I'm So Old I Remember When Gerrymandering Was Undemocratic and Racist

So long as State Constitutions are not violated I have no problem with HOW a State chooses to create districts, remind me how upset you are with the districts created by the Federal Government to force black districts?

If you are replying to me- I will say I am against all gerrymandering- regardless of the reason.


I think gerrymandering is an assault on all voters- by intentionally diluting the votes of those not belonging to the party in power.

But I can see why there are those who don't care about votes being diluted.
You realize the districts you just listed were ALL created by the democrats to ensure blacks won a seat unfairly? Every one of those were created by the Federal Government interfering in State business.

Frankly I don't know if that is true or not- and I don't care.

I do care in particular with the gerrymandering of districts by either party to dis-enfranchise those of the other party.

Do you?
It is easy to look up and even easier to see that the democrats used the claim that blacks were under represented to force ILLEGAL by State law districts on States. Remind me how you have complained about that since the 1990's?

LOL- poor little snowflake. You won't even answer about whether you love gerrymandering- or you oppose gerrymandering.

I will just put you down as a snowflake who loooooves gerrymandering because you want to ensure your party stays in power- regardless of the votes.
Already answered your question you are just to STUPID to understand it. Again for the slow and STUPID I support any method that meets the requirements of the State Constitution. So I am against the 3 Districts in NC forced on us by the federal Government. You have them in you pictures.
Obama Uses Gerrymandering To Push Voters To Unseat Republicans In 2018.

We’re now at the “moving imaginary armies around on the map in the führerbunker” stage of Democrat collapse.
You do know that election boundaries are generally county lines. They are set by state legislatures not the federal government.
Is that why Obama is using race to create boundaries?

How is Obama setting any boundaries?
Even your IQ is capable of clicking the link USMB requires for an OP.
If you are replying to me- I will say I am against all gerrymandering- regardless of the reason.


I think gerrymandering is an assault on all voters- by intentionally diluting the votes of those not belonging to the party in power.

But I can see why there are those who don't care about votes being diluted.
You realize the districts you just listed were ALL created by the democrats to ensure blacks won a seat unfairly? Every one of those were created by the Federal Government interfering in State business.

Frankly I don't know if that is true or not- and I don't care.

I do care in particular with the gerrymandering of districts by either party to dis-enfranchise those of the other party.

Do you?
It is easy to look up and even easier to see that the democrats used the claim that blacks were under represented to force ILLEGAL by State law districts on States. Remind me how you have complained about that since the 1990's?

LOL- poor little snowflake. You won't even answer about whether you love gerrymandering- or you oppose gerrymandering.

I will just put you down as a snowflake who loooooves gerrymandering because you want to ensure your party stays in power- regardless of the votes.
Already answered your question you are just to STUPID to understand it. Again for the slow and STUPID I support any method that meets the requirements of the State Constitution. So I am against the 3 Districts in NC forced on us by the federal Government. You have them in you pictures.

So you are in favor of gerrymandering- as long as it is in your Constitution.

GREENSBORO, North Carolina — North Carolina A&T State University may look like any other college campus, but there’s an invisible line splitting it down the middle, carving it into two different congressional districts.

North Carolina A&T is the largest historically black public college in the country. Each day, students walking from the library to the main dining hall regularly cross from the Sixth Congressional District to the 13th District. Students who move from a dorm on the north side of campus to one on the south side have to reregister to vote in a new district, and then reregister again if they move back.

Until Republican redistricting in 2016, the campus and its 10,000 students were packed into the 12th Congressional District represented by Democratic Rep. Alma Adams, an African-American alum of North Carolina A&T, but now it’s split between two white male Republicans: Reps. Mark Walker of the Sixth District and Ted Budd of the 13th.

“We’ve got two pretty conservative white men that don’t look like the majority of students,” said Reggie Weaver, who directs campus outreach for Common Cause North Carolina, a voting rights and campaign finance reform group in the state.

Some A&T students think it’s no accident their college was divided into two districts.

“This many students has the ability to sway any election. Dividing that in half, putting half this way, half the other in a majority-Republican district, that definitely dilutes the vote,” said sophomore A&T student Love Caesar.

North Carolina Republican lawmakers are facing many legal challenges to their 2016 maps, which they redrew after a US Supreme Court case deemed older maps drawn in 2011 to be an unconstitutional racial gerrymander that disadvantaged the state’s black voters. When Republicans set to map-drawing in 2016, they were clear: This time, they were doing a partisan gerrymandering.

Partisan gerrymandering, the process of redrawing state and congressional districts to benefit a particular political party, isn’t new to the state. For years, Democrats used it to consolidate power, something pointed out by state Sen. Jeff Jackson, a Democrat representing Charlotte.

“When the Republicans were back in the minority, they wanted to end gerrymandering, and my side always took those bills they filed and threw them in the trash can because we never thought we’d be out of power,” Jackson said. “Then as soon as it switched and Democrats were in the minority, the first thing we said was, ‘Hey, how about independent redistricting?’ And the first thing Republicans said was, ‘How about epic payback?’”

As Republicans in swing states across the country worry about a possible 2018 blue wave sweeping in Democrats, North Carolina Republicans can rest easy. Not a single one of the 10 Republican districts (there are 13 in total) is rated by the Cook Political Report as less than R+6. If there’s a historic blue wave this year, it might be enough for Democrats to pick up a seat or two, but they’re far more likely to win big in states like Pennsylvania or California.
Obama Uses Gerrymandering To Push Voters To Unseat Republicans In 2018.

We’re now at the “moving imaginary armies around on the map in the führerbunker” stage of Democrat collapse.

I'm So Old I Remember When Gerrymandering Was Undemocratic and Racist

How old are you, 125 years old?

Gerrymandering has been going on in the Democrat cities for at least 80 years


Gerrymandering has been going all over America for longer than that.

Republicans have mastered the art of gerrymandering.

Are you for gerrymandering?

Or against it?

Remind us again when was the last Republican mayor of Chicago was?????

Don't give me any of that bullshit, the Democrats had an 80 year head start.

LOL- tell me all about the gerrymandering in Chicago that results in Democratic mayors getting elected.......that must be a doozy.

You playing fucking dumb? The last Republican mayor of Chicago was big bill almost a 100 years ago..you are dealing with a guy who knows the Chicago Democrat machine like the back of his hand

We got gerrymandered where I live. Had nothing to do with the votes. Wanted more tax revenues. Why it got done that way.

Money money money. lol
I'd have to look it up but didn't Dems have a new i.d. ssn. For all America and Federal Redricting the entire U.S.

Yeah. What a great idea.:bang3:
We got gerrymandered where I live. Had nothing to do with the votes. Wanted more tax revenues. Why it got done that way.

Money money money. lol
Gerry mandering is all about the votes.

Of course votes have a lot to do with money.
Is that why Obama is using race to create boundaries?

How is Obama setting any boundaries?
Even your IQ is capable of clicking the link USMB requires for an OP.

LOL- you can't even figure out your own OP?

Poor little snowflake.
OK I was wrong. You are too stupid to click links provided.

Who knows what virus ridden bait click site you link to- my computer would need a condom.

So you still haven't figured out what your OP actually says?

I am fascinated to know how Obama is creating any boundaries since he holds no office.
He provided the link, you just refuse to look so the only IDIOT here is you.

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