'I'm Not That Smart': Herschel Walker Seeks To Lower Expectations For Senate Debate

Haha, meltdown. You got caught peddling your lie. Eat it, cocksucker.
He is forced by law to give money to the children he abandoned. That's probably why he's a republican; he thinks the government shouldn't have that power. Oh and go fuck yourself you despicable apologist piece of shit.
He is forced by law to give money to the children he abandoned. That's probably why he's a republican; he thinks the government shouldn't have that power. Oh and go fuck yourself you despicable apologist piece of shit.
He has millions and supporting his children isn't a problem. Your lying isn't working around here. You lost, now take your scrawny faggot ass on down the road, cocksucker.
No seriously, you evil, dishonest leftist puke; Do tell me about the foundation of your morality that enables you to judge others. I'm all ears.

Is this an indication of it?

Herschel Walker's a dumb motherfucker but this country has been pretty stupid for most of this century so maybe he's perfect for the times.
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He has millions and supporting his children isn't a problem. Your lying isn't working around here. You lost, now take your scrawny faggot ass on down the road, cocksucker.
Oh he's moral because abandoning his children was easy for him because he's rich. What a republican argument :laugh:
Oh he's moral because abandoning his children was easy for him because he's rich. What a republican argument :laugh:
Poor baby is losing it. Your fake preacher is losing ground. You're pitiful. Cry some more, you lying cocksucker.
Poor baby is losing it. Your fake preacher is losing ground. You're pitiful. Cry some more, you lying cocksucker.
I don't know anything about Warnock. Other than that he won one of the most important elections in my lifetime. But Herschel Walker I know about, and even his own child abandoning ass admits he's dumb :laugh:
Neither one would be my first choice, but I would select the one who didn’t praise Farrakhan, as I don’t like people who praise the most notorious antisemite in America. So I would go with the Republican.
I'll take honest and hard working true American over race baiting fake pastor any day of the week.
I'll take Walker every day over the fake.

Modesty......that's a rare thing in a politician. :iagree:

And there you go. People have no standards anymore when they vote. Just as long as their tribe gets elected. Qualifications, competency, none of that matters.

And we wonder why watching Congress function is like watching a bunch of retards trying to fuck a doorknob.


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