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I'm officially Republican

Sorry bout that,

  1. Trump is the closest thing you Independents will ever see as some one you would of voted for, he is not one of *THEM*, he's on the outside looking in, and shall remain that way, they fear him, he does not fear them.
  2. That is just what your asking for.
  3. That is why a huge block of Independents voted for him, if you didn't you can next time.
  4. Either way he will win in 2020 with or without you dumb thrown away votes.
  5. Face it you are not smart, if you voted for some other than Trump you threw your vote away.
  6. Its really simple, if your looking for a sign for direction it aint coming, think for once, Trump had to step down to take the job of President.
  7. Its really easy to see.
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You mean my nephews? You can’t fake the love they show me. I’m cool uncle sealybobo. I’m crazy silly fun uncle with a quadrunner and pontoon boat. I taught them how to be athletes and I babysat them. Only spanked one once years ago and boy did he get pissed. Lol

P.s. my brother sends them to the most expensive school in Michigan. Probably spends $50k a year for both of them. I tell them if their parents ever die they’ll go to public school. Lol

It was a joke
It all comes down to this. Why did you

A. Not show up and vote democratic in 2010?

B. Vote republican in 2010?

You should have voted democratic and kicked out the obstructionists. Because you didn’t you’ll get what you deserve. Did you vote for bush? Then you deserved the Iraq war and Great Recession. How did the Great Recession set you back?

Are you a successful person? Retired?

I am 30 yrs from retirement. I live in MA. My vote is useless. Leftists are bad. Democrats are not. Alt Right is bad. Republicans are not. I didnt Vote for Bush.
You know what sucks! I’m 47. My dad was going to get me a union job at ford when I graduated at 17. I would be able to retire this year, collect a pension and go work for another company till I felt like hanging it up.

I make good money and have no bills but still I see myself having to work another 13-20 years. So imo we officially don’t have it as good as our parents. Even though I make way more than he ever did, he has a great pension. And he gets this healthcare stipen from ford every month that pays all his out of pocket insurance costs. None of us have it this good.

I think my retirement is now 67. Republicans did that shit. Blew up Clinton’s surplus with tax breaks to the rich and Iraq war. You’re age will probably be 70.

I’m also hoping my dad will leave me $400k. So I should be good. I’ll probably retire as early as I financially can. Many of your parents are going to have to live with you and they’ll die penniless.

Retiring at 47 is insanity sorry. Not fair to the rest of society
I retired at 42. Retired from Marine Corps in 95 retired permanently in 99.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
Bro, you can be cured. It just takes love and logic.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican.

You've picked the wrong year bud.

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Sorry bout that,

  1. The Dude is correct, leave him alone, he finally came to his senses.
  2. He has had a epiphany and he is wiser for it.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from change cha here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
Another happy brainwashed idjit...
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.

Maybe some democrats here will read the post, although these days I doubt they have any appreciation for feedback.

That said, virtue signaling about your political affiliation doesn't spare us from any problems. I certainly hope you won't finish with "being a republican" as your great achievement, it is not.

I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
Who were the last 2 Democrat presidential candidates you voted for?

I was more liberal for a time, gullible and unwise, and I didn't like George Bush. The answer is Kerry and Gore (YIKES!)
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
These threads always crack me up.

Suddenly, I'm white and on the side of the Aryan Nation, the American Nazi Party, the KKK and White Nationalists.


Because Democrats have this authoritarian party without a leader because they are a coalition party of minorities.

As if that makes sense.

Try not to be such a pussy.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
I'm officially not voting for any repubs. Sick of them exploding the deficit.
I am wealthy, not because some asshole gave me welfare, but because I used my God given gifts to succeed. Why cant others do the same? Oh yeah, liberal victimhood, when you are a victim then someone else took what was supposed to be yours. I really hate stupid people....

LOL, Republicans clearly don't understand 2 things very well.

1.) Capitalism.
Indeed, Capitalism in it's self creates losers, and winners, even if everybody was really intelligent, educated, and skilled, you'd still have an economy which requires toilet cleaners, lawn mowers, Walmart greeters, and burger flippers, and an economy which doesn't require all the population to be Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers etc. etc.

2.) Biology.
Indeed, Biology dictates that everybody's different in ability, and that ultimately because of environment, or genetics some people's intelligence is biologically different, both inferior, or superior, but certainly not all are the same in ability.
I know you wont watch is video of Morgan Freeman because he is an intelligent man of color and you are threated by people like him.

Oh by the way, most of that wealth is held by people like Jeff Bezos(liberal owner of Amazon) Bill Gates(Liberal owner of Microsoft) Warren Buffet(liberal owner of Berkshire) and Jeff Zuckerburg(liberal owner of Facebook). Why don't you hear about the wealth these liberal have , but wont SHARE with victims like you? Because "Socialism" is all about the rich staying rich and using the government to prevent people like you from ever being rich.....Dumbass.

What makes you believe there's Racial equality in amassing wealth? There's certainly no evidence for that what-so-ever.

Capitalist (Republican) theories on competition driving the Capitalist market, also make a case for regulating these massive corporations. (Monopolies drive down competition, and then outsource to China)
No wonder why since the 1970's real wealth has declined / flatlined, despite a skyrocketing American productivity.

Furthermore, the fact that the majority of Capitalist companies are Liberal leaning, means they shouldn't be regulated, really?

Continue to have Facebook, Youtube / Google, Instagram, Twitter, etc. etc. censoring out Right-Wing opinions.

Did you avoid my youtube link, you fascist asshole? I will not again converse with you, because you are a fucking retard.

I'm the retard?

1.) You don't grasp how ALL economies require different skill sets, the big problem is Capitalism in it's more pure form believes the market shall set the wages, therefor NO MATTER how ambitious, educated, creative, intelligent, knowledgeable, or skilled there will still be an economy that requires toilet scrubbers, burger flippers, lawn-mowers, Wal-Mart greeters etc.
WHO WOULD be paid scab wages, despite often times working harder, more honest, and more favorably for the economy than Wall-Street pr(cks keep in mind.

2.)You don't understand genes / biology, either.
Look at people with Down Syndrome, or MS, Schizophrenia or Lou Gehrigs disease, as if that's all choices, yeah right.

3.) You're assuming Blacks, and Whites have equal ability, nope, no evidence for that, the Book the Bell-Curve was a big blow for that.
Furthermore, if you think about it the fact that Africa's so far behind countries who went through worse problems like China, Ukraine, Poland, etc, etc. also makes the case against equality in amassing wealth.

I'm the retard?
Yes, now that you have recognized that, then there is hope for you yet.....Since you are a fascist , your way of dealing with Down Syndrome and other mentally challenged people is to kill them before they are born then there is no suffering. Hitler did it in his way killing over 6 million innocent people.
In America, people can use their God given talents and achieve greatness. In Socialist/Fascist/Communist/Marxist, etc.. countries the people are supposed to be STUPID that way the government can control them better.

Let me show you someone who over came his challenges and with great success. If he can do it, why cant lazy fucks like you do it? Oh yeah, LAZY.

It was a joke
It all comes down to this. Why did you

A. Not show up and vote democratic in 2010?

B. Vote republican in 2010?

You should have voted democratic and kicked out the obstructionists. Because you didn’t you’ll get what you deserve. Did you vote for bush? Then you deserved the Iraq war and Great Recession. How did the Great Recession set you back?

Are you a successful person? Retired?

I am 30 yrs from retirement. I live in MA. My vote is useless. Leftists are bad. Democrats are not. Alt Right is bad. Republicans are not. I didnt Vote for Bush.
You know what sucks! I’m 47. My dad was going to get me a union job at ford when I graduated at 17. I would be able to retire this year, collect a pension and go work for another company till I felt like hanging it up.

I make good money and have no bills but still I see myself having to work another 13-20 years. So imo we officially don’t have it as good as our parents. Even though I make way more than he ever did, he has a great pension. And he gets this healthcare stipen from ford every month that pays all his out of pocket insurance costs. None of us have it this good.

I think my retirement is now 67. Republicans did that shit. Blew up Clinton’s surplus with tax breaks to the rich and Iraq war. You’re age will probably be 70.

I’m also hoping my dad will leave me $400k. So I should be good. I’ll probably retire as early as I financially can. Many of your parents are going to have to live with you and they’ll die penniless.

Retiring at 47 is insanity sorry. Not fair to the rest of society
I retired at 42. Retired from Marine Corps in 95 retired permanently in 99.
Thank you for your service.....
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.
and you think the Republicans are different?
Do you even pay attention bro? Damn
i officially think they're both full of shit. we need our gov to represent those of us caught in the middle of all this bullshit to work to put an end to it and set a path to working together again. i don't think there will ever come a day the democrats don't keep doing what they do but there will never come a day the repubs don't either.

i want the extreme minds to pack their shit and get out of dodge.
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.

Did the lobotomy hurt?

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I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.

Do you vote in primary elections? Do you vote a non partisan primary ballot or does your state allow unaffiliated voters to vote a party ballot? If the latter is true, what party ballot have you chosen in the last half dozen primary elections?
I was non-partisan the first 39 years, but recently registered Republican. Unless things change drastically, which from here looks impossible, I'll finish a Republican.

I can no longer bring myself to vote Democrat for anyone short of Jesus Christ himself. A vote for Democrat is a vote to eliminate the middle class for one-world order, a chaotic society, propaganda, dishonesty and twisted thinking.

BTW Dems., you had a good one in Jim Webb. He didn't stand a chance with "progress"ive Democrats. Probably better he lost anyway, because Trump's kicking ass.

Don’t worry. Jesus would never run as a Democrat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The ONLY thing worse than a Democrat is a Republican who invokes God in a political debate.

I didn’t say anything about Jesus except that He wouldn’t run as a Democrat. There should be no debate about this because the Democrats platform explicitly bans God. I didn’t mention a party Jesus would be part of because I don’t think there is one. The Dems directly banned Him from theirs is all I was saying :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If jesus was real he would bitch slap both sides
No, he would be accused of raping some woman Mary Mag- something or other. after 2000 years the democrats would still believe it was true.
It was a joke
It all comes down to this. Why did you

A. Not show up and vote democratic in 2010?

B. Vote republican in 2010?

You should have voted democratic and kicked out the obstructionists. Because you didn’t you’ll get what you deserve. Did you vote for bush? Then you deserved the Iraq war and Great Recession. How did the Great Recession set you back?

Are you a successful person? Retired?

I am 30 yrs from retirement. I live in MA. My vote is useless. Leftists are bad. Democrats are not. Alt Right is bad. Republicans are not. I didnt Vote for Bush.
You know what sucks! I’m 47. My dad was going to get me a union job at ford when I graduated at 17. I would be able to retire this year, collect a pension and go work for another company till I felt like hanging it up.

I make good money and have no bills but still I see myself having to work another 13-20 years. So imo we officially don’t have it as good as our parents. Even though I make way more than he ever did, he has a great pension. And he gets this healthcare stipen from ford every month that pays all his out of pocket insurance costs. None of us have it this good.

I think my retirement is now 67. Republicans did that shit. Blew up Clinton’s surplus with tax breaks to the rich and Iraq war. You’re age will probably be 70.

I’m also hoping my dad will leave me $400k. So I should be good. I’ll probably retire as early as I financially can. Many of your parents are going to have to live with you and they’ll die penniless.

Retiring at 47 is insanity sorry. Not fair to the rest of society
I retired at 42. Retired from Marine Corps in 95 retired permanently in 99.

Unless you are disabled that is nuts.

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