I'm Not Really Sure Why I Have Received Comments That This Is Blasphemous

You started a thread wondering why people find your actions blasphemous. Several Christians are trying to tell you and you are monitoring tone and judgment rather than heeding the warning.

I'm simply just listening to what they have to say and disagreeing with them. Except for the fact that I agree with the poster who said you have to be careful when you write about God. I do agree with that, but I'm still not changing Him,.. I'm changing His look and giving Him earthly interests, hobbies, and professions if He was a human living on earth today. Forgive me if I don't find that blasphemous.

Jesus was a carpenter when He lived on earth. He had a job and nobody has a problem with that. So why can't God be a singer and a performer as long as it's family friendly music that He's performing? That doesn't make any sense. Especially after what toobfreak said about the fact that it's not turning anybody away from God and is doing entirely the opposite by bringing people to Him and getting a closer relationship with Him.

I literally had a person tell me that they thought that DJ made God seem so cool and loving that they were going to convert to Christianity. How is that fact that I am LEADING people to wanting to know the Lord going over so many heads right now?
I'm simply just listening to what they have to say and disagreeing with them. Except for the fact that I agree with the poster who said you have to be careful when you write about God. I do agree with that, but I'm still not changing Him,.. I'm changing His look and giving Him earthly interests, hobbies, and professions if He was a human living on earth today. Forgive me if I don't find that blasphemous.
Jesus was a carpenter when He lived on earth. He had a job and nobody has a problem with that. So why can't God be a singer and a performer as long as it's family friendly music that He's performing? That doesn't make any sense. Especially after what toobfreak said about the fact that it's not turning anybody away from God and is doing entirely the opposite by bringing people to Him and getting a closer relationship with Him. I literally had a person tell me that they thought that DJ made God seem so cool and loving that they were going to convert to Christianity. How is that fact that I am LEADING people to wanting to know the Lord going over so many heads right now?

Agreed. I don't see any problem with a fictional contemporaneity version of Jesus that still conveys the same morality and ethics the real Jesus had! I mean, if Jesus were to reappear today, would he still be wearing rags and writing on papyrus in his bare feet, or would he be wearing Levi jeans and texting on his Galaxy phone?

And if the former, does anyone really think a beard, robes and bare feet were essential to his message? Or was it the MESSAGE that mattered?
I'm simply just listening to what they have to say and disagreeing with them. Except for the fact that I agree with the poster who said you have to be careful when you write about God. I do agree with that, but I'm still not changing Him,.. I'm changing His look and giving Him earthly interests, hobbies, and professions if He was a human living on earth today. Forgive me if I don't find that blasphemous.

Jesus was a carpenter when He lived on earth. He had a job and nobody has a problem with that. So why can't God be a singer and a performer as long as it's family friendly music that He's performing? That doesn't make any sense. Especially after what toobfreak said about the fact that it's not turning anybody away from God and is doing entirely the opposite by bringing people to Him and getting a closer relationship with Him.

I literally had a person tell me that they thought that DJ made God seem so cool and loving that they were going to convert to Christianity. How is that fact that I am LEADING people to wanting to know the Lord going over so many heads right now?

I'm going to try to answer best I can...honestly and with the best of intentions. Here goes!

The quality of God's Holiness is really important to the understanding of sin. A common cry of those who reject Christianity is "How can a loving God send people to Hell just because they didn't accept Him"? And that is a weighty question...a good one.

The answer is God's Holiness. He is so holy that His presence can abide no stain of sin. It's not even so much that it's a God-conscious choice that sinners don't go to Heaven, but that it is impossible.

Our loving, merciful God could only make this possible if the debt of sin was paid--but by proxy. Jesus Christ. This maintains God's Holiness but also He is loving in extending His mercy.

If you make God into some cool guy on earth--we don't see any of his Holiness. It makes people confront an essential question: Why does God reject good people? How are you going to reconcile this if your character is just some cool guy?

You are probably a talented writer and a better project in my humble opinion might be a story about Jesus in modern times, as He DID come to earth, or better yet, a Bible story set in modern times or just given detail. This category is called Biblical fiction and some of it is SO good. I read and read and read "Two from Galilee", the story of Mary and Joseph, when I was a teenager. You got their love story, their agony, all of it.
Agreed. I don't see any problem with a fictional contemporaneity version of Jesus that still conveys the same morality and ethics the real Jesus had! I mean, if Jesus were to reappear today, would he still be wearing rags and writing on papyrus in his bare feet, or would he be wearing Levi jeans and texting on his Galaxy phone?

And if the former, does anyone really think a beard, robes and bare feet were essential to his message? Or was it the MESSAGE that mattered?

Exactly! He probably would blend more in with modern society physically and still be apart from them spiritually. Just like He did when He lived over two thousand years ago.

I'm going to try to answer best I can...honestly and with the best of intentions. Here goes!

The quality of God's Holiness is really important to the understanding of sin. A common cry of those who reject Christianity is "How can a loving God send people to Hell just because they didn't accept Him"? And that is a weighty question...a good one.

The answer is God's Holiness. He is so holy that His presence can abide no stain of sin. It's not even so much that it's a God-conscious choice that sinners don't go to Heaven, but that it is impossible.

Our loving, merciful God could only make this possible if the debt of sin was paid--but by proxy. Jesus Christ. This maintains God's Holiness but also He is loving in extending His mercy.

If you make God into some cool guy on earth--we don't see any of his Holiness. It makes people confront an essential question: Why does God reject good people? How are you going to reconcile this if your character is just some cool guy?

You are probably a talented writer and a better project in my humble opinion might be a story about Jesus in modern times, as He DID come to earth, or better yet, a Bible story set in modern times or just given detail. This category is called Biblical fiction and some of it is SO good. I read and read and read "Two from Galilee", the story of Mary and Joseph, when I was a teenager. You got their love story, their agony, all of it.

No offense, but that didn't answer anything and has nothing to do with what I was talking about or the point I was trying to make. You can be cool and be a Christian at the same time as cool shouldn't always be associated with negative stuff. Loving people and forgiving them for their sins and being able to do what all God can do is definitely cool in my book.
Exactly! He probably would blend more in with modern society physically and still be apart from them spiritually. Just like He did when He lived over two thousand years ago.

No offense, but that didn't answer anything and has nothing to do with what I was talking about or the point I was trying to make. You can be cool and be a Christian at the same time as cool shouldn't always be associated with negative stuff. Loving people and forgiving them for their sins and being able to do what all God can do is definitely cool in my book.

If you want to write any Christian character any way you want I don't care.

You are talking about re-writing GOD. Right?
If you want to write any Christian character any way you want I don't care.

You are talking about re-writing GOD. Right?

How many times in how many different ways can I say this,.. I am not re-writing God! I'm writing Him if He were to come to earth today. This is what I'm sounding like right now.

How many times in how many different ways can I say this,.. I am not re-writing God! I'm writing Him if He were to come to earth today. This is what I'm sounding like right now.

And you believe the God of the universe, sitting on the Throne of Heaven, "told you" this is okay. That God, who never came to earth, who is infinitely Holy, can just be some rock and roll dude on earth. This is already re-writing Him.

Since you won't listen to anything else and since you started this thread I will tell you: I don't believe you. God didn't tell you this. Because He would not.
You are talking about re-writing GOD. Right?

Sue, I'm not sure why you think anyone is rewriting the BIBLE. All that is being presented here from what I can see is simply a modernized, updated, contemporary character which portends to be a fictional remake of God's story told within a contemporary setting that people can more easily relate to. I'm not sure what the harm here is if the stories and message is essentially consistent with what Jesus taught, after all, isn't it the message in the Bible that mattered, not that it happened in Ashdod or Gomorrah?
And you believe the God of the universe, sitting on the Throne of Heaven, "told you" this is okay. That God, who never came to earth, who is infinitely Holy, can just be some rock and roll dude on earth. This is already re-writing Him.

Since you won't listen to anything else and since you started this thread I will tell you: I don't believe you. God didn't tell you this. Because He would not.

1. God did come to earth as Jesus Christ.
2. I don't care if you believe me or not. Believe whatever you want to believe. I still think you're a sweet person anyways.
Sue, I'm not sure why you think anyone is rewriting the BIBLE. All that is being presented here from what I can see is simply a modernized, updated, contemporary character which portends to be a fictional remake of God's story told within a contemporary setting that people can more easily relate to. I'm not sure what the harm here is if the stories and message is essentially consistent with what Jesus taught, after all, isn't it the message in the Bible that mattered, not that it happened in Ashdod or Gomorrah?

Agreed, but it's not a remake of God's story itself. It's more like an updated/sequel fictional story of God. Also who's to say what God did or didn't tell me if that's between me and Him anyways?
And you believe the God of the universe, sitting on the Throne of Heaven, "told you" this is okay.
What could be wrong with bringing the message of God to people regardless of the format? And understand: the message of God is love, peace, harmony, sharing and forgiveness, the Bible merely tells that story in the context of actions and events in the life of Jesus who lived 2000 years ago, but it was the MESSAGE that mattered, not Pontias Pilate or a cross. Those stories are still clearly told in the Bible and are not going anywhere. Mind you, the rock star is a FICTIONAL character and no one is actually trying to claim this is an actual living person!

That God, who never came to earth,
God never came to Earth?

who is infinitely Holy, can just be some rock and roll dude on earth.
Why not? Are you saying God isn't all-powerful? Why can God come to us as a poor Palestinian beggar but not as some rock singer? They had lots of Palestinian beggars 2000 years ago, but rock singers are more common in today's world.

This is already re-writing Him.
Nothing in the Bible has been rewritten. If Jesus were to reappear today, don't you think he would use contemporary themes and methods of relating to the other people around him?

Since you won't listen to anything else and since you started this thread I will tell you: I don't believe you. God didn't tell you this. Because He would not.
You might be right. But then, you're in no position of speaking for God, so if FJB feels inspired by God to do this and if people like and respond well to it and it works out well, I'm not sure I see the point of your objection and negativity before it even gets off the ground.

This world today can use all the religion it can manage.
Of course DJ is fictional but he was inspired by God and His teachings and he feels real to me. :)
Sue, I'm not sure why you think anyone is rewriting the BIBLE. All that is being presented here from what I can see is simply a modernized, updated, contemporary character which portends to be a fictional remake of God's story told within a contemporary setting that people can more easily relate to. I'm not sure what the harm here is if the stories and message is essentially consistent with what Jesus taught, after all, isn't it the message in the Bible that mattered, not that it happened in Ashdod or Gomorrah?

Are you a Believer?
Besides, I'm not much of a blind faith believer kind of guy; I mainly only believe in things I've seen demonstrable proof of.

You sure act like you believe in God though but my proof is that God makes much better sense in the fact that He created everything over nothing created everything. Even if there actually was a big bang, what or who caused it?
Yeah........the Church that Christ built really got a hold of me (Matthew 16), especially when you are commanded to be sanctified in the Word of Truth. What is Christian Truth? "Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth (God's Word)." -- John 17:17 Sanctify: Make pure or free from sin or guilt.
Just like all that cannot back up their doctrine by the Holy Word of God........you attempt to attack the messenger instead of addressing the actual content found within the Word of God. Why? Deceit and Deflection are the only weapons of Satan and His minion. Thanks for the quit essential example.

One cannot enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the spiritual kingdom that Christ constructed void of being born again of the water and the spirit. (John 3:5). What is being born of the water again? Its symbolic of water salvation as Noah was saved via water Christian are saved by water (Baptism.....submerssion) -- 1 Peter 3:20-21.

You can't even see the kingdom of God void of water baptism, "Jesus answered and said to them, 'Verily, Verily, I unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God..i.e, the church (thoughout the scriptures......the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Church as synonymous in use)" Why? the kingdom/church is a spiritual kingdom that resides in the heart of the believers.......not literally of this earth. (Luke 17:21)

We are also commanded to worship in Spirit and Truth, we are not to worship in Truth as decided by personal interpretation but by the Truth presented in the Word of God. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God....." (Romans 10:17)

Private interpretation is forbidden. What do you call it when you can't present and confirm your doctrine via a presentation of the inspired word of God? Personal/Private interpretation, man made tradition.

"Knowing this first, no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of men: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." -- 2 Peter 1:20-21 I find it hard to believe that the Holy Ghost would contradict Himself in favor of private interpretation void of scriptural authorization just to make some "feel" superior to other members of the church because of some private talent.
Yeah........the Church that Christ built really got a hold of me (Matthew 16), especially when you are commanded to be sanctified in the Word of Truth. What is Christian Truth? "Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth (God's Word)." -- John 17:17 Sanctify: Make pure or free from sin or guilt.
Just like all that cannot back up their doctrine by the Holy Word of God........you attempt to attack the messenger instead of addressing the actual content found within the Word of God. Why? Deceit and Deflection are the only weapons of Satan and His minion. Thanks for the quit essential example.

One cannot enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the spiritual kingdom that Christ constructed void of being born again of the water and the spirit. (John 3:5). What is being born of the water again? Its symbolic of water salvation as Noah was saved via water Christian are saved by water (Baptism.....submerssion) -- 1 Peter 3:20-21.

You can't even see the kingdom of God void of water baptism, "Jesus answered and said to them, 'Verily, Verily, I unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God..i.e, the church (thoughout the scriptures......the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Church as synonymous in use)" Why? the kingdom/church is a spiritual kingdom that resides in the heart of the believers.......not literally of this earth. (Luke 17:21)

We are also commanded to worship in Spirit and Truth, we are not to worship in Truth as decided by personal interpretation but by the Truth presented in the Word of God. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God....." (Romans 10:17)

Private interpretation is forbidden. What do you call it when you can't present and confirm your doctrine via a presentation of the inspired word of God? Personal/Private interpretation, man made tradition.

"Knowing this first, no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of men: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." -- 2 Peter 1:20-21 I find it hard to believe that the Holy Ghost would contradict Himself in favor of private interpretation void of scriptural authorization just to make some "feel" superior to other members of the church because of some private talent.

What does any of this have to do with the current discussion though?
What does any of this have to do with the current discussion though?
It points out that "some" claim to be what they are not.........clearly they do not believe in or accept the actual Christian Doctrine found to exist within the canon of the Holy Bible, or they would not act contrary to the actual words thereof. As the Christ pointed out, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him....the word that I have spoken will judge him on that day (judgement day)." -- John 12:48

What judges them? Not me........I have never professed to write one word found in the actual content of the Holy Bible, I simply defend that which is actually recorded, as its those very words that will one day judge us all, "I saw the dead, small and great standing before God, and books (Bible literally means the Books, there are 66 books, written by at least 38 different inspired by the Holy Ghost authors, all in total agreement) were open. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books." -- Rev.20:12 Both books are used in judgement........the Words recorded by the Holy Spirit of God (all scripture is given by inspiration of God -- 2 Tim. 3:16) and the actual way a person lives their lives, either repentant and saved by the Grace of Christ who is our advocate standing between God and our sin.......or unwilling to profess their sins before God (unrepentant). Some clearly have to much personal pride to allow the Books to guide their lives. Some demand they have the right to live a good life void of any instruction of God's Law and find salvation THEIR WAY.

Its a matter of "logic" and "reason". To claim ignorance of the law which is written for our benefit (God wishes everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved -- 1 Tim. 2:4) means a person is not accountable if he/she has good intentions and is not lost if they do not understand the Bible by rightly dividing the truth because they have never read nor been instructed in scriptural truth.......then one can only conclude that the world would be better off never even having seen nor heard of the Holy Word of God.........the Gospel or Good News. Thus, the gospel would not be the "good news" by which men could be saved.......but rather contrary, the news by which people would be condemned in their sins.

You cannot mold the Bible around your personal belief, but rather you are to mold your doctrine around the content of THE BOOKS.
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