I'm Not Really Sure Why I Have Received Comments That This Is Blasphemous

Sigh,.. it looks like somebody is still jumping to conclusions and thinks that God is being misrepresented when they don't know anything about this.

Having some experience in both religion, psychology and education, I realize that a lot of people have written books and things expressly FOR children designed to introduce them to the concepts of love, sharing, giving, selflessness, forgiveness, sacrifice, et al, as a preamble to the very themes carried in the Bible. Most any good mother already does this with her own children! So, I'm not clear why suddenly some people here are trying to paint this now as "the Devil's Work" unless certified, cleared through, and approved by THEM first!
Only if you reject His written word can you not know the mind of God
Are you going to preach at me too and then turn around and act like you despise the gentle virtues in others? I get that a lot in these religion threads. I talk of mercy, compassion, empathy, charity and grace and it just seems to make you people angrier.
I was just talking about in another thread of mine missionary work that I do in my writing where I have turned God into a funny character who loves rock and roll music. That's only to get the youngsters interested because I designed him to turn people onto God by using scripture in my writing and turning Him from a reputation where He is often seen as hot tempered and angry and people are afraid of Him to somebody who is kind, loving, forgiving, and understanding.

I also added the rock and roll and goofy stuff because 1. I believe God has a sense of humor. 2. He gave me permission to use it as long as I focus on the primary focus of turning people to Him. 3. There's no reason why one can't learn and have fun at the same time. So ladies and gents, I give you a face claim (Chris Hemsworth) of David James!!! :D (DJ/The Deej. ;) )

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You have to make up nonsense about your god to get people to even like your god at all?
Oddly, none of those qualities ever appear in any of your theories about politics or world affairs, much less social issues!
The only odd thing here is that I don't remember you ever participating in any of these religion threads.
The "2" verses of scripture that I can think of..........off hand, that addresses the topic of singing while in congregational services are (Eph. 5:19), "Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing and making melody in your heart to the lord.".........and (Col.3:16), "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart to the Lord."

These verses do not mean through the purpose presented that such is to please ourselves. Take note that each verse ends with, "TO THE LORD". It is God that we must please, not the congregation. It is God who reserves the right to determine what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our worship to Him. We must follow His commands as revealed through the inspired words of the Holy Scripture that were directed by the Holy Spirit of God. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God......." -- 2 Tim. 3:16

There is no authorization for musical instruments found anywhere in the N.T. record to be used while in a congregational sitting. I assume that God would have no problem in listening to and enjoying whatever music you wish in your private life as long as it was not in contradiction His word found in the Holy Scriptures.

The N.T. commands that God has given concerning worship services in song format reference only "A Capella" (signing without the any instruments accompanying. Examples of such are found in (Eph 5:19, Col. 3:16, and James 5:13)

Some might say that Music was used all the time in the O.T. so it must be authorized in the N.T. but the fatal flaw to that logic is the fact that Animal Sacrifices were also used to worship God........The fact that animal sacrifices were allowed by God under the O.T. does not make it so in the N.T.

God told Noah what wood to use in constructing the Ark.......God did not have to list all the known woods of that time, only the one He commanded to be used....Gopher Wood. The same would apply if you paid someone to paint your car a certain color. You would not have to tell the painter what colors NOT TO BE USED........he would know that you would not be pleased with any other color than what you commanded.
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Although there's nothing wrong with the Bible stories and teaching kids how they are,.. I find it absolutely ridiculous that Satan is telling me that me making the gospel more exciting and entertaining as for kids and younger people and turning them onto the Lord is preposterous. :rolleyes:

Cool! And actually even though DJ is the Rock God (Hehe like my little word play? ;) ) I've referenced him singing other songs too and he's done country before and this is a song that I actually find would come from God's view. :) (He does fun ones too of course and even though he has never done the song below it, he sounds an awful lot like him when he sings. I made him a singer not only to make him more fun and entertaining for kids, but it goes with the thought process that angels sing and God's like the head angel so well now you get it.)

God created everything from nothing with spoken words.
Jesus and the Holy Spirit were with Him and of Him from the beginning.
He created man. Man fell.
He sent His only Son to be born of a virgin and live among us. God among us. He lived and was tempted and never sinned.
That man/God died on the cross as a propitiation for our sins. At that moment the debt of sin was paid. Any and all who believe now can look forward to an eternity with God. In some dimension we can't even imagine.

You can explain the story in ways that are exciting but you certainly don't need to change it or change God. It's the best news in the history of the universe. To put it bluntly: it is what it is.
The "2" verses of scripture that I can think of..........off hand, that addresses the topic of singing while in congregational services are (Eph. 5:19), "Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing and making melody in your heart to the lord.".........and (Col.3:16), "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart to the Lord."

These verses do not mean through the purpose presented that such is to please ourselves. Take note that each verse ends with, "TO THE LORD". It is God that we must please, not the congregation. It is God who reserves the right to determine what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in our worship to Him. We must follow His commands as revealed through the inspired words of the Holy Scripture that were directed by the Holy Spirit of God. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God......." -- 2 Tim. 3:16

There is no authorization for musical instruments found anywhere in the N.T. record to be used while in a congregational sitting. I assume that God would have no problem in listening to and enjoying whatever music you wish in your private life as long as it was not in contradiction His word found in the Holy Scriptures.

The N.T. commands that God has given concerning worship services in song format reference only "A Capella" (signing without the any instruments accompanying. Examples of such are found in (Eph 5:19, Col. 3:16, and James 5:13)

Some might say that Music was used all the time in the O.T. so it must be authorized in the N.T. but the fatal flaw to that logic is the fact that Animal Sacrifices were also used to worship God........The fact that animal sacrifices were allowed by God under the O.T. does not make it so in the N.T.

God told Noah what wood to use in constructing the Ark.......God did not have to list all the known woods of that time, only the one He commanded to be used....Gopher Wood. The same would apply if you paid someone to paint your car a certain color. You would not have to tell the painter what colors NOT TO BE USED........he would know that you would not be pleased with any other color than what you commanded.

Not sure why this is in this thread as it seems OT to me. But this is a non-essential. You are free to worship without instruments if you feel convicted to do so. However Christians who use instruments in worship do not sin. That early Christians sang does not mean using instruments is sinful, esp if you use the Bible to interpret the Bible, since use of instruments is endorsed in many places elsewhere. This would be like saying since the resurrected Jesus asked for fish to eat, Christians should only eat fish for meat. That's a conclusion that does not follow. Again you are free to take this on, but other Christians are free not to do so.
Not sure why this is in this thread as it seems OT to me. But this is a non-essential. You are free to worship without instruments if you feel convicted to do so. However Christians who use instruments in worship do not sin. That early Christians sang does not mean using instruments is sinful, esp if you use the Bible to interpret the Bible, since use of instruments is endorsed in many places elsewhere. This would be like saying since the resurrected Jesus asked for fish to eat, Christians should only eat fish for meat. That's a conclusion that does not follow. Again you are free to take this on, but other Christians are free not to do so.
Simply present the "authorization" in the N.T. by Book, Chapter and Verse that allows musical instruments in a worship service.

Most importantly, the Apostle was inspired by the Holy Spirit of God to make sure that everyone understood that they were not to go beyond WHAT IS WRITTEN in worshiping God. "Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn not to go beyond WHAT IS WRITTEN, THAT NONE OF YOU MAY BE PUFFED UP (Jealous) on behalf of one against another." -- 1 Cor. 4:6

There are no verses in the N.T. to indicate the use of musical instruments is authorized by God. Examine the passages from the N.T that defines "Christian Music". 1. Matthew 26:30, They sung a Hymn (also Mark 14:26) 2. Acts 16:25, Paul and Silas sang while in jail.

3. Romans, I will sing to YOUR NAME (Lord).

4. 1 Cor.14:15, I will sing with spirit and understanding (does everyone UNDERSTAND or even know the basics of playing a musical instrument? No.......by using musical instruments you are presenting nothing but an opportunity to cause division among the members of the church, presenting some to be more talented than others...etc., with the usual emotional side effect ending in Jealousy.)

5. Eph. 5:19, Sing and make melody to the Lord (again, you are worshiping God, God is not worshiping you.........in fact by presenting a thread such as this searching for ACCOLADE for your personal endeavors (even though you nor anyone else is Special in the eyes of the Lord, as God has no respect of person -- Rom. 12:11, is the perfect example of why God does not authorize the use of special instruments in worship services, everyone is supposed to in one voice present praise and worship to God.

6. Col. 3:16, sing with grace in your hearts.

7. Heb. 2:12, I will sing Christ's praise in the congregation

8. James 5:13, If you are cheerful, sing praise.

Some might attempt to use the Greek Translation found in Eph. 5:19 which translates Melody as a note from a musical instrument and/or a note from the heart. But logic dictates its from the heart otherwise it would be a sin NOT TO USE A MUSICAL INSURMENT while worshiping God (and as pointed out........some individuals are born tone death with no talent to even attempt to learn a musical instrument). The passage does not say use either or, both sing and melody are to be used. God would never make a command that would be impossible to obey.

By using musical instruments and Rock Music.........someone is teaching these children at a young and impressionable age that its better to strive to be SPECIAL in the eyes of the Lord....and the one's who cannot understand nor learn about musical instruments is a failure in the eyes of the Lord. If someone wants to enjoy rock music on a personal basis, outside of a worship service designed to teach Christian Truth.....enjoy yourself, as its up to you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. (Phil. 2:12)

God has "commanded" through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "Do not go beyond WHAT IS WRITTEN". (1 Cor. 4:6)This is perhaps why MANY MIGHT BE CALLED but FEW ARE CHOSEN (Matt. 22:14), a lack of studying the Word of God and rightly dividing the word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15)
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I was just talking about in another thread of mine missionary work that I do in my writing where I have turned God into a funny character who loves rock and roll music. That's only to get the youngsters interested because I designed him to turn people onto God by using scripture in my writing and turning Him from a reputation where He is often seen as hot tempered and angry and people are afraid of Him to somebody who is kind, loving, forgiving, and understanding.

I also added the rock and roll and goofy stuff because 1. I believe God has a sense of humor. 2. He gave me permission to use it as long as I focus on the primary focus of turning people to Him. 3. There's no reason why one can't learn and have fun at the same time. So ladies and gents, I give you a face claim (Chris Hemsworth) of David James!!! :D (DJ/The Deej. ;) )

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That movie came out when I was a little kid. I forgot about it until your post.
  1. What constitutes misrepresenting God, especially if it brings some people (even 1) closer to God or at least into their life?
  2. Where God has been misrepresented here in this thread or anywhere you know of relating to USMB?
Now, what IS a serious problem is to intentionally or otherwise drive others AWAY from God, especially if due to some personal gain--- has that happened here?

  • Where have you seen God enticing anyone to Himself?
  • And where do Priests, Rabbis, Ministers and all general holy men fit in? I mean, even in the Bible, God worked through other people from Moses to Jesus himself.
  • Did I miss where anyone here said they can do a better job enticing children to God than God himself? If so, please link me to that post.

I thought you understood that God has an unlimited number of versions of himself, one unique to every soul on the planet. And to suggest that any context of God outside of biblical stories is intrinsically invalid by default even before examination suggests that God is dead and only exists within the framework of events 2000 years ago. Oh, and it also suggests that every other civilization on the planet except Italy and European man got God wrong and their religion is bogus. Tsk tsk, very egocentric and narrow minded of you! So, are you saying that no one can even create a fictional story with christian themes that exposes people to christian concepts like loving one's neighbor or turning the other cheek unless it came verbatim out of the Bible? BULL.

I think you need to go back and rethink your own beliefs.

The only thing that's ever misrepresenting God is when you don't make Him anything else but pure love. Oh and for the people who say that I'm going against scripture with this, I have photographic evidence that you're wrong that I'm going to be posting below.

You can explain the story in ways that are exciting but you certainly don't need to change it or change God. It's the best news in the history of the universe. To put it bluntly: it is what it is.

How is making God into somebody current who is living today on earth changing who He is in any way, shape, or form? Does He have to look a certain way in order to be God?

That movie came out when I was a little kid. I forgot about it until your post.

Oh yeah, I've heard of that movie before.
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2022-04-08 (1).png

(I apologize if this is hard to read I did my best of getting these screenshots.)

(Btw, you can read them alright if you get closer to your screen. I also have one more to add as well.)
Simply present the "authorization" in the N.T. by Book, Chapter and Verse that allows musical instruments in a worship service.

Most importantly, the Apostle was inspired by the Holy Spirit of God to make sure that everyone understood that they were not to go beyond WHAT IS WRITTEN in worshiping God. "Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn not to go beyond WHAT IS WRITTEN, THAT NONE OF YOU MAY BE PUFFED UP (Jealous) on behalf of one against another." -- 1 Cor. 4:6

There are no verses in the N.T. to indicate the use of musical instruments is authorized by God. Examine the passages from the N.T that defines "Christian Music". 1. Matthew 26:30, They sung a Hymn (also Mark 14:26) 2. Acts 16:25, Paul and Silas sang while in jail.

3. Romans, I will sing to YOUR NAME (Lord).

4. 1 Cor.14:15, I will sing with spirit and understanding (does everyone UNDERSTAND or even know the basics of playing a musical instrument? No.......by using musical instruments you are presenting nothing but an opportunity to cause division among the members of the church, presenting some to be more talented than others...etc., with the usual emotional side effect ending in Jealousy.)

5. Eph. 5:19, Sing and make melody to the Lord (again, you are worshiping God, God is not worshiping you.........in fact by presenting a thread such as this searching for ACCOLADE for your personal endeavors (even though you nor anyone else is Special in the eyes of the Lord, as God has no respect of person -- Rom. 12:11, is the perfect example of why God does not authorize the use of special instruments in worship services, everyone is supposed to in one voice present praise and worship to God.

6. Col. 3:16, sing with grace in your hearts.

7. Heb. 2:12, I will sing Christ's praise in the congregation

8. James 5:13, If you are cheerful, sing praise.

Some might attempt to use the Greek Translation found in Eph. 5:19 which translates Melody as a note from a musical instrument and/or a note from the heart. But logic dictates its from the heart otherwise it would be a sin NOT TO USE A MUSICAL INSURMENT while worshiping God (and as pointed out........some individuals are born tone death with no talent to even attempt to learn a musical instrument). The passage does not say use either or, both sing and melody are to be used. God would never make a command that would be impossible to obey.

By using musical instruments and Rock Music.........someone is teaching these children at a young and impressionable age that its better to strive to be SPECIAL in the eyes of the Lord....and the one's who cannot understand nor learn about musical instruments is a failure in the eyes of the Lord. If someone wants to enjoy rock music on a personal basis, outside of a worship service designed to teach Christian Truth.....enjoy yourself, as its up to you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. (Phil. 2:12)

God has "commanded" through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "Do not go beyond WHAT IS WRITTEN". (1 Cor. 4:6)This is perhaps why MANY MIGHT BE CALLED but FEW ARE CHOSEN (Matt. 22:14), a lack of studying the Word of God and rightly dividing the word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15)

Wow the Church of Christ really got you huh? Well you do you. We'll do us.
Wow the Church of Christ really got you huh? Well you do you. We'll do us.

And I'll do me by making DJ do DJ which is basically the Word of God in a new and creative way but keeping the scriptures as references. Are we all in understanding now then?
And I'll do me by making DJ do DJ which is basically the Word of God in a new and creative way but keeping the scriptures as references. Are we all in understanding now then?

Have you heard the Christian saying: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity". Attributed to Augustine. Using instruments or not is non-essential. But remaking the God of all that is because you don't find Him relevant (!) or relatable (!) is an essential.

Put this way. I would say to any new Christian attending Clyde's church--well okay not all Christians agree but okay. But a church that allowed or endorsed God to be remade to suit....idk, modern entertainment values? I would say, nope. Not that church. Bad teachings. Dangerous.

You started a thread wondering why people find your actions blasphemous. Several Christians are trying to tell you and you are monitoring tone and judgment rather than heeding the warning.

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