I'm Not Really Sure Why I Have Received Comments That This Is Blasphemous

It points out that "some" claim to be what they are not.........clearly they do not believe in or accept the actual Christian Doctrine found to exist within the canon of the Holy Bible, or they would not act contrary to the actual words thereof. As the Christ pointed out, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him....the word that I have spoken will judge him on that day (judgement day)." -- John 12:48

What judges them? Not me........I have never professed to write one word found in the actual content of the Holy Bible, I simply defend that which is actually recorded, as its those very words that will one day judge us all, "I saw the dead, small and great standing before God, and books (Bible literally means the Books, there are 66 books, written by at least 38 different inspired by the Holy Ghost authors, all in total agreement) were open. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books." -- Rev.20:12 Both books are used in judgement........the Words recorded by the Holy Spirit of God (all scripture is given by inspiration of God -- 2 Tim. 3:16) and the actual way a person lives their lives, either repentant and saved by the Grace of Christ who is our advocate standing between God and our sin.......or unwilling to profess their sins before God (unrepentant). Some clearly have to much personal pride to allow the Books to guide their lives. Some demand they have the right to live a good life void of any instruction of God's Law and find salvation THEIR WAY.

Its a matter of "logic" and "reason". To claim ignorance of the law which is written for our benefit (God wishes everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved -- 1 Tim. 2:4) means a person is not accountable if he/she has good intentions and is not lost if they do not understand the Bible by rightly dividing the truth because they have never read nor been instructed in scriptural truth.......then one can only conclude that the world would be better off never even having seen nor heard of the Holy Word of God.........the Gospel or Good News. Thus, the gospel would not be the "good news" by which men could be saved.......but rather contrary, the news by which people would be condemned in their sins.

That's still off topic though.
Private interpretation is forbidden. Personal/Private interpretation no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. the Holy Ghost would contradict Himself in favor of private interpretation

Clyde, you write a good post but where is there any private interpretation? Private interpretation implies an interpretation that conflicts with the word in the Bible--- how has that happened here?

And if you think writing a religious themed fiction account for kids to introduce them to and attract them to God is the work of Satan (as some have implied here), then holy crap, boy howdy, you better get busy.

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Oh, the horror-- Better contact these publishers quick and tell them THERE SHALL BE NO DISCUSSION OF GOD EXCEPT FOR READING IT VERBATIM OUT OF THE BIBLE. :smoke:
Clyde, you write a good post but where is there any private interpretation? Private interpretation implies an interpretation that conflicts with the word in the Bible--- how has that happened here?

And if you think writing a religious themed fiction account for kids to introduce them to and attract them to God is the work of Satan (as some have implied here), then holy crap, boy howdy, you better get busy.

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Oh, the horror-- Better contact these publishers quick and tell them THERE SHALL BE NO DISCUSSION OF GOD EXCEPT FOR READING IT VERBATIM OUT OF THE BIBLE. :smoke:
It would be awful if I could not get a really good giggle every time I see images like this one and picture the carnally minded thoughts that bring them forth. I mean who doesn't love the picture of all those critters on a boat from our childhood?

1. God did come to earth as Jesus Christ.
2. I don't care if you believe me or not. Believe whatever you want to believe. I still think you're a sweet person anyways.

He did, but He also remained in Heaven and Jesus prayed to Him. You are specifically choosing not to portray Jesus as come to earth (which He did) but God Himself.
Yeah........the Church that Christ built really got a hold of me (Matthew 16), especially when you are commanded to be sanctified in the Word of Truth. What is Christian Truth? "Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth (God's Word)." -- John 17:17 Sanctify: Make pure or free from sin or guilt.
Just like all that cannot back up their doctrine by the Holy Word of God........you attempt to attack the messenger instead of addressing the actual content found within the Word of God. Why? Deceit and Deflection are the only weapons of Satan and His minion. Thanks for the quit essential example.

One cannot enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the spiritual kingdom that Christ constructed void of being born again of the water and the spirit. (John 3:5). What is being born of the water again? Its symbolic of water salvation as Noah was saved via water Christian are saved by water (Baptism.....submerssion) -- 1 Peter 3:20-21.

You can't even see the kingdom of God void of water baptism, "Jesus answered and said to them, 'Verily, Verily, I unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God..i.e, the church (thoughout the scriptures......the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Church as synonymous in use)" Why? the kingdom/church is a spiritual kingdom that resides in the heart of the believers.......not literally of this earth. (Luke 17:21)

We are also commanded to worship in Spirit and Truth, we are not to worship in Truth as decided by personal interpretation but by the Truth presented in the Word of God. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God....." (Romans 10:17)

Private interpretation is forbidden. What do you call it when you can't present and confirm your doctrine via a presentation of the inspired word of God? Personal/Private interpretation, man made tradition.

"Knowing this first, no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of men: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." -- 2 Peter 1:20-21 I find it hard to believe that the Holy Ghost would contradict Himself in favor of private interpretation void of scriptural authorization just to make some "feel" superior to other members of the church because of some private talent.

Because it is a tortured interpretation. Tortured, Clyde. It's like saying the disciples walked everywhere so no one should ride animals. There are no verses, no Scripture, banning or prohibiting the use of instruments in worship. There just are not. That's the last air I'm giving this.

PS to everyone reading: it's really sad when one denomination tortures Scripture like this and is sure they are right about so small a thing. But it happens. Because Christians are people--me included.
Well, I'd really like to know as the question was way too vague considering the post she responded to.

Besides, I'm not much of a blind faith believer kind of guy; I mainly only believe in things I've seen demonstrable proof of.

If you believe we are simply molecules in motion and yet have highly attuned moral consciences, then you just shattered your entire statement.
Clyde, you write a good post but where is there any private interpretation? Private interpretation implies an interpretation that conflicts with the word in the Bible--- how has that happened here?

And if you think writing a religious themed fiction account for kids to introduce them to and attract them to God is the work of Satan (as some have implied here), then holy crap, boy howdy, you better get busy.

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Oh, the horror-- Better contact these publishers quick and tell them THERE SHALL BE NO DISCUSSION OF GOD EXCEPT FOR READING IT VERBATIM OUT OF THE BIBLE. :smoke:

You're being disingenuous. No one is saying there can be no discussion or reading ABOUT God outside the Bible. The OP is not expounding or explaining or adding details to a known Bible story.

She is rewriting God Himself. C'mon.
It would be awful if I could not get a really good giggle every time I see images like this one and picture the carnally minded thoughts that bring them forth. I mean who doesn't love the picture of all those critters on a boat from our childhood?

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There is nothing wrong with this. It's in the Bible. It's a cutesy pic for kids of a Bible account. I wouldn't even be that opposed to a modern telling of Noah. Be kindof interesting to be honest.

Why not?

Because Noah is not holy. He is not God.
SweetSue92, thankfully you do not get the initial or the final say to be "opposed" on how, what or whom God will use.
Hypocrisy and ignorance runs rampant throughout but even so ultimately the Lord does say, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.


FJB, I read part of what you wrote and again I see no issues with what portions I read. I have to snapshot and download to enlarge to read and then the colors are still a strain to read so I'm not going to do that with all of it.

Each and every one is in a learning curve while living here in this world and not all learn at the same pace. It does seem at times that some may never learn and may remain asleep in the dust (confusion) of the earth for eternity and that is where God's mercy comes in. God is a Spirit and that in itself is difficult for many to fully grasp; even for many of those who proclaim to be believers. If God uses your creative writing to knock on the door of someones heart to get them seeking and searching for God and Jesus Christ that is great.
SweetSue92, thankfully you do not get the initial or the final say to be "opposed" on how, what or whom God will use.
Hypocrisy and ignorance runs rampant throughout but even so ultimately the Lord does say, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.


FJB, I read part of what you wrote and again I see no issues with what portions I read. I have to snapshot and download to enlarge to read and then the colors are still a strain to read so I'm not going to do that with all of it.

Each and every one is in a learning curve while living here in this world and not all learn at the same pace. It does seem at times that some may never learn and may remain asleep in the dust (confusion) of the earth for eternity and that is where God's mercy comes in. God is a Spirit and that in itself is difficult for many to fully grasp; even for many of those who proclaim to be believers. If God uses your creative writing to knock on the door of someones heart to get them seeking and searching for God and Jesus Christ that is great.

I absolutely am not. Nor do I claim to be. But God is:

God is so Holy that He says no one can see His face and live (Exodus 33:20). Witness this in other places--Isaiah where he was "undone" and in Revelation where John was swept to Heaven and "felt himself dead". This is all Scripture, which we are to take as the final authority on God. Not our imaginations of what if this or what if that.
I absolutely am not. Nor do I claim to be. But God is:

God is so Holy that He says no one can see His face and live (Exodus 33:20). Witness this in other places--Isaiah where he was "undone" and in Revelation where John was swept to Heaven and "felt himself dead". This is all Scripture, which we are to take as the final authority on God. Not our imaginations of what if this or what if that.


First verse--idolatry. Right. Bad news.

Second verse--are you not here being judgmental of me while accusing me of being judgmental?

This is the problem when you start throwing "judgmental" around.
First verse--idolatry. Right. Bad news.

Second verse--are you not here being judgmental of me while accusing me of being judgmental?

This is the problem when you start throwing "judgmental" around.
Is that being "judgmental" or just showing you that you have your own hypocrisy?
SweetSue92, thankfully you do not get the initial or the final say to be "opposed" on how, what or whom God will use.
Hypocrisy and ignorance runs rampant throughout but even so ultimately the Lord does say, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.


FJB, I read part of what you wrote and again I see no issues with what portions I read. I have to snapshot and download to enlarge to read and then the colors are still a strain to read so I'm not going to do that with all of it.

Each and every one is in a learning curve while living here in this world and not all learn at the same pace. It does seem at times that some may never learn and may remain asleep in the dust (confusion) of the earth for eternity and that is where God's mercy comes in. God is a Spirit and that in itself is difficult for many to fully grasp; even for many of those who proclaim to be believers. If God uses your creative writing to knock on the door of someones heart to get them seeking and searching for God and Jesus Christ that is great.

Moreover, it is the image of God part that is troublesome and I'm not alone. From the popular site "Got Questions":

The second commandment, recorded in Exodus 20:4–5, reads, “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them.” Likely, this refers back to the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before Me,” and specifically forbids the creation of idols. But it is equally dangerous to create an image of God Himself. God has given us reminders enough of His power and glory (Romans 1:20) without man attempting to use created things to represent the Creator.

FJB please understand my motivation is not to just crush you by me being right. I don't want you to go down a path that I am convinced--and other Christians are as well--is not good for you or readers. I think there is plenty you could right about that would be engaging. But not this. :(
Is that being "judgmental" or just showing you that you have your own hypocrisy?

Of course I do. As do we all. But that doesn't mean that we can't call wrong wrong or right right, especially when we are espousing Scripture.

I see nothing in Scripture that says it's a great idea to make God into something He is not--and represent Him that way. I see plenty where that is counterindicated.
It would be awful if I could not get a really good giggle every time I see images like this one and picture the carnally minded thoughts that bring them forth. I mean who doesn't love the picture of all those critters on a boat from our childhood?

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I get thoughts too when I see my character's face claim,.. however unlike the stories and DJ himself they aren't really family friendly or sinless. 0__o (The ladies will know what I'm talking about on this one. XD)


He did, but He also remained in Heaven and Jesus prayed to Him. You are specifically choosing not to portray Jesus as come to earth (which He did) but God Himself.


Moreover, it is the image of God part that is troublesome and I'm not alone. From the popular site "Got Questions":

The second commandment, recorded in Exodus 20:4–5, reads, “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them.” Likely, this refers back to the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before Me,” and specifically forbids the creation of idols. But it is equally dangerous to create an image of God Himself. God has given us reminders enough of His power and glory (Romans 1:20) without man attempting to use created things to represent the Creator.

FJB please understand my motivation is not to just crush you by me being right. I don't want you to go down a path that I am convinced--and other Christians are as well--is not good for you or readers. I think there is plenty you could right about that would be engaging. But not this. :(

Okay that is completely ridiculous now you're just saying the Bible is saying something it's not. All it's saying is that we shouldn't worship anything but the real God. I'm not worshipping DJ and neither are my readers. I'm just using him so they can get to know the real God who is somebody who is funny and loving and would love to have a relationship with all of His children. The other stuff of course about the rock and roll and DJ's other hobbies and interests of course are entirely fictional,.. but guess what? Everybody knows that already it's not like it's some big secret. :rolleyes: (Just like every rational person Christian or not will understand that Harry Potter isn't real either.)
Of course I do. As do we all. But that doesn't mean that we can't call wrong wrong or right right, especially when we are espousing Scripture.

I see nothing in Scripture that says it's a great idea to make God into something He is not--and represent Him that way. I see plenty where that is counterindicated.
You repeatedly show your own hypocrisy and I understand that you cannot seem to see it. Understanding only comes by virtue of the Spirit. We each have that but too many try to judge by the flesh not knowing the battle takes place in the mind.

If creativity of any kind is labelled as being a graven image you may as well join ISIS and go blow up historical sites and if what you and the consensus you reference is so then every piece of art of every kind must be destroyed, every computer and phone needs to also be thrown out and you damn sure do not want to keep any family mementos or historical venues and museums going.
Because it is a tortured interpretation. Tortured, Clyde. It's like saying the disciples walked everywhere so no one should ride animals. There are no verses, no Scripture, banning or prohibiting the use of instruments in worship. There just are not. That's the last air I'm giving this.

PS to everyone reading: it's really sad when one denomination tortures Scripture like this and is sure they are right about so small a thing. But it happens. Because Christians are people--me included.
Tortured interpretation to the one that fails to obey the gospel truth? As pointed out, there is no private interpretation allowed..........2 Peter 1:20-21. There is no interpretation required to comprehend the fact there is no record in the N.T. of anyone using musical instruments in praise of and worship to God in a congregational service......the record is either there or its not.

I simply pointed........IT IS NOT. With the inspired command of the Holy Ghost declaring, ".......do not go beyond what is written so as not to get "puffed up" within yourself in comparison of another church member" (1 Cor. 4:6) Its a command not to think of ANY MAN as being better than what is written.

The kingdom of God is about equality of the spirit/soul with everyone having an equal opportunity for salvation. (Gal. 3:28) That's what the perfect law of liberty is all about.........grace, the law was revealed by God, not to save people but to reveal the moral code to all men that leads to salvation. The law by itself does not save nor condemn..........it identifies that which God finds moral or immoral, right or wrong, righteous or unrighteous.

Consider God's revelation concerning men and woman and their place within the church. God is not declaring that a man is superior to any woman because a woman is forbidden to hold a superior office within the Chruch. Its revealed God thinks of every soul as being equal (Gal. 3:28).......the guidance of not allowing women to hold superior positions to men is simply recorded in that fashion because its the natural procession of leadership from the beginning of time. God, Man, Woman, children......the man came first at creation and is the leader of any family unit and its explained in detail in the N.T. God is not going to send anyone to hell equal because she was born a woman anymore than He will send anyone to hell because they have a talent to use a musical instrument or enjoys the tone thereof, its just not suggested during church services...as its a source to cause unjustified division and jealousy.

Consider what is actually recorded in the Holy Scriptures.....there is no translation required, the scriptures interpretate themselves when read in context, by the actual content and subject matter of the entire passage. Peter pointed this out in 2 Peter 1:20........the prophet who was inspired by the Holy Ghost has already interpretated the message and recorded it. Your duty is to simply read it, comprehend it and come to the knowledge of the truth that leads to salvation (1 Tim. 2:4)

Clear unambiguous. A woman cannot teach a man according to God's chain of command (1 Tim. 2: 11-12).
A woman can help a man in the instruction of man, as a woman was created to be a man's helper and companion (Acts 18:26). This does not mean a woman is inferior to a man any more than a child is inferior to a man or a woman.

This is the record of a man and woman's place under the design of God, there is no private interpretation required, "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." 1 Cor. 11:3 Why? is it such? "For the man is not of the woman, but the woman is of the man." -- 1 Cor. 11:4 meaning God created man and then from man He created WO....man.

Everyone is equally important.......but everyone has their roles in the kingdom of God. Not everyone in a large company or corporation has the same or equal duties, each person is assigned their mission statement of the organization's objectives and their place within it.

As a teaching point as to why these certain rules are applied. Simply read the responses in this thread. You will find, anger, jealousy, deflection, feigned laughter, unjustified accusations etc. All based upon the fact that the actual content of the Holy Scriptures point out they are not obeying God's will but their own "PUFFED UP" desires.......seeking ACCOLADE for self by not obeying THE GOSPEL TRUTH that God has clearly revealed to everyone and anyone that would simply open the pages of the BOOKS, study, read and comprehend.
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