I'm not worried about Health Care


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
This bill does not have the votes but even if it does pass the bill is so watered down from what the democrats wanted which makes this bill nothing to worry about. The passage will simply accelerate nullification issues which will strengthen state powers in our federataion so it is a win-win scenario no matter what happens.
This bill does not have the votes but even if it does pass the bill is so watered down from what the democrats wanted which makes this bill nothing to worry about. The passage will simply accelerate nullification issues which will strengthen state powers in our federataion so it is a win-win scenario no matter what happens.

I hope one day you find yourself without healthcare and someone you care about or even you needs medical care..
The bill will pass
The sun will still come up tomorrow
There will be no death panels
There will be no mass exodus of doctors
The bill will not be repealed by the Supreme Court

Republicans will once again find themselves on the wrong side of history
The bill will pass
The sun will still come up tomorrow
There will be no death panels
There will be no mass exodus of doctors
The bill will not be repealed by the Supreme Court

Republicans will once again find themselves on the wrong side of history

I finally found a comment I agree with you on rightwinger! The sun will indeed come up tomorrow!
This bill does not have the votes but even if it does pass the bill is so watered down from what the democrats wanted which makes this bill nothing to worry about. The passage will simply accelerate nullification issues which will strengthen state powers in our federataion so it is a win-win scenario no matter what happens.

I hope one day you find yourself without healthcare and someone you care about or even you needs medical care..

And you say that Republicans are mean spirited and heartless?

This bill does not have the votes but even if it does pass the bill is so watered down from what the democrats wanted which makes this bill nothing to worry about. The passage will simply accelerate nullification issues which will strengthen state powers in our federataion so it is a win-win scenario no matter what happens.

I hope one day you find yourself without healthcare and someone you care about or even you needs medical care..

And guess what I or anyone smart enough to know our current medical system would do. We'd get medical care through one of the MANY options available to those without insurance and without the funds to pay for it. They are currently out there. Oh yes, I know you'll say "but what if Medicare/Medicaid doesn't accept you?" Know what I'd do? I'd go to a County Hospital where they are funded by taxpayer's dollars and are REQUIRED to give medical care to anyone who walks in the door.

To say that people without insurance are dying from lack of medical care is just plain wrong. There are options out there and the truth of the matter is that most people refuse to take advantage of those options available to them.

The bill will pass
The sun will still come up tomorrow
There will be no death panels
There will be no mass exodus of doctors
The bill will not be repealed by the Supreme Court

Republicans will once again find themselves on the wrong side of history

Of course none of those things will happen or not in the states that have nullification bills. I believe in Arizona we have such a bill so I'm not worried.
I fear the opposite. Instead of the bill being watered down, all the payoffs are now being broadened to apply to more states, making the thing an even more insolvent mess.
The bill will pass
The sun will still come up tomorrow
There will be no death panels
There will be no mass exodus of doctors
The bill will not be repealed by the Supreme Court

Republicans will once again find themselves on the wrong side of history

Of course none of those things will happen or not in the states that have nullification bills. I believe in Arizona we have such a bill so I'm not worried.

I hope their nullification bills hold up and they are not allowed to weasel into the national plan later.
And that their residents are not allowed to cross to another state for national healthcare.
Excuse me, but HORSESHIT! This is incremental-ism and it must be stopped in its tracks. Don't give up now people; we must not give Obama this win. He must fail at all cost or the next thing you'll be getting from him is Cap & Tax.
This will pass and then the dems will fix it to save American lives with health care done right.
The bill will pass
The sun will still come up tomorrow
There will be no death panels
There will be no mass exodus of doctors
The bill will not be repealed by the Supreme Court

Republicans will once again find themselves on the wrong side of history

Yeah...listen to RW...he can see into the future!!!! Did you go on that UFO hunt with Kucinich? He said it rocked.
This will pass and then the dems will fix it to save American lives with health care done right.

Ummmm...why not fix it now and then pass it? And what's the fuckin rush? It doesn't go into effect for years!!!

You guys are unbelievable
We can all move to Costa Rica with Rush... LOL oh wait, he's not moving...just gonna get his medical care from there.
You trust the insurance companies with your healthcare?

why is it you guys like paying out the ass to be dropped when you need healhtcare?
You trust the insurance companies with your healthcare?

why is it you guys like paying out the ass to be dropped when you need healhtcare?

I don't trust anyone. Not until they realize the mistake they're doing my raising the Cost.. why do it in a time like this? Wait.. doesn't that favor the libs when they raise prices?

I've been in the hospital quite a few times, Lost half my finger, concussion from hockey and got a huge cut on my forearm in a dirt bike accident.. I wouldn't trust a Government owned Hospital to take care of me..

Why not make everybody get health care like they make people get Car Insurance? :eusa_eh:

And also, you haven't answered my question. Yet again...

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