I’m so old …

I'm so old that I remember when liberals weren't batshit crazy.

Ok, so I'm not that old.

Sue me.
They are destroying the feminine form of every word.

They are forcing authors to write fiction that erases distinction between men and women.

They are replacing traditional holidays with their own holidays.

The words "Christmas" and "Easter" cannot be said in their presence.
I hear that often, but nobody has been able to say who or what is preventing you from saying Christmas or Easter. Who is doing that to you?
With a face like yours, I bet you look ugly and bony as hell when you wear a dress. Just sayin...
I'm so old that I remember when ... if a man said that to another man?

I knew he was far too interested in men, and the dress part?

Nailed it.
I’m so old I recall the first time I read a news article that thought it was somehow necessary to talk about a “male’s” penis.
You have me confused with your daydreams about coming out.

Just sayin’.
Sorry dude. Just lookin at your avatar portrait, definitely lookin rode hard and put away wet, too often for too long.:cool:
Sorry dude. Just lookin at your avatar portrait, definitely lookin rode hard and put away wet, too often for too long.:cool:
I never claimed that I was handsome. Nor did I claim that any of my avies are.

My face has been know to scare small children. And that refers to my real face.
I'm so old till I have to be careful when I sit down so I don't accidentally sit on my nuts and mash them.
I'm more 'proven' & 'tested' than old....but, I gotta confess, I am a bit intimidated by the rather nebulous "they" that poor poster Blackrook is skeered of. "They" seem more omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, than, than,......well more than the Chupacabra.

And I hate Chupacabras.

… I remember when a store putting on a sale on dresses didn’t have to include the adjective “women’s’” dresses.
I can beat that. I'm so old I can remember when products didn't include things like 'remove cardboard container before putting in oven' or when a sleep aid included the warning 'may cause drowsiness' or 'do not drive with sun shield in place.'
I never claimed that I was handsome. Nor did I claim that any of my avies are.

My face has been know to scare small children. And that refers to my real face.
That's actually a valuable quality. Kids are not taught respect for elders anymore, they instinctively fear grownups that are mean lookin sonsabitches. When it comes to kids, if you can't count on respect, fear will suffice in the short term. ;)
I can beat that. I'm so old I can remember when products didn't include things like 'remove cardboard container before putting in oven' or when a sleep aid included the warning 'may cause drowsiness' or 'do not drive with sun shield in place.'
Wow. You ARE old.

That's actually a valuable quality. Kids are not taught respect for elders anymore, they instinctively fear grownups that are mean lookin sonsabitches. When it comes to kids, if you can't count on respect, fear will suffice in the short term. ;)
(re: Coyotes: "They’ve got more lives than the proverbial cat"

Guided by Shaman Google, we ask:
What does it mean to see a coyote in Native American culture?

  • "Seeing a coyote in Native American culture holds deep significance and carries important messages. It is believed that encountering a coyote symbolizes wisdom, adaptability, and the need for balance in one’s life. Native Americans believe that the presence of a coyote serves as a reminder to remain flexible and adaptable in the face of challenges."

So there is that.
I'm more 'proven' & 'tested' than old....but, I gotta confess, I am a bit intimidated by the rather nebulous "they" that poor poster Blackrook is skeered of. "They" seem more omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, than, than,......well more than the Chupacabra.

And I hate Chupacabras.

Don't blame Blackrook. It's the voices in his head that has him so scared. They have convinced him of all kinds of crazy shit.
I can beat that. I'm so old I can remember when products didn't include things like 'remove cardboard container before putting in oven' or when a sleep aid included the warning 'may cause drowsiness' or 'do not drive with sun shield in place.'
IDK, I can remember instructions on shampoo bottles from the 50s that said Lather, Rinse, Repeat. LOL, and a young boot that asked if he really should do that. Common sense isn't so common anymore, but it wasn't absolute even then.
I can remember when you wouldn't wear pajamas in public farther than the mailbox in front of your house.
I'm not THAT old.

I do remember other kids going to class in their pajamas and slippers.

I had always thought that was disrespectful to the professors.

. . . one of those professors should have told them, never to do that after they graduated.


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