I'm Simply Devastated. High Cheek-bones And The Racists Who Notice Them

if Elizabeth Warren is a 10, then "Alien & The Predator" are both 12's.

I don't know much about Liz Warren......

But high cheekbones.....yes or no?

Hugh Hewitt had a list of her Indian names, it is hilarious.

Sakajawhina is one of them.
Mud, you and I live fairly close together. But I have moved back home. I did live in Nashvegas for 20 years. I found much more racism in Nashville directed toward Native Americans than to blacks. I learned early on not to ask if someone had Native American roots. They took it as an insult. NOW, if they TOLD you, then that's OK. Even had a tribe dance for me once when I was sick. Likely the continued dislike of them in middle TN has its roots in Stonewall Jackson's influence.
Once again, Democrats revealing how truly racist they are.

She is 1/32 Indian. And claimed that tiny bit as a majority of her race for years to get special treatment within academia.

Typical liberal.

Everybody on my Dad's side of the family supposedly has high cheek-bones. I've been told I have them. I can't see it.

I have AB neg blood, which is mostly found among Native-Americans. When I was on the Kitty Hawk they found 6 of us with that blood type. All the other guys looked Native-American but I couldn't tell if they had high cheek-bones. Now I'm afraid to ask anyon, how can you tell cuz it's spose to mean you're a racist to notice, so I'm asking here behind the safety of my Blackberry online. :eusa_shifty:

Think of celebrities that have high cheek bones, which is a plus and many find them more attractive. Johnny Depp has them. Cher has them. My friend has gorgeous high cheek bones and she's French Canadian. High cheek bones cause that contour on the cheeks. I don't believe they are a trait confined to Native Americans.

Anyway, the reason Warren gave for believing she was 1/32 Native American and putting it on papers when she applied for school aid is just disgusting. She had no proof and no one has been able to connect her with any Native American ancestors. To make that claim in order to reap benefits when she herself had no proof is just someone taking advantage of the system.

I don't think this will help Warren's campaign any because she has revealed herself as a liar and a cheat. I would be curious to know what added benefits she received for claiming Native American heritage.
How will Warren campaign for senate now? she will have her share of loonies in the audience mocking indian chants,,,lol
So right wingers are proud of the Trail Of Tears. What a bunch of sick fuckers.
I hope someone sneeks in a boom box at one of her rallies and plays that classic rap tune from way back when,,,it was all about Tonto and his indian friend,,,,forgot what it was called,,,classic rap tune though.
I hope someone sneeks in a boom box at one of her rallies and plays that classic rap tune from way back when,,,it was all about Tonto and his indian friend,,,,forgot what it was called,,,classic rap tune though.

She's a phoney...and should be treated as such...early and often. Make her Marxist dumbass squirm.
I hope someone sneeks in a boom box at one of her rallies and plays that classic rap tune from way back when,,,it was all about Tonto and his indian friend,,,,forgot what it was called,,,classic rap tune though.

She's a phoney...and should be treated as such...early and often. Make her Marxist dumbass squirm.

Too stupid to know the history of the Trail Of Tears. You're an idiot.
I hope someone sneeks in a boom box at one of her rallies and plays that classic rap tune from way back when,,,it was all about Tonto and his indian friend,,,,forgot what it was called,,,classic rap tune though.

She's a phoney...and should be treated as such...early and often. Make her Marxist dumbass squirm.

Too stupid to know the history of the Trail Of Tears. You're an idiot.

I know the history of it well. Have visited the origins of the tribe in Cherokee, N.C....

and see the US Government as WRONG for what they did as *I* am part of the Iriquois Nation.


YOU need to cease assuming Tick Duck. You venture where YOU don't belong.
I hope someone sneeks in a boom box at one of her rallies and plays that classic rap tune from way back when,,,it was all about Tonto and his indian friend,,,,forgot what it was called,,,classic rap tune though.

i think it was that classic from the sugarhill gang,,all kinds of indian rap chants in the song.

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