Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
If one looks at the experience of other nations with low gun murder rates the answer is clear, and as I have stated. That's why you ignore those examples, you don't like the answer.
So you think severely limiting access to guns will curb suicide and illegal guns?
Yes, it would. You're letting yourself get all worked up. When you open a thread asking how to solve gun deaths, you should be ready for the answers. Dealing with gangs and other illegal activity will help, but the only actual answer is cnm's.
How are we going to keep guns coming in from overseas?
How is regulating a firearm going to stop a person from killing themselves? Or is it just the gun part that is bad?
Excellent question.

I think the real hard core answer is to come down hard on the gangs and drug trade that produces the violence. How you do that without taking away Liberty is the $64 question.
Legalize drugs
I also think culture has something to do with it. But if we legalized drugs, in a couple decades, it could weed itself out.

That would help to cut down on the violence that comes with the drug trade but it would also produce a significant number of newly addicted that would probably be worse in the long run. The last thing we need are millions of more Americans addicted to mind altering drugs. It is a damn if you do damn you don't situation.

I agree that the inner city has a culture of violence and that is something that would be very hard to break.

The problem of violence will not be corrected until the people that live in the violent areas decide they have had enough. It won't be fixed by the Whites in the safe areas deciding to get tough in the Black crime prone areas. It will only be fixed when the Blacks themselves decided they had enough. Don't hold your breath.

We have a serious problem with our Black inner cities being totally out of control. There is no easy fix to it.

The only argument I have is that it would create more drug heads. I cant agree with that. But that is a different thread. Thanks!
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

As I've been yammering since literally the day I got here right between Jovan Belcher/Bob Costas and Sandy Hook --- it takes cultural change.

Throw laws at the problem and people who want to will go around those laws. Doesn't work. That's treating the symptom and ignoring the disease.

We hear of a Sandy Hook and we claim to be horrified. If that were true, if we truly were horrified, we wouldn't be living in a place where it would even occur to the Lanzas and the Klebolds and the Loughners and the Holmses to go out in public and emulate what they see on TV every night, what they see in every movie house, what they played with as kids. Because those would be horrifying too. We should be unable to watch a scene like that and then simply go to sleep as if nothing happened. We are a culture that worships guns and death and destruction and carnage, and that, the first step is to understand and acknowledge, is the disease.

You can never stop gun murder altogether. You can never stop cigarette smoking altogether either. But we drove the latter WAY down, not by throwing laws at it but by making it socially uncool. That's the direct approach.
there is an doc that traces gun makers outta south american....and how illegal gun prices become so inflated...


In California, some gun smugglers use FedEx. In Chicago, smugglers drive just across the state line into Indiana, buy a gun and drive back. In Orlando, Fla., smugglers have been known to fill a $500 car with guns and send it on a ship to crime rings in Puerto Rico.

In response to mass shootings in the last few years, more than 20 states, including some of the nation’s biggest, have passed new laws restricting how people can buy and carry guns. Yet the effect of those laws has been significantly diluted by a thriving underground market for firearms brought from states with few restrictions.

About 50,000 guns are found to be diverted to criminals across state lines every year, federal data shows, and many more are likely to cross state lines undetected.

In New York and New Jersey, which have some of the strictest laws in the country, more than two-thirds of guns tied to criminal activity were traced to out-of-state purchases in 2014. Many were brought in via the so-called Iron Pipeline, made up of Interstate 95 and its tributary highways, from Southern states with weaker gun laws, like Virginia, Georgia and Florida.

if we are gonna deal with facts
Wrong, bad source.
Criminals do not obey laws…
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Because being killed with a knife is better?
Because the thread is about firearms homicides. Perhaps that will sink in to your consciousness after a few repetitions.
you are a loon.

That reminds me. We need to be more ready to institutionalize people who are mentally unstable to the point of being a danger to themselves and others.

MOst homeless should be in loony bins.
unstable people are a problem but I think the solution is so complex, we aren't ready to do it.

Complexity is such a problem, better to stick with the status quo?

What's your solutions,TN?
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

As I've been yammering since literally the day I got here right between Jovan Belcher/Bob Costas and Sandy Hook --- it takes cultural change.

Throw laws at the problem and people who want to will go around those laws. Doesn't work. That's treating the symptom and ignoring the disease.

We hear of a Sandy Hook and we claim to be horrified. If that were true, if we truly were horrified, we wouldn't be living in a place where it would even occur to the Lanzas and the Klebolds and the Loughners and the Holmses to go out in public and emulate what they see on TV every night, what they see in every movie house, what they played with as kids. Because those would be horrifying too. We should be unable to watch a scene like that and then simply go to sleep as if nothing happened. We are a culture that worships guns and death and destruction and carnage, and that, the first step is to understand and acknowledge, is the disease.

You can never stop gun murder altogether. You can never stop cigarette smoking altogether either. But we drove the latter WAY down, not by throwing laws at it but by making it socially uncool. That's the direct approach.
Yes, make progressivism/socialism socially uncool... because most of these nut jobs are progressives.

Well america has always been predicated upon violence, sure. Look at how we attempt to solve every problem with violence first, and how we always rally and cheer when the power structure bombs or sends in the $1.4M each Raytheon missiles.

That is a stupid reply.

I live in an area that there is very little crime or violence. In my many decades of life I have never been subjected to a crime nor has any of my relatives or friends. However, a few miles away is a big city seething with typical inner city crime. There are really two Americas.

There is no easy solution. The crime will not stop until the assholes living in the concentrated crime areas have decided they don't want it anymore. However, they have been brainwashed by the filthy Libtards to think they are victims and there is no need for them to take any personal responsibility so it is not likely they will do anything.
YOur unhappiness with reality is noted. And dismissed. Because your unhappiness does not trump reality.
You really are one of the dumbest of dumb fuck rightards. If there was such a correlation between illegitimacy and firearms homicide rates then Iceland would have one of the highest firearms homicide rates in the world.


Dig ding ding.

Have you noticed the pattern on this thread? The proble is the inner-city, single moms. David Duke is probably covering his ears, there's so much dog-whistling going on here.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

As I've been yammering since literally the day I got here right between Jovan Belcher/Bob Costas and Sandy Hook --- it takes cultural change.

Throw laws at the problem and people who want to will go around those laws. Doesn't work. That's treating the symptom and ignoring the disease.

We hear of a Sandy Hook and we claim to be horrified. If that were true, if we truly were horrified, we wouldn't be living in a place where it would even occur to the Lanzas and the Klebolds and the Loughners and the Holmses to go out in public and emulate what they see on TV every night, what they see in every movie house, what they played with as kids. Because those would be horrifying too. We should be unable to watch a scene like that and then simply go to sleep as if nothing happened. We are a culture that worships guns and death and destruction and carnage, and that, the first step is to understand and acknowledge, is the disease.

You can never stop gun murder altogether. You can never stop cigarette smoking altogether either. But we drove the latter WAY down, not by throwing laws at it but by making it socially uncool. That's the direct approach.
EXCELLENT post, pogo. Thank you.
Are you referring to something like "social shaming?"
gang violence in inner is a rats next in the ghettos and no one wants to deal with the real issues of lack of education...lack of access to healthy foods or medical care....face it we treat them like animals and get all shocked when they act like animals....i dont just mean blacks here i mean anyone forced into that enviroment
The breakdown of the traditional family is the problem and the enemy of the traditional family is liberalism/progressivism…
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?
The last two times I've seen in depth discussions about curbing illegal guns, research and law enforcement ALL agree that gun registration is part of the answer so the gun can be traced and the owner who released it into the illegal market can be held accountable. Of course, combating gangs by stopping the cartels from entering the country is a good first step. Combating the MARKET for drugs is harder and something the Republicans have been extremely reluctant to spend money on. Investing in programs to keep kids busy and productive and OUT of gangs at age 12 or whatever, and finding ways to influence massive amounts of economic growth into cities with gang problems is another way. When selling drugs is the best paying job in the neighborhood, it's an impossible mission.
Any sort a gun registration is absolutely unacceptable…
Nothing but tired ass clichés.
You statist assholes don't want to fix shit. That is fucking OBVIOUS.
You clicked on this thread and left logic in the hallway
"banning guns and regulations will stop suicide and illegal guns DDDDEEEEEERRRRR"


When my kid was 14, he argued that way. "But you didn't convince me why I shouldn't play video games 14 hours a day! You just keep repeating the same old arguments!"

I'm pleased to say he's grown out of that.
People do not have a right to free-for-all firearm acquisition.

Yeah they do, read the Constitution.

It is the only thing that will guarantee the government doesn't eventually turn into a tyranny. We are already living in a soft police state. Apparently you haven't been paying attention in these latter days.

Did you see who your over-lords decided to give you as a "choice" for president in the last election?

What a fucking joke.

"It is the only thing that will guarantee the government doesn't eventually turn into a tyranny."

That theory has obviously been proven false, your founders were wrong about that. Inverted totalitarianism is exactly where america is now.

Hmm strange, I don't feel particularly oppressed.
There ya go.

Thank the one in three Americans that own a gun.

Yea otherwise we'd end up like Sweedes :rolleyes:

The Swedes should thank the American population as well. The only thing standing between an oligarchic global police state and Swedish liberty is American willingness to keep freedom alive by owning guns and keeping their government accountable.

If you want to compare Sweden with anyone, compare them to Georgia. Sweden and Georgia are roughly comparable. Governing someplace as small and homogeneous like that is easy compared to providing the world an environment where Sweden has the freedom to experiment with liberty and freedom.


Georgia 496,180
Sweden 492,618
Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia

The price for Swedish liberty and their nanny state is American willingness to own guns and die in domestic gun deaths in order to ensure we remain ever vigilant, never forget that.
Why do people blame it on fatherless homes? Overall, violence has been going DOWN since the destruction of the family unit.
Can someone explain that to me?

You can never stop gun murder altogether. You can never stop cigarette smoking altogether either. But we drove the latter WAY down, not by throwing laws at it but by making it socially uncool. That's the direct approach.

The Founding Fathers thought it was "cool" for Americans to have the right to keep and bear arms and that is why it is in the Bill of Rights. It is illegal for the government to infringe upon that Constitutional right.

As we see in many examples, more gun laws don't do anything to deter gun violence.
Nothing but tired ass clichés.
You statist assholes don't want to fix shit. That is fucking OBVIOUS.
You clicked on this thread and left logic in the hallway
"banning guns and regulations will stop suicide and illegal guns DDDDEEEEEERRRRR"


When my kid was 14, he argued that way. "But you didn't convince me why I shouldn't play video games 14 hours a day! You just keep repeating the same old arguments!"

I'm pleased to say he's grown out of that.
then how will gun regulations curb suicide by gun and gang violence?
The only thing standing between an oligarchic global police state and Swedish liberty is American willingness to keep freedom alive by owning guns and keeping their government accountable.
What a load of shit. As an example, when Europe was being invaded the US did not take part in WW2 until war was declared on it.

edit...Oops, did not at first pick up the sarcasm. Apologies.

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