I'm Not American but in my heart i am.

Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?

I saw one clip where a live update on CNN showed Trump losing votes, actually going backward on his number of votes. How does that happen?
Someone in the control room is screwing up with the graphics. The tally has no connection to any govt. facility and it doesn't matter since CNN is just reporting on the current affair..

Bullshit. They never corrected it...
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?

I saw one clip where a live update on CNN showed Trump losing votes, actually going backward on his number of votes. How does that happen?
Someone in the control room is screwing up with the graphics. The tally has no connection to any govt. facility and it doesn't matter since CNN is just reporting on the current affair..

Bullshit. They never corrected it...
Like it matters since it is nothing official. I can't see why anyone would think that CNN is some kind of vote tabulator for the election commission of any state or any county..
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?

I saw one clip where a live update on CNN showed Trump losing votes, actually going backward on his number of votes. How does that happen?
Someone in the control room is screwing up with the graphics. The tally has no connection to any govt. facility and it doesn't matter since CNN is just reporting on the current affair..

Bullshit. They never corrected it...
Eggsactly. Welp. I just had my 2nd strong Bloody Mary and am feeling a little intoxlimicated.

Posting while intoxicated probably ain't a good idea. Don't want to get a PUI. Posting under the influence.
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
What is wrong with being French?
You have thousands of years of culture going back to when it was Gaul under the Romans.
The Palace at Versailles built by Louis XIV the 'Sun King'. The glorious French Revolution.
Paris and The Eiffel Tower. The French language. Why would you want to give up all that for hamburgers with ketchup?
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
What is wrong with being French?
You have thousands of years of culture going back to when it was Gaul under the Romans.
The Palace at Versailles built by Louis XIV the 'Sun King'. The glorious French Revolution.
Paris and The Eiffel Tower. The French language. Why would you want to give up all that for hamburgers with ketchup?
Are your legs real hairy by chance? Braid your pits? Weed Whack the bush? Eat mayo with your fries?
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
What is wrong with being French?
You have thousands of years of culture going back to when it was Gaul under the Romans.
The Palace at Versailles built by Louis XIV the 'Sun King'. The glorious French Revolution.
Paris and The Eiffel Tower. The French language. Why would you want to give up all that for hamburgers with ketchup?
Are your legs real hairy by chance? Braid your pits? Weed Whack the bush? Eat mayo with your fries?
Na., none of those things! I assume you're still confusing me with this 'Silver Fox' character you used to know.
Trust me I would never use the avatar 'Silver fox' as it sounds a bit pervy and you never really explained what 'Boston' has to do with it?
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?

CNN showed it
Not committed it
You burned out stoner.
Everyone, calm down. The OP was just a joke, and should be treated as one.

Dalia is just pulling the RWNJs' collective leg.

Take advantage of the opportunity, and run with it.

Are you the brother of the big arms L.K.Eder ?
No, just someone who enjoys watching a successful practical joke.

I don't know you at the forum but you surely act like big arm always ready to insult the member.
No insult intended, just congratulations for fooling so many people.

Writing with the "accent" with no misspellings gave you away.

The message board "spell check" just isn't that good. Additionally, if your spelling could be corrected so easily, your grammar and sentence structure would be much better.

It's a rookie mistake, but you have obvious potential. So keep trying.

And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
What is wrong with being French?
You have thousands of years of culture going back to when it was Gaul under the Romans.
The Palace at Versailles built by Louis XIV the 'Sun King'. The glorious French Revolution.
Paris and The Eiffel Tower. The French language. Why would you want to give up all that for hamburgers with ketchup?
Are your legs real hairy by chance? Braid your pits? Weed Whack the bush? Eat mayo with your fries?
Na., none of those things! I assume you're still confusing me with this 'Silver Fox' character you used to know.
Trust me I would never use the avatar 'Silver fox' as it sounds a bit pervy and you never really explained what 'Boston' has to do with it?
Well you make brazen assumptions about Americans so I returned serve. Silver Fox was the husband of such character I mistook you for. Sorry. I mistook you in the fog. Anyway Silver Fox had silver hair with a silver beard. They lived in England. She an expatriate. She had a son and a daughter. Now you know everything. Her handle was TheGreatAndPowerfulOz. She was a leftist loon bag so I mistook you for the same. You post exactly alike.
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.

GOD Bless you, Dalia! :clap:
"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?

I saw one clip where a live update on CNN showed Trump losing votes, actually going backward on his number of votes. How does that happen?
Someone in the control room is screwing up with the graphics. The tally has no connection to any govt. facility and it doesn't matter since CNN is just reporting on the current affair..

Bullshit. They never corrected it...
Like it matters since it is nothing official. I can't see why anyone would think that CNN is some kind of vote tabulator for the election commission of any state or any county..
Keep in mind, you are arguing with one of the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs. Their knowledge of election procedures make those procedures what ever they want them to be, and done by anyone their twisted minds choose..

"If you plant Islam on your soil, don't be surprised if you grow Sharia Law."
Right-wing Christians should welcome Sharia Law.

With a few minor tweaks that Islamic dogma could pass for the Christian conservatives' convoluted reinterpretations of their preferred Holy Books. Their views of scripture are every bit as unreasonable and oppressive as the Sharia Law they condemn. In some ways, more so.

In what ways more so please?
That, depends on the Christian conservative who is reinterpreting Holy Scripture at the moment.

Christian conservatives' application of Biblical teachings are flexible and selective.

This is much the same as the RWNJs' reinterpretation of constitutional law, limited as it is, but always selectively applied.

The impeached president trump's corruption is an excellent example. His actions, if done by President Biden while in office, will bring immediate demands from the RWNJs that he be impeached.

But, unlike the RWNJs, if Biden pulls one tenth the bullsh!t of the impeached president trump, the people who voted for him will be demanding his ouster.


And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
It was 100 percent fixed , sham election and this nation is dead to me
T won by several million votes against the illegitimate swine , Joe “China doll “ Sanders
Ones dna is who one is. I was born in america but I am a swede because of my dna which ranks above where Ii was born
And i watch the election and i'm not blind and i saw the fraud in live on CNN ++++ Conservative i am, so if the election was a fair one i would have said ; Well we lost and i would have accept it the result because being a conservative that mean not being a bad loser and accept with proud the defeat but this was not the case.
You are much more American Dalia than these trolls here who live in the states like LK who blatantly ignore facts that this was the most massive vote fraud that ever took place in mankind history.these trolls likeLK that come in and claim there was no vote fraud,make up lies when they can’t refute facts and cover their ears when you post videos of proof that vote fraud took place,that is not american so they therefore are fraud Americans who hate America.they are all a disgracebto their country making up lies as they do and ignoring facts.

this Is all the proof in the world vote fraud took placethat nobody in their right mind would deny. In the six swing states where the votes for Biden were all in question,Long after the deadline for voting ended and they stopped counting the votes,in the night,several hours later,trucks full of mail came in with thousands of unmarked mail with most the votes being for Biden came in,and these trucks all came in at about the same time,that is way too much of a coincidence.

not only that,but in one of the states,the workers were told to go home after they were told a water pipe burst,after they went home,there were a few workers caught on tape from cameras in the builildimg coming back into the buillding and they were getting out bundles of mail that were underneath some desk and they started pulling out the mail and counting them.not only that,but later on they found out that there was no water pipe that burst that it was a lie. Nobody in their right mind can sappy vote fraud did not happen that night. :cuckoo:

here is the real proof vote fraud took place though,trumps lawyers and whistleblowers have got death threats issued to their familys and the whistleblowers have even been beat up badly and one shot and killed,for anybody to say that is not evidence of vote fraud,they are a stupid idiot that cannot be debated.
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
Yes, you have it the link below

Hammer and Scorecard EVIDENCE: The Moment the Vote-Flipping Occurs on CNN
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
When counting the vote stop when Trump was a head for a start .
it was very strange I went to bed around 3.00 am French time and at that time Trump was well ahead and in the early morning again he was doing pretty good he had the Wisconsin , Michigan, Georgia, Penssylvania, North Carolina and To see after all his advance melt like snow in the sun for after that all the vote when for Biden.
There are many trolls that have penetrated this site that are paid shills for China Dalia.All the people that give thumbs up for the people that cliaim you did not give evidence vote fraud happened,are all paid shills that have penetrated this site taking money payoffs to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions about it,I put most of them on ignore.I don’t feed the trolls like LD Eder For example.

You hit the nail on the head about him that the look he has in his avatar is exactly how his attitude is as well. :thup:
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
Yes, you have it the link below

Hammer and Scorecard EVIDENCE: The Moment the Vote-Flipping Occurs on CNN
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
When counting the vote stop when Trump was a head for a start .
it was very strange I went to bed around 3.00 am French time and at that time Trump was well ahead and in the early morning again he was doing pretty good he had the Wisconsin , Michigan, Georgia, Penssylvania, North Carolina and To see after all his advance melt like snow in the sun for after that all the vote when for Biden.
You are aware that CNN is a broadcasting company and is in no way an official election center?

It seems to me that Dalia, for whom english is a second language, expressed
the idea that something REPORTED BY CNN ----suggested to her that there had
been fraud
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
Yes, you have it the link below

Hammer and Scorecard EVIDENCE: The Moment the Vote-Flipping Occurs on CNN
Can you pinpoint exactly when CNN committed the election fraud?
When counting the vote stop when Trump was a head for a start .
it was very strange I went to bed around 3.00 am French time and at that time Trump was well ahead and in the early morning again he was doing pretty good he had the Wisconsin , Michigan, Georgia, Penssylvania, North Carolina and To see after all his advance melt like snow in the sun for after that all the vote when for Biden.

Dalia, we've explained this to you before. Many times.

First, there was no time when the "counting stopped". That simply did not happen.

Second, yes there was a swing in the results, and that's because some states, including Wisconsin, including Pennsylvania, were ordered by their (Republican) legislatures to not count the mail-in votes until after election day ............ which meant that those votes, heavily Biden votes, HAD TO SIT ON THE SHELF GATHERING DUST FOR WEEKS.

When election day came and the walk-up votes were counted immediately, those votes leaned toward Rump. When that was done and they FINALLY got to count the mail-in ballots, of which there were many due to COVID concerns, THEN is when Rump lost his lead and Biden pulled ahead.

THE SYSTEM WORKED EXACTLY AS THEY HAD SET IT UP TO WORK. Anyone who is acting "surprised" at the way the system was rigged to respond, is simply being DISHONEST.

There is NO FRAUD going on. It's a system dishonestly set up to LOOK LIKE a "sudden swing". State legislatures set that up, despite pleas to let them count votes as they came in --- and they refused. THERE is where the blame belongs.

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