I'm Moving

Dunno. You've been MIA for awhile. I thought maybe you were let loose and escaped the skinheads in prison but I guess not?
Kinda wondering where you're going to run to to get away from crime. I live out in the middle of BFE and my neighbors on both sides have had shit stolen and I'm on my 4th mailbox after the first 3 were destroyed by a punk in a truck with a baseball bat.

Crime is everywhere. If you could run from it, everyone would.
As you can see from where I live, I love diversity
As you can see from where I live, I love diversity
That was really your neighborhood? Did you film it with your cell phone? Do you just wait at your window for this shit so you can catch it on vid?
As you can see from where I live, I love diversity
That was really your neighborhood? Did you film it with your cell phone? Do you just wait at your window for this shit so you can catch it on vid?
Yes, Yes, You don't have to wait for shit like this, it happens all the time
I keep a weather eye out and sleep with the window open so that I can hear metallic sounds in the night. I have busted a lot of parking lot burglars, so they don't worry me.

I keep a cell phone handy always and for when there is not time for the phone I keep a 45ACP at my side for those moments.

If need be I can grab my 12 gauge as well.
i live on a private road(dirt) with just 2 other neighbors and a lot of woods and wild life, the road is at least 5 miles long....i think it was an old timer logging road cuz when you get near the end you can see areas that were cleared but now have all new scattered tree growth compared to the rest of the woods which has large mature trees...there's an old small homesteader log cabin down there at the end of the land parcel that still has a functioning wood burning stove... really cool place to relax after the long winter walk...

they don't deliver mail to my house, we have to go to the main road which is barely paved, to get the mail....

we have had our mail box knocked over, actually every winter the mailman ends up skidding in to it and my neighbors and knocking them both over...

Josh, my neighbor has been working and welding a new mailbox set up the past few days for the two of us that Matt (the hubby) says is gonna be like the HERCULES of mail box set ups and will never get destroyed again!!! Can't wait to see what he came up with!!!

There is virtually no violent crime here...and the crime you do hear about in the bigger towns on the news, is usually domestic violence of some sort....not some violent shooting in the street with one gang against another... we do not even have a police department in my town....we do have a volunteer fire dept...and a small post office that never has lines, and roads that really never have traffic...when you come to the stop sign to turn on to US 1, if you have to wait for a car or two to go by before making the turn, we complain about traffic and how busy the highway is! :p

the trick to less crime, is less people (less stress) and snowy winters! No one's gonna rob you when you can simply follow the snow prints of where the thief went! :D
^ You underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

Although to be fair, a lot of them robbers leaving houses in Alaska also leave a bright red trail as well...
^ You underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

Although to be fair, a lot of them robbers leaving houses in Alaska also leave a bright red trail as well...
are you in Alaska? I don't know why crime is so high there? MAINE has a very very low crime rate....compared to the rest of the U.S,

though I;ve noticed it has been getting worse...
Kinda wondering where you're going to run to to get away from crime. I live out in the middle of BFE and my neighbors on both sides have had shit stolen and I'm on my 4th mailbox after the first 3 were destroyed by a punk in a truck with a baseball bat.

Crime is everywhere. If you could run from it, everyone would.
You don't run from it - you kill it.
Lowlifes are everywhere. I hate large cities. Here is just fine. I prefer the beach but even there is getting too....people-ish.
^ You underestimate the stupidity of criminals.

Although to be fair, a lot of them robbers leaving houses in Alaska also leave a bright red trail as well...
are you in Alaska? I don't know why crime is so high there? MAINE has a very very low crime rate....compared to the rest of the U.S,

though I;ve noticed it has been getting worse...

Alaska isn't so bad, depends on the crime you're worried about. Hate to say it but a fuck ton of Alaska crime is drunk natives abusing their bitches and we can't do jack shit about it because they have their own tribunals and only call the troopers when the guys get way out of hand. They just forgive and move on as has been their tradition for generations and generations. We did have a recent hoo-rah with gangs trying to weasel in on Anchorage, mostly a huge car stealing ring; then they stole a ladies car while she was warming it up for church and that was "too damned far." I expect our rates to be a bit lower next year...

Maine's beautiful country though. I was there in the fall and it was just amazing with all the colors. My ex-parent-in-laws moved back up here because they said it was "too liberal" - I guess the church in their hometown had gotten shut down or something and they're super religious so they came back to their church up here. (He was Air Force and they'd moved back after he retired, I think they were only gone like three years or something before they needed their "support group" back.)
My son has no crime where he lives. He lives in a gated community. They have two homeowners associations. All the cars have transponders. That stops anyone from sneaking in.

Its all white. Blacks and Hispanics can live there. They just choose not to. Too expensive too restrictive.

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