I'm Not Worried About Trump's Pivots

Presidential elections are kind of like throwing a boomerang. With the boomerang you have 3 positions. 1) the boomerang starts with you...... 2) it goes out to a place away from you......3) it ends end back with you again.

With the presidential election, you also have 3 similar scenarios. 1) the primaries......2) the general election...........
3) ........the presidency.

So in the case of the run for the presidency, it is normal for both candidates to pivot toward the center, once they've secured their nomination. That's because (now more than ever) there is a very large independent constituency, that represent a lot of VOTES. It's normal for both candidates to try to woo these voters.

In Trump's case, it irritates me and worries me a little, to see Paul Ryan say that he and Trump are seeing eye to eye. That sounds like a bad thing to me. But think about it. All his life, Trump has had to "roll with the punches", as they say in New York City. To get where he is today, he has had to bend like young trees in the wind. He has often had to negotiate things, and often concede some things he might not have felt comfortable doing. In the early years in New York, when Trump was more familiar to us in New York than on a national scale, we would would sometimes say "Huh ? What did he do that for ?" Then later, he's back to being the same old Donald again, by him getting what he wanted, by mediating this and arbitrating that.

So now, we are moving from a primary (strong conservative) season, into a more moderate general election time. And quite normally after proposing the lowest taxes in 85 years, we're seeing Trump talking about some tax increase on the super rich. We're hearing about a raise in the minimum wage (which previously Trump opposed). We're hearing a slight moderation being added to the Muslim ban as being just a suggestion (actually I don't think it was much more than that before)

I'm looking further down the line. I'm looking to late January 2017, with Donald Trump occupying the White House. With the presidency secured, my gut (+ years of reading about Trump's maneuvers in New York newspapers) tells me that Trump's platform is going to boomerang back to the much more conservative positions, that had to be chiseled a bit in the general election season, to keep Hillary from getting an advantage.

We should remember that doing the right things so conservatively, in the spring, changes into doing things a little less conservative in the summer, only to revert back to true full conservative form in the winter. I'm not worried, I was expecting to see this. Whatever slight leftward pivots we may see right now, I wouldn't take them too seriously. I am thinking that when Trump actually does become president, we're going to see an even more forceful conservatism than we've seen up to now. I trust my gut impulses.

I am confident that a large portion of Trump's supporters don't care what he says or does- they- like you- just have 'faith' that he will do what you have fantasized that he will do.
Why would Trump and Ryan seeing eye to eye "sound like a bad thing"? At first I had my doubts about Ryan but since he decided to put the welfare of the GOP and the Country ahead of his ego it sounds like a good thing to me and what's more it sounds like the GOP is finally growing a pair of balls.
Right now, Trump is sitting on a $10 Billion fortune. And yours is ?
My fortune is about $196.58
How do you know Trump's worth $10 billion, has he shown you his tax returns?
Would it really matter much if his fortune was $10 Billion or $1 Billion, or $10 Million ??? The dude is very, very rich.


I am confident that a large portion of Trump's supporters don't care what he says or does- they- like you- just have 'faith' that he will do what you have fantasized that he will do.
I have at least as much faith that he will do what he says, as anybody else who's running will do what they say. But at at least what Trump says is the right stuff >> Mexican border wall, deport illegals, register Muslims, ban Muslim immigration, abolish gun-free zones, nation-wide CCW. A lot of the others have copied these from Trump, but too little, too late.
Right now, Trump is sitting on a $10 Billion fortune. And yours is ?
My fortune is about $196.58
How do you know Trump's worth $10 billion, has he shown you his tax returns?
Would it really matter much if his fortune was $10 Billion or $1 Billion, or $10 Million ??? The dude is very, very rich.



"Trump is taking a wrecking ball to the GOP’s chances in November.

"Along the way, however, he also is destroying the careers of dozens of national Republicans who will be discredited by their association with him.

"Perhaps a fresh start is needed, but in any event, it’s beginning to look like conservatives will need to reconstruct a political party out of 2016’s debris.

"The hard work surely won’t be done by those insisting Trump’s lies, deception and ignorance are all beside the point.

"Actually, Trump has become the ultimate litmus test of character and political credibility. And each day Republicans come forward, either to pass or fail.

"Conservatives are keeping score."
Trump’s followers are on a losing mission

"Trump is taking a wrecking ball to the GOP’s chances in November.

"Along the way, however, he also is destroying the careers of dozens of national Republicans who will be discredited by their association with him.

"Perhaps a fresh start is needed, but in any event, it’s beginning to look like conservatives will need to reconstruct a political party out of 2016’s debris.

"The hard work surely won’t be done by those insisting Trump’s lies, deception and ignorance are all beside the point.

"Actually, Trump has become the ultimate litmus test of character and political credibility. And each day Republicans come forward, either to pass or fail.

"Conservatives are keeping score."
Trump’s followers are on a losing mission
All that effort wasted by going to the laughingstock POLITIFACT as a source.

The difference between Trump and politicians. Trump knows how to negotiate, read the art of the deal he is following it. He knows if he starts with outlandish opening statement he will end up where he ultimately wants.

For example, temporary Muslim ban, where likely his end result he is shooting for is immigration reform with a longer vetting process.

Career politicians take hard stances and filibuster and they start out their proposals with exactly what they want which is why noone gets what they want because no one wants to make a concession.
The difference between Trump and politicians. Trump knows how to negotiate, read the art of the deal he is following it. He knows if he starts with outlandish opening statement he will end up where he ultimately wants.

For example, temporary Muslim ban, where likely his end result he is shooting for is immigration reform with a longer vetting process.

Career politicians take hard stances and filibuster and they start out their proposals with exactly what they want which is why noone gets what they want because no one wants to make a concession.
Ban all Muslims and Mexicans is not how you start immigration reform, it's how you lose elections.

It got him what he wanted however, the top of the GOP ticket. That's as far as it goes.

"Trump is taking a wrecking ball to the GOP’s chances in November.

"Along the way, however, he also is destroying the careers of dozens of national Republicans who will be discredited by their association with him.

"Perhaps a fresh start is needed, but in any event, it’s beginning to look like conservatives will need to reconstruct a political party out of 2016’s debris.

"The hard work surely won’t be done by those insisting Trump’s lies, deception and ignorance are all beside the point.

"Actually, Trump has become the ultimate litmus test of character and political credibility. And each day Republicans come forward, either to pass or fail.

"Conservatives are keeping score."
Trump’s followers are on a losing mission
All that effort wasted by going to the laughingstock POLITIFACT as a source.


"...POLITICO subjected a week’s worth of his words to our magazine’s fact-checking process. We chronicled 4.6 hours of stump speeches and press conferences, from a rally in Concord, N.C., on Monday to a rally on Friday in St. Louis.

"The result: more than five dozen statements deemed mischaracterizations, exaggerations, or simply false – the kind of stuff that would have been stripped from one of our stories, or made the whole thing worthy of the spike.

"It equates to roughly one misstatement every five minutes on average.

"From warning of the death of Christianity in America to claiming that he is taking no money from donors, the Manhattan billionaire and reality-show celebrity said something far from truthful many times over to the thousands of peoplepacked into his raucous rallies. His remarks represent an extraordinary mix of inaccurate claims about domestic and foreign policy and personal and professional boasts that rarely measure up when checked against primary sources."

Read more: Trump’s Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Have you losers decided when Mourning in America ends?
The difference between Trump and politicians. Trump knows how to negotiate, read the art of the deal he is following it. He knows if he starts with outlandish opening statement he will end up where he ultimately wants.

For example, temporary Muslim ban, where likely his end result he is shooting for is immigration reform with a longer vetting process.

Career politicians take hard stances and filibuster and they start out their proposals with exactly what they want which is why noone gets what they want because no one wants to make a concession.
Ban all Muslims and Mexicans is not how you start immigration reform, it's how you lose elections.

It got him what he wanted however, the top of the GOP ticket. That's as far as it goes.

He has never said anything about a ban to Mexican immigration, building a wall does nothing of the sort. Mexicans are welcomed to come in legally.
The difference between Trump and politicians. Trump knows how to negotiate, read the art of the deal he is following it. He knows if he starts with outlandish opening statement he will end up where he ultimately wants.

For example, temporary Muslim ban, where likely his end result he is shooting for is immigration reform with a longer vetting process.

Career politicians take hard stances and filibuster and they start out their proposals with exactly what they want which is why noone gets what they want because no one wants to make a concession.
Ban all Muslims and Mexicans is not how you start immigration reform, it's how you lose elections.

It got him what he wanted however, the top of the GOP ticket. That's as far as it goes.

He has never said anything about a ban to Mexican immigration, building a wall does nothing of the sort. Mexicans are welcomed to come in legally.
He said they were drug smugglers and rapists. That's all that's necessary.
The difference between Trump and politicians. Trump knows how to negotiate, read the art of the deal he is following it. He knows if he starts with outlandish opening statement he will end up where he ultimately wants.

For example, temporary Muslim ban, where likely his end result he is shooting for is immigration reform with a longer vetting process.

Career politicians take hard stances and filibuster and they start out their proposals with exactly what they want which is why noone gets what they want because no one wants to make a concession.
Ban all Muslims and Mexicans is not how you start immigration reform, it's how you lose elections.

It got him what he wanted however, the top of the GOP ticket. That's as far as it goes.

He has never said anything about a ban to Mexican immigration, building a wall does nothing of the sort. Mexicans are welcomed to come in legally.
He said they were drug smugglers and rapists. That's all that's necessary.

Many of the people who sneak across the border illegally, you know by breaking the law, are in fact criminals and involved in drug trade. Many reasonable people understand that and yet he is still getting support from Hispanics, why because many of them who came legally agree with him.

Obviously they are not all "rapists" as he said the good ones will be allowed to be naturalized back in after proper vetting process. Why anyone supports millions of illegals to continue to come and STAY into our country and calling anyone who opposes it racist is crazy and a national security risk.

Lefties constantly say he offends groups such as foreign Muslims, illegal Mexican immigrants, but the one group he doesn't offend are AMERICANS.
The difference between Trump and politicians. Trump knows how to negotiate, read the art of the deal he is following it. He knows if he starts with outlandish opening statement he will end up where he ultimately wants.

For example, temporary Muslim ban, where likely his end result he is shooting for is immigration reform with a longer vetting process.

Career politicians take hard stances and filibuster and they start out their proposals with exactly what they want which is why noone gets what they want because no one wants to make a concession.
Ban all Muslims and Mexicans is not how you start immigration reform, it's how you lose elections.

It got him what he wanted however, the top of the GOP ticket. That's as far as it goes.

He has never said anything about a ban to Mexican immigration, building a wall does nothing of the sort. Mexicans are welcomed to come in legally.
He said they were drug smugglers and rapists. That's all that's necessary.

Many of the people who sneak across the border illegally, you know by breaking the law, are in fact criminals and involved in drug trade. Many reasonable people understand that and yet he is still getting support from Hispanics, why because many of them who came legally agree with him.

Obviously they are not all "rapists" as he said the good ones will be allowed to be naturalized back in after proper vetting process. Why anyone supports millions of illegals to continue to come and STAY into our country and calling anyone who opposes it racist is crazy and a national security risk.

Lefties constantly say he offends groups such as foreign Muslims, illegal Mexican immigrants, but the one group he doesn't offend are AMERICANS.
He's offended so many of them, he can no longer win.
Protectionist, of course, is not worried about the pivots.

He knows Trump will not get 40% of the vote.
So now, we are moving from a primary (strong conservative) season, into a more moderate general election time. And quite normally after proposing the lowest taxes in 85 years, we're seeing Trump talking about some tax increase on the super rich. We're hearing about a raise in the minimum wage (which previously Trump opposed). We're hearing a slight moderation being added to the Muslim ban as being just a suggestion (actually I don't think it was much more than that before).

IT is really a matter of emphasis. Nothing Trump is saying now is contradicting his earlier statements. He has long said, for example, that Muslim immigration from extremist nations needs to be suspended, and the rest need 'closer attention' till we can 'sort this out'.

The media tries to distort his statements to make him look bad and have done so since July of 2015, and are doing so today as well.

Why would anyone expect the leopard to change its spots?
He flip flopped TWICE on taxes. First, he proposed giving the 1% a tax cut bigger than Ryan's, then he flipped to raising his taxes, then he flopped back to cutting them.
So now, we are moving from a primary (strong conservative) season, into a more moderate general election time. And quite normally after proposing the lowest taxes in 85 years, we're seeing Trump talking about some tax increase on the super rich. We're hearing about a raise in the minimum wage (which previously Trump opposed). We're hearing a slight moderation being added to the Muslim ban as being just a suggestion (actually I don't think it was much more than that before).

IT is really a matter of emphasis. Nothing Trump is saying now is contradicting his earlier statements. He has long said, for example, that Muslim immigration from extremist nations needs to be suspended, and the rest need 'closer attention' till we can 'sort this out'.

The media tries to distort his statements to make him look bad and have done so since July of 2015, and are doing so today as well.

Why would anyone expect the leopard to change its spots?
He flip flopped TWICE on taxes. First, he proposed giving the 1% a tax cut bigger than Ryan's, then he flipped to raising his taxes, then he flopped back to cutting them.

No, he NEVER said he would raise the rates on anyone via the normal individual tax bracket. He has said that some wealthy people might see their taxes go up as he closes loopholes on individual and corporate taxes.
You have that reversed. He is the Christmas present, to the Democrats.

With a mouth like Trump's you almost don't have to attack him. He makes flip-flops jealous.

10 Donald Trump flip-flops - CNNPolitics.com
Flip flops are miniscule compare to the closet skeltons Hillary is hiding.

No, you have it reversed. Hillary is a gold mine waiting to be dug into the public debates. She's got more baggage weighing her down than American Airlines. More skeletons in her closet. I can't wait for all those women victims of BAD BOY BILLY she attacked, to show up at the debates and join Trump at firing questions at her.

Maybe Jim Comey will come to the podium. Maybe Brigitte Gabriel will be there to talk about Huma Abedin. HA HA. Maybe someone from Opensecrets.org will be there to expose all her big corporate connections and contributions (AKA legal bribes). Oh man, this is gonna be fun. My advice to Hillary is quit now while you're not ahead. If she goes into those debates she's going to be the worst punching bag anyone has ever seen.

This source link of enormous closet skeletons goes back to 2008. It doesn't even include Huma, Benghazi, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hillary State Dept atrocious record, and everything over the past 8 years. Whether due to political correctness or naiveté, the media has failed to pull the Muslim Brotherhood’s skeleton out of Hillary’s State Dept. closet. It needs to do so—thoroughly examining it to determine how a group so committed to America’s destruction remains so warmly embraced by those responsible for protecting us from it.

Hillary Clinton - The Dark Side

Old Scandal Resurfacing for Hillary Clinton - The Worst News Possible for Her Presidential Campaign (VIDEO) - The Political Insider

Muslim Brotherhood Skeletons Remain in Hillary Clinton's Closet - Breitbart
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