I'm just going to flat out say this....

Relax little boy!!!
It will all work out.
Kneel before your emperor "the donald!"

Tsk Tsk! seems your little panties are all in a twist.
Relax little man.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I'm not the one crossing the border illegally,sucking the gov tit or killing people in the name of my religion.

Fuck off.

Is that all you got?
Relax little boy!!!
It will all work out.
Kneel before your emperor "the donald!"

Tsk Tsk! seems your little panties are all in a twist.
Relax little man.

I am just going to flat out say this. Screw you!
you are the cancer.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I'm not the one crossing the border illegally,sucking the gov tit or killing people in the name of my religion.

Fuck off.

Is that all you got?

You an illegal or something?
I wonder if humanity will ever reach a time where they don't kill each other over mythology.

So I take it you don't believe in life after death?

I believe there is more to life than this life and that something happens after we die, but belief in something beyond does not equate to some mythical all powerful God of whom you have zero shreds of proof exists.
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.

And where did I call myself a Christian?
While I do identify as Christian I'm not a practicing church going Christian but I respect the Christian religion and what they stand for and would never disparage them.

There are Muslims serving in the US Military. There are Muslims serving in US Law enforcement. They are US Citizens and they have a right to love this country as much as you do.

All souls are capable of being saved.

(Hitler disagreed with Christ on this point. Like you with your Muslims, Hitler thought Jews were born evil and had no chance at redemption)

(you guys scare me)
You maybe right but you probably shouldn't be calling yourself a Christian and you better hope there's no Jesus.

And where did I call myself a Christian?
While I do identify as Christian I'm not a practicing church going Christian but I respect the Christian religion and what they stand for and would never disparage them.

There are Muslims serving in the US Military. There are Muslims serving in US Law enforcement. They are US Citizens and they have a right to love this country as much as you do.

All souls are capable of being saved.

(Hitler disagreed with Christ on this point. Like you with your Muslims, Hitler thought Jews were born evil and had no chance at redemption)

(you guys scare me)

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There's muslims and then there are muslim terrorist.
Until we get a handle on radical islam we should ban all muslim immigration.
And funny you should mention muslims in the military.
Does this name ring a bell? Nidal Hasan.
Criminals Are the Enemies of the Human Race.

You're using a widespread but shallow form of logic. Contrary to what we have been told to think, the same action can be harmful or permissible depending on who does it first. "Two wrongs don't make a right" is illogical and makes a pushy unproven assumption that punishing a crime is as wrong as doing the crime.. Under that perspective, which indicates a society with a Death Wish, imprisonment can be seen as a form of kidnapping, making it the second "wrong." But the only real second wrong is letting people get away with it because those whose duty it is to protect society preach leniency, which only encourages the enemies of society.

Claiming that you're not a pseudo-intellectual doesn't prove that you aren't. Your whole way of thinking is superficial, slippery, and obediently copied from highly placed but intentionally misleading pundits who are taking advantage of your laziness in not thinking things out for yourself.

Then put your money where your mouth is, which is hard to tell since you're talking out your ass, and get rid of these people yourself and see what happens.

OLD SCHOOL: Drive /// NEW AGE: Drift

Removing a tumor doesn't turn you into a tumor. Try using logic instead of mindlessly parroting what your father-figure gurus preach to you.

We are talking about human beings, not TUMORS.

As reprehensible as I may find some of these humans, I want to know exactly how we remove them from our society without becoming or even being able to be accused of becoming something worse than they are.

I'm not the sort of asshole pseudo intellectual that condescends to people who are actually using reason to ensure the consequences of a solution aren't worse than the problem. If more people did that, there would be less liberals.

uneducated disease riddled and infiltrated by the people who will pay any price just to kill you dead. They are worse then tumors.
uneducated disease riddled and infiltrated by the people who will pay any price just to kill you dead. They are worse then tumors.

Who wants to be first to start the extermination then?

Can you do it? Set up electric bleachers on the WH Lawn and roast 1000 people with the throw of a switch?

I want these assholes out too, I just don't like giving government carte blanche to throw people out without due process.

Give the gov't that power and when the bed wetters are in charge again, guess what?

uneducated disease riddled and infiltrated by the people who will pay any price just to kill you dead. They are worse then tumors.

Who wants to be first to start the extermination then?

Can you do it? Set up electric bleachers on the WH Lawn and roast 1000 people with the throw of a switch?

I want these assholes out too, I just don't like giving government carte blanche to throw people out without due process.

Give the gov't that power and when the bed wetters are in charge again, guess what?

Hyperbolic gayness. Illegal aliens are not deserving of due process simply because they broke the law to get here. Screw them.
Hyperbolic gayness. Illegal aliens are not deserving of due process simply because they broke the law to get here. Screw them.

The OP didn't single out illegals.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I agree illegals have no rights. Throw them all out. I'd even support deportations of third time infiltrators with criminal records to be transported with "green" energy.

So how do we remove these other "cancers" from our midst?

Hyperbolic gayness. Illegal aliens are not deserving of due process simply because they broke the law to get here. Screw them.

The OP didn't single out illegals.

Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

I agree illegals have no rights. Throw them all out. I'd even support deportations of third time infiltrators with criminal records to be transported with "green" energy.

So how do we remove these other "cancers" from our midst?

I know he diddnt. I diddnt either. We cant absorb 100,000 more low skill low wage workers. As it is the ones here already strain a strained system. Let their neighbors in the middle east deal with them.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.

While I respect your point of view, I don't agree with it.

I don't want these immigrants either.

But the issue of inner cities is our problem and we need to square it away.

So tell me. How do we stop blacks in the inner cities from being the most prolific killers in our country?
At this point no one has done shit about it.
With jobs and building their self worth. The schools are already fine, once you build the self worth the schools will begin to function as intended. If you put a large group of people in a confined area and then dont give them any way to support themselves legally, the WILL resort to criminal activity in order to get their money. They will sell drugs, they will rob, they will kill.
Everyone keeps thinking that education has to come first and it has never worked, more money into the schools is not the answer, more money in to their pockets by being gainfully employed is the only way. I think you would see communities starting to police themselves, you would see crime rates drop and you would see attendance and performance at schools increase.
Trump is the first candidate in as long as I can remember that has suggested using jobs as a catalyst for positive change.
I'm guessing you agree with Obama that Muslim terrorists can be changed with a "jobs program."
Finally a Trump supporter comes clean about why they really voted for Trump
What do you mean "finally"?

I've been saying this all along.

Stopping the colonization of the USA by the Turd World is why I voted for him.

It is THE issue of our day.
You were holding back. Don't try to con people. Tell them how you really feel.
So basically you want America to be all white? And the cancer you speak of is diversity.
"Diversity" is a cancer. Societies all function better when the culture is homogenous.

The world wold be a better place if you could go to England and see ENGLISH people. To France and experience FRENCH culture -- not worry about being assaulted by violent Muslims.

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