I'm Simply Devastated. High Cheek-bones And The Racists Who Notice Them

She's a phoney...and should be treated as such...early and often. Make her Marxist dumbass squirm.

Too stupid to know the history of the Trail Of Tears. You're an idiot.

I know the history of it well. Have visited the origins of the tribe in Cherokee, N.C....

and see the US Government as WRONG for what they did as *I* am part of the Iriquois Nation.


YOU need to cease assuming Tick Duck. You venture where YOU don't belong.

He's just baiting. No one has said anything like he asserts!
Once again, Democrats revealing how truly racist they are.

She is 1/32 Indian. And claimed that tiny bit as a majority of her race for years to get special treatment within academia.

Typical liberal.

Alright, I'll bite.

I saw a video where she was telling what her aunt used to say.

What's the outrage about now?

The outrage is about the fact that she might beat Brown in the race for the Senate.:lol:
i wonder how many artists in massachusetts are drawing her now! remember what they did to Obama eating dogs? the madness never ends. next week we will find out that eric holder eats ears! (kinda like Mike Tyson did)

Mike Tyson did that because he was mad at the referree for ignoring holyfields continual headbutting....according to Mike Tyson himself! I met him at MGM grand in vegas a few weeks back when I went with my cousin to the glidecam show.

As a side note how does elisabeth warrenn get elected after this hit to her credibility?
Oh that is right, we re-elected the murderous Teddy Kennedy for decades after he killed his date drunk driving...nevermind.

My thoughts are thus; Who cares. She was relating something from her childhood. Something that happened in her family and in mine. We have Native-American blood in mine and turns out I was just about the last one to know.

I was the youngest. So this talk about high cheekbones is funny to me because maybe it was something that happens in families with Indian blood. Maybe it's the way Indian women talked back 40-50 years ago.

Being a minority these days seems to be cool while being a white male is condemned. So this woman has hardly any Indian blood but she said that she was mostly Indian. Well, she wanted to be, but sometimes you have to be honest, especially when you're filling out forms for government benefits. The last time I applied for entery into a university they asked me if I was a minority. I said why. The councilor said because we have programs for them. I asked, "What about if I'm white". She said nope, no programs for whites. Minorities get the free money, poor whites have to fend for themselves.

Enough said.
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i wonder how many artists in massachusetts are drawing her now! remember what they did to Obama eating dogs? the madness never ends. next week we will find out that eric holder eats ears! (kinda like Mike Tyson did)

Mike Tyson did that because he was mad at the referree for ignoring holyfields continual headbutting....according to Mike Tyson himself! I met him at MGM grand in vegas a few weeks back when I went with my cousin to the glidecam show.

As a side note how does elisabeth warrenn get elected after this hit to her credibility?
Oh that is right, we re-elected the murderous Teddy Kennedy for decades after he killed his date drunk driving...nevermind.

My thoughts are thus; Who cares. She was relating something from her childhood. Something that happened in her family and in mine. We have Native-American blood in mine and turns out I was just about the last one to know.

I was the youngest. So this talk about high cheekbones is funny to me because maybe it was something that happens in families with Indian blood. Maybe it's the way Indian women talked back 40-50 years ago.

Being a minority these days seems to be cool while being a white male is condemned. So this woman has hardly any Indian blood but she said that she was mostly Indian. Well, she wanted to be, but sometimes you have to be honest, especially when you're filling out forms for government benefits. The last time I applied for enter into a university they asked me if I was a minority. I said why. The councilor said because we have programs for them. I asked, "What about if I'm white". She said nope, no programs for whites. Minorities get the free money, poor whites have to fend for themselves.

Enough said.

I'm 1/16th Inuit myself so I'm just as "Native" as warrenn. I never really went around saying I was a native american or dishonestly checking off a box saying I was (for example Warren @ Havard).

Like I said earlier in the thread she explained herself here locally and I'm accepting her explaination.

My comments were more a tounge in cheek shot at the voting populace of my state, MA. People think this will hurt Warrenn. I simply was pointing out that murdering a date drunk driving didn't hurt Ted Kennedy. That means a little foo fooing by Warren with her "native" status is not going to actually hurt her like many think.
I think this is what many of the racist wingnuts are thinking:

(WARNING: This is DISTURBING) Thoughtcrime: Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

The left was vicious toward Herman Cain. I guess he was too black for them since both his parents are black.
having high cheek bones is not a racial trait of humans, all races have them. What idiots you, idiots are.
In her own words, Elizabeth Warren claimed to be a native American so she could make friends and get invited to parties.

Wow: Warren Now Says She Self-Identified as Native American to...Make Friends - Guy Benson

She stopped self identifying as a native when the lluncheon invites didn't materialize.

“I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something that might happen with people who are like I am. Nothing like that ever happened, that was clearly not the use for it and so I stopped checking it off.”
In her own words, Elizabeth Warren claimed to be a native American so she could make friends and get invited to parties.

Wow: Warren Now Says She Self-Identified as Native American to...Make Friends - Guy Benson

She stopped self identifying as a native when the lluncheon invites didn't materialize.

“I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something that might happen with people who are like I am. Nothing like that ever happened, that was clearly not the use for it and so I stopped checking it off.”

So she admits to her own self-agrandizement? :lol:

What a phoney she is.
I think this is what many of the racist wingnuts are thinking:

(WARNING: This is DISTURBING) Thoughtcrime: Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

The left was vicious toward Herman Cain. I guess he was too black for them since both his parents are black.

It does not matter what color you are if you suck as a candidate and a husband.
Is Krippendorf's Tribe a comedy or documentary about Elizabeth Warren?

Respected anthropologist James Krippendorf (Richard Dreyfuss) and his wife, Jennifer (Barbara Williams), bring their three children along during their much-enjoyed search in New Guinea for a lost tribe. The search fails, despite the family's best efforts. After Jennifer's death back in the U.S., James falls into academic stagnation, having spent all his foundation grant money raising the children as a single parent. Scheduled to lecture at a college and fearful of being charged with misuse of grant funds, James concocts an imaginary tribe, the Shelmikedmu, using the names of his children as a basis. He later fakes a 16 mm "documentary" film, casting his children as tribe members and superimposing footage of a legitimate New Guinean tribe so as to enhance the illusion.

Sound familiar?
It does not matter what color you are if you suck as a candidate and a husband.

However, if you're Afro, you probably do suck as a candidate and a husband. Don't blame me. Blame statistics. Blame God. Blame nature. I'm just the messenger.
having high cheek bones is not a racial trait of humans, all races have them. What idiots you, idiots are.

Nobody has said exactly what is the exact trait that says this person has them and that person doesn't. They all look like they could have them or couldn't have them.

That is what I find funny.
Is Krippendorf's Tribe a comedy or documentary about Elizabeth Warren?

Respected anthropologist James Krippendorf (Richard Dreyfuss) and his wife, Jennifer (Barbara Williams), bring their three children along during their much-enjoyed search in New Guinea for a lost tribe. The search fails, despite the family's best efforts. After Jennifer's death back in the U.S., James falls into academic stagnation, having spent all his foundation grant money raising the children as a single parent. Scheduled to lecture at a college and fearful of being charged with misuse of grant funds, James concocts an imaginary tribe, the Shelmikedmu, using the names of his children as a basis. He later fakes a 16 mm "documentary" film, casting his children as tribe members and superimposing footage of a legitimate New Guinean tribe so as to enhance the illusion.

Sound familiar?

Liars tend to concoct stories about their history, their accomplishments, or even their girlfriends.
My mom used to look at a picture or watch a movie or show and say "She has high cheek-bones."

Little did I know that this meant she was a racist. I'm devastated.

I still can't look at someone and tell if they have high cheek-bones or not.

Does anybody know?

I hear Elizabeth Warren can spot high cheek-bones.

WTF are high friggen cheek-bones???

She likes feathers too.

Yet they think I am a racist.
Maybe Warren should run for a senate seat in Arizona if she wants to be around Native Americans. They dont need any more lunatics in Massachusetts.
and remember that rally when she was running againt scott brown, the one where she needed Obama to show up, and about 500 bored,dumb and naive people showed up,and the place held about 1500 seats? Obama must be really feeling like a jackass now. Just like Oprah!

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