with mittens though. And the goldman guys, whats up with that ? and McConnels wife? meh, im sure its not as bad as it looks.fingers crossed.

I'll withhold judgment until we have some evidence he's doing the same old shit.

Texas Governor Vows To "Ban Sanctuary Cities" | Zero Hedge

Thats where im at. On the surface his picks look bad, and he aint even there yet so all we can do is see what happens.
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.
again with the non christian trying to define what a Christian should be.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that one must bend over and take whatever the criminal wants to give you if you plan on going to heaven.
If anyone is going to hell for supporting either side of an argument like above, I suspect it would be the one that is tolerant to the point of letting these animals do as they wish. How many people have to die before you decide its time to do something about it.
I will say one thing, I pray that when your day comes to see them for what they really are, your revelation is not brought on at the expense of a loved one. I hope you see it and fight to correct it before you suffer any type of loss or tragedy ( and yes, I honestly do mean that)

I agree. I think it's evil when our government knowingly does things that end in the murder of citizens. They are tasked with keeping the nation safe and yet they increase the risks for everyone by allowing anyone in.

We won't live free until the lawmakers live in fear.

Can't remember the quote exactly, but so true that when government fears the people, we have freedom and when people fear the government, we have tyranny.
OLD SCHOOL: Drive /// NEW AGE: Drift

Removing a tumor doesn't turn you into a tumor. Try using logic instead of mindlessly parroting what your father-figure gurus preach to you.

We are talking about human beings, not TUMORS.

As reprehensible as I may find some of these humans, I want to know exactly how we remove them from our society without becoming or even being able to be accused of becoming something worse than they are.

I'm not the sort of asshole pseudo intellectual that condescends to people who are actually using reason to ensure the consequences of a solution aren't worse than the problem. If more people did that, there would be less liberals.

OLD SCHOOL: Drive /// NEW AGE: Drift

Removing a tumor doesn't turn you into a tumor. Try using logic instead of mindlessly parroting what your father-figure gurus preach to you.

We are talking about human beings, not TUMORS.

As reprehensible as I may find some of these humans, I want to know exactly how we remove them from our society without becoming or even being able to be accused of becoming something worse than they are.

I'm not the sort of asshole pseudo intellectual that condescends to people who are actually using reason to ensure the consequences of a solution aren't worse than the problem. If more people did that, there would be fewer liberals.
Criminals Are the Enemies of the Human Race.

You're using a widespread but shallow form of logic. Contrary to what we have been told to think, the same action can be harmful or permissible depending on who does it first. "Two wrongs don't make a right" is illogical and makes a pushy unproven assumption that punishing a crime is as wrong as doing the crime.. Under that perspective, which indicates a society with a Death Wish, imprisonment can be seen as a form of kidnapping, making it the second "wrong." But the only real second wrong is letting people get away with it because those whose duty it is to protect society preach leniency, which only encourages the enemies of society.

Claiming that you're not a pseudo-intellectual doesn't prove that you aren't. Your whole way of thinking is superficial, slippery, and obediently copied from highly placed but intentionally misleading pundits who are taking advantage of your laziness in not thinking things out for yourself.
But you see, those like you have it all backwards! You want to prerserve what you have and exclude everyone else, That is how cancer works in a republic.
Let's discuss religion!!
Really, whose is correct?

From your prejudiced perspective. But still people like this individual,and you too, are the cancer in this country.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
except for one small detail.
He is right.
Funny how that works, someone like you that wants to destroy the country with your political correctness and socialist agenda thinks of those that want to preserve this country as a cancer.
Does a cancer change the cell or does a cancer repair a cell.
Tsk Tsk! seems your little panties are all in a twist.
Relax little man.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I'm not the one crossing the border illegally,sucking the gov tit or killing people in the name of my religion.

Fuck off.
Tsk Tsk! seems your little panties are all in a twist.
Relax little man.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I'm not the one crossing the border illegally,sucking the gov tit or killing people in the name of my religion.

Fuck off.

Is that all you got?

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