I'm on record as saying it. Thank you Democrats and Nancy Pelosi!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
News from The Associated Press

Civilization has ended as we know it. The Democrats ACTUALLY DID THE RIGHT THING!

All I know is Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan, OFF MY GOOD LIST!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Democrats did a good thing here.
I won't write off Cruz just yet, the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing. I'd rather have a real president in there who can be trusted to do the right thing.

Even if it turns out to be the same thing, I do not trust the moonbat messiah.

Kinda of funny Dims like Pelosi stabbed the Obummbler in the back. I guess the wimpy dime store Messiah has really fallen far. :D
News from The Associated Press

Civilization has ended as we know it. The Democrats ACTUALLY DID THE RIGHT THING!

All I know is Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan, OFF MY GOOD LIST!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Democrats did a good thing here.
You finally let down your guard???
Kinda of funny Dims like Pelosi stabbed the Obummbler in the back. I guess the wimpy dime store Messiah has really fallen far. :D
I think they've just realized that Obama tricked them into supporting him all of these years.....and it's backfired on them.
The Establishment Republicans are just trying to buck the do-nothing label.

Oh.......and they're all racists.
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the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing.

An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!
An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!

Honest to God..... Do you PRACTICE being a stupid bitch?

NOBODY has read the Bill you stupid fuck. It's secret.

And those of you opposed to this bill? In ten years you're gonna wonder why the US is a 2nd rate Country and why China is blowing our doors off in every imaginable way.

Think back on today.

But you won't.

You're all just way too stupid.

The only people this bill would have hurt is Union scum.

And they thank you. Profusely.
the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing.

An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!

Of course they're brainless...they're like trained dogs, say "Obama did X" and you'll get "OMFG Stupid Evil Obama!!! Worst decision EVAR!!!" from them, regardless of what he actually did.
Treaties are the exclusive domain of the Senate....none of these "fast tracked" deals have ever worked....NAFTA is a stunning failure. Clinturd bribed every petty crook in Congress to get that piece of crap passed and sure enough it blew up. Export jobs, import drugs and illegals just like Perot said it would. Oh, and check out how Canuckistan screws us on timber and finished wood products. Joining the WTO was crazy....this is crazy. If you want slants to make your stuff MOVE to asia.
the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing.

An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!

Could you give us an outline of what you read in the bill?

Are the democrats, and Republicans that voted against also brainless?
I'm glad to see my Congressman voted against this lunacy.
An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!

Your retort is an inadvertent admission of submissive stupidity.

NO ONE has read the fucking treaty, least of all you. Anyone who has access to it can't even release all the information about it. You're just all butthurt that your messiah isn't trusted by anyone besides sniveling servile fascist bootlickers like you.

That's beyond retarded, such a handicap is forgivable. You are deliberately ignorant, and beneath contempt.

I won't write off Cruz just yet, the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing. I'd rather have a real president in there who can be trusted to do the right thing.

Even if it turns out to be the same thing, I do not trust the moonbat messiah.

Obozo reminds me of that Germanwing copilot that crashed his plane into mountain. Except Barry is not taking couple of hundreds of souls down, but entire country.
the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing.

An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!
^ that x 100
the only reason I'm glad this went down is because I'm sure that anything the messiah is pushing for, will not be a good thing.

An open admission of brainlessness.

I bet not one of you empty-headed partisan morons read the bill. You just oppose it "because Obama".

It just doesn't get more retarded than that!

Of course they're brainless...they're like trained dogs, say "Obama did X" and you'll get "OMFG Stupid Evil Obama!!! Worst decision EVAR!!!" from them, regardless of what he actually did.
ESPECIALLY from the likes of teepeesammy :D
Obozo reminds me of that Germanwing copilot that crashed his plane into mountain. Except Barry is not taking couple of hundreds of souls down, but entire country.

That and he has a parachute he intends to use, that we bought.


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