I'm Not Worried About Trump's Pivots

This thread is a perfect example of how deep Trump supporters have their heads buried in the sand. Conservative? Are you people joking? Trump is a lifelong liberal. He's lying to your faces, laughing about it behind your backs, and you call it "pivoting".
Politifact has this ahole as the most dishonest Presidential candidate they've ever studied, and people claim utter stupidity like he's never contradicted himself? Hell, his foreign policy speech alone had contradictions, and that was a scripted speech he read from a teleprompter. Garner some integrity and character and just admit you'd all vote for any Republican, rather than trying to defend a man so lacking in those same attributes. You're all embarrassing yourselves and a disgrace to conservatism.
He flip flopped TWICE on taxes. First, he proposed giving the 1% a tax cut bigger than Ryan's, then he flipped to raising his taxes, then he flopped back to cutting them.
All explained in the OP. Try reading it.
This thread is a perfect example of how deep Trump supporters have their heads buried in the sand. Conservative? Are you people joking? Trump is a lifelong liberal. He's lying to your faces, laughing about it behind your backs, and you call it "pivoting".
Politifact has this ahole as the most dishonest Presidential candidate they've ever studied, and people claim utter stupidity like he's never contradicted himself? Hell, his foreign policy speech alone had contradictions, and that was a scripted speech he read from a teleprompter. Garner some integrity and character and just admit you'd all vote for any Republican, rather than trying to defend a man so lacking in those same attributes. You're all embarrassing yourselves and a disgrace to conservatism.
Politifact! HA HA HA!! You don't know how naive you are.

Politifact Is a Joke

Oh, "lifelong liberal" huh?

So Trump only got his CCW license and pistol just with the last 6 months, and only has been against gun control since then ? And he has only been pro-life since August 2015 ? And he has only been against gay marriage and same-sex partner benefits, for 6 months ? And it's only since last August, that he has advocated drastically lowering the corporate tax ? And he only just recently came out in favor of the death penalty ? And he only just now came out in favor of domestic drilling for oil ? Only since August 2015, that Trump has criticized our leniency toward China ? Only opposed Obamacare a few months ago ? Only supports building up the military since last summer ? Has only opposed immigration lately ? Has only advocated for a Mexican border barrier (fence or wall) since August 2015 ? Spoke out against foreign companies taking jobs from the US only recently ? Has only been critical of political insiders for last 6 months ? Only mentioned China's cyber-warfare problem recently ? New to supporting Israel ? Just started calling for end to Iran's nuclear programs ? Only has talked tough against North Korea since last summer ? Has only mentioned restricting welfare, recently ?

1. "I am against gun control" (
USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

2. "I am pro-life," (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples, Trump said "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits." ( New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist", Mar 7, 2011)

4. "0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs"
(Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 63 , Dec 5, 2011)

5. "Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is"......" 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime" (
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000)

6. "It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil" (
Devonia Smith Political Transcripts Examiner , Mar 16, 2011)

7. "Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please" (
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.117-18 , Jul 2, 2000)

8. "Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will." (
Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011)

9. "3% of GNP for military is too low" (
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.149 , Jul 2, 2000)

10 "“I’m opposed to new people coming in,” ..... “We have to take care of the people who are here..
(nytimes.com/library/politics , Dec 10, 1999)

11. "The point is that properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job. " (
Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.146-147 , Dec 5, 2011)

12. "Foreign companies are taking jobs from US"....."Foreign companies are ripping off the United States like never before.”
(Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press , Dec 2, 1999)

13. "I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

14. "China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation, its systematic attempt to destroy our manufacturing base, and its industrial espionage and cyber warfare against America." (
Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 32-33 , Dec 5, 2011)

15. "The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel. This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region, as it has been for administrations of both parties for more than half a century." (
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000)

16. "Iran's nuclear program must be stopped--by any and all means necessary. Period." (
Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 98 , Dec 5, 2011)

17. "I would let Pyongyang know in no uncertain terms that it can either get out of the nuclear arms race or expect a rebuke similar to the one Ronald Reagan delivered to Ghadhafi in 1986. I don’t think anybody is going to accuse me of tiptoeing through the issues or tap-dancing around them either. Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?" (
The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000)

18. "Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance" ( T
he America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.107-8 , Jul 2, 2000)
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"...POLITICO subjected a week’s worth of his words to our magazine’s fact-checking process. We chronicled 4.6 hours of stump speeches and press conferences, from a rally in Concord, N.C., on Monday to a rally on Friday in St. Louis.

"The result: more than five dozen statements deemed mischaracterizations, exaggerations, or simply false – the kind of stuff that would have been stripped from one of our stories, or made the whole thing worthy of the spike.

"It equates to roughly one misstatement every five minutes on average.

"From warning of the death of Christianity in America to claiming that he is taking no money from donors, the Manhattan billionaire and reality-show celebrity said something far from truthful many times over to the thousands of peoplepacked into his raucous rallies. His remarks represent an extraordinary mix of inaccurate claims about domestic and foreign policy and personal and professional boasts that rarely measure up when checked against primary sources."

Read more: Trump’s Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Have you losers decided when Mourning in America ends?

I have read some of these SO-CALLED "far from truthful" accusations. I have found many of them are nothing but far from truthful writings themselves, from interpretations based on seeing the world though liberal glasses.
Most are very easy to refute. Like the one that contradicted FBI director Comey's statement that Syrian refugees can't be vetted. The dopey reporter tried to justify her contradiction by saying 2 govt agencies would be vetting the refugees. HA HA HA. Oh yeah ? That's nice. And maybe we can get some 4th grade kids to check out our nuclear power plants too. Sheeeesh!
The faithful of Trump would make Jesus jealous. The will not only follow him to the cross, the will build it and nail themselves to it in tribute, soon enough.
The faithful of Trump would make Jesus jealous. The will not only follow him to the cross, the will build it and nail themselves to it in tribute, soon enough.
Nice rhetoric. Got any facts ? Got any substance ? Got anything ?
The ones who should have waited are those that believed his words before and ended up with pennies on the dollar for their investment.
DODGE! Your "Conservative? Trump's ideology is Trump" post (# 44), remains squashed.
The faithful of Trump would make Jesus jealous. The will not only follow him to the cross, the will build it and nail themselves to it in tribute, soon enough.
Nice rhetoric. Got any facts ? Got any substance ? Got anything ?
Trump can win like I can fly. You can sure as hell try, for a short time.

He managed to get the loon vote, until a third party run is made, that's all.
Trump can win like I can fly. You can sure as hell try, for a short time.

He managed to get the loon vote, until a third party run is made, that's all.
That answers the question You got no substance. Nice rhetoric though.
Trump doesn't know what he thinks, which is mainly because, he doesn't.
He thinks enough to have gone from a one million dollar loan from his father (that he could have gotten in a bank), to this (small sample) >>



Presidential elections are kind of like throwing a boomerang. With the boomerang you have 3 positions. 1) the boomerang starts with you...... 2) it goes out to a place away from you......3) it ends end back with you again.

With the presidential election, you also have 3 similar scenarios. 1) the primaries......2) the general election...........
3) ........the presidency.

So in the case of the run for the presidency, it is normal for both candidates to pivot toward the center, once they've secured their nomination. That's because (now more than ever) there is a very large independent constituency, that represent a lot of VOTES. It's normal for both candidates to try to woo these voters.

In Trump's case, it irritates me and worries me a little, to see Paul Ryan say that he and Trump are seeing eye to eye. That sounds like a bad thing to me. But think about it. All his life, Trump has had to "roll with the punches", as they say in New York City. To get where he is today, he has had to bend like young trees in the wind. He has often had to negotiate things, and often concede some things he might not have felt comfortable doing. In the early years in New York, when Trump was more familiar to us in New York than on a national scale, we would would sometimes say "Huh ? What did he do that for ?" Then later, he's back to being the same old Donald again, by him getting what he wanted, by mediating this and arbitrating that.

So now, we are moving from a primary (strong conservative) season, into a more moderate general election time. And quite normally after proposing the lowest taxes in 85 years, we're seeing Trump talking about some tax increase on the super rich. We're hearing about a raise in the minimum wage (which previously Trump opposed). We're hearing a slight moderation being added to the Muslim ban as being just a suggestion (actually I don't think it was much more than that before)

I'm looking further down the line. I'm looking to late January 2017, with Donald Trump occupying the White House. With the presidency secured, my gut (+ years of reading about Trump's maneuvers in New York newspapers) tells me that Trump's platform is going to boomerang back to the much more conservative positions, that had to be chiseled a bit in the general election season, to keep Hillary from getting an advantage.

We should remember that doing the right things so conservatively, in the spring, changes into doing things a little less conservative in the summer, only to revert back to true full conservative form in the winter. I'm not worried, I was expecting to see this. Whatever slight leftward pivots we may see right now, I wouldn't take them too seriously. I am thinking that when Trump actually does become president, we're going to see an even more forceful conservatism than we've seen up to now. I trust my gut impulses.
Besides, they are only suggestions.
Trump doesn't know what he thinks, which is mainly because, he doesn't.
He thinks enough to have gone from a one million dollar loan from his father (that he could have gotten in a bank), to this (small sample) >>



Trump doesn't own anything in the middle you jackass.
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Trump Real Estate Portfolio: Donald J Trump Organization Luxury Residential Resort Hotel Golf Commercial Office Retail Property
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Presidential elections are kind of like throwing a boomerang. With the boomerang you have 3 positions. 1) the boomerang starts with you...... 2) it goes out to a place away from you......3) it ends end back with you again.

With the presidential election, you also have 3 similar scenarios. 1) the primaries......2) the general election...........
3) ........the presidency.

So in the case of the run for the presidency, it is normal for both candidates to pivot toward the center, once they've secured their nomination. That's because (now more than ever) there is a very large independent constituency, that represent a lot of VOTES. It's normal for both candidates to try to woo these voters.

In Trump's case, it irritates me and worries me a little, to see Paul Ryan say that he and Trump are seeing eye to eye. That sounds like a bad thing to me. But think about it. All his life, Trump has had to "roll with the punches", as they say in New York City. To get where he is today, he has had to bend like young trees in the wind. He has often had to negotiate things, and often concede some things he might not have felt comfortable doing. In the early years in New York, when Trump was more familiar to us in New York than on a national scale, we would would sometimes say "Huh ? What did he do that for ?" Then later, he's back to being the same old Donald again, by him getting what he wanted, by mediating this and arbitrating that.

So now, we are moving from a primary (strong conservative) season, into a more moderate general election time. And quite normally after proposing the lowest taxes in 85 years, we're seeing Trump talking about some tax increase on the super rich. We're hearing about a raise in the minimum wage (which previously Trump opposed). We're hearing a slight moderation being added to the Muslim ban as being just a suggestion (actually I don't think it was much more than that before)

I'm looking further down the line. I'm looking to late January 2017, with Donald Trump occupying the White House. With the presidency secured, my gut (+ years of reading about Trump's maneuvers in New York newspapers) tells me that Trump's platform is going to boomerang back to the much more conservative positions, that had to be chiseled a bit in the general election season, to keep Hillary from getting an advantage.

We should remember that doing the right things so conservatively, in the spring, changes into doing things a little less conservative in the summer, only to revert back to true full conservative form in the winter. I'm not worried, I was expecting to see this. Whatever slight leftward pivots we may see right now, I wouldn't take them too seriously. I am thinking that when Trump actually does become president, we're going to see an even more forceful conservatism than we've seen up to now. I trust my gut impulses.

You did count to 3 successfully twice....so, there is that.

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