I'm Starting To Change My Mind About Trump

Of course he is guilty, just as Pence, Biden, Obama, Hillary, and others were guilty. But they weren't indicted. In fact, Hillary's carelessness could have been hacked by any of our enemies around the world and yet Comey said that even though she was extremely reckless and careless and knew what she did was wrong and yet did it anyway, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case against her. And yet Biden's DOJ doesn't mind prosecuting Trump.
They weren't indicted or roughed up because when asked nicely, they returned said documents or offered explanations for why they were taken.
Trump did none of those things. Worse, he tried to obstruct the efforts to retrieve those documents. That's why he's being prosecuted...not persecuted.
Several, including Biden and Hillary mishandled documents but they weren't prosecuted.
You do not care for the facts. The facts will not be posted here AGAIN for you to only discard it.

DEAL with the evidence Jack Smith brought up to the Grand Jury in Florida and the votes that Jury brought to indict Trump.

TWO more indictments to come.
They weren't indicted or roughed up because when asked nicely, they returned said documents or offered explanations for why they were taken.
Trump did none of those things. Worse, he tried to obstruct the efforts to retrieve those documents. That's why he's being prosecuted...not persecuted.
Hillary's case was much more serious and she obstructed justice by deleting 30,000 emails against a court order. What happened to her? Zero, zip nodda.
There are many posts of mine on here where I made it clear I did not support or like Trump.
But you have started a whole new thread where you are totally against the indictment, without having read the 49 pages, looking at the evidence or knowing who the witnesses are.

You do not support him, but you are also against the Democrats for the Florida Grand Jury indicting Trump. Not, the Democrats. Trump's own Florida peers.

Read the 49 pages, yet?
But you have started a whole new thread where you are totally against the indictment, without having read the 49 pages, looking at the evidence or knowing who the witnesses are.

You do not support him, but you are also against the Democrats for the Florida Grand Jury indicting Trump. Not, the Democrats. Trump's own Florida peers.

Read the 49 pages, yet?
The whole thing was abuse of power from the beginning. They have already told us the charges. They're BS.
Hillary's case was much more serious and she obstructed justice by deleting 30,000 emails against a court order. What happened to her? Zero, zip nodda.
It was not. And she was EXONERATED. Learn the word.

Hilary did not delete the emails herself. It is procedure to do so after leaving the WH and it was her staff which did.

She was EXONERATED. Stop trying to equate it with what it has been proven that Trump clearly did.
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You do not care for the facts. The facts will not be posted here AGAIN for you to only discard it.

DEAL with the evidence Jack Smith brought up to the Grand Jury in Florida and the votes that Jury brought to indict Trump.

TWO more indictments to come.
The indictments will all turn out to be nothingburgers but that doesn't change the fact that all of these were nothing but Democratic abuses of power and weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI.
It was not. And she was EXONERATED. Learn the word.

Hilary did not delete the emails herself. It is procedure to do so after leaving the WH and it was her staff which did.

She was EXONERATED. Stop trying to equate it with what clearly did.
LOL. Yeah, she was exonerated for doing worse than Trump because the deep state exonerated her and went after Trump.
The indictments will all turn out to be nothingburgers but that doesn't change the fact that all of these were nothing but Democratic abuses of power and weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI.
Again, you are showing your colors. MAGA talking points sound good coming from you.

STILL, they are worthless in a court of law where the Judges are Republicans as well.
Hillary's case was much more serious and she obstructed justice by deleting 30,000 emails against a court order. What happened to her? Zero, zip nodda.
Well, that's not obstructing justice. The DOJ had those emails. They made the decision not to prosecute. Probably because there was nothing of value in them. But they made sure that the just and righteous Republicans were assuaged by releasing the fact that those emails (that they already had) were found on a laptop....two weeks before a Presidential election. How's that for election tampering? :)
Of course he mishandled government documents, just like Pence, Biden, Hillary, Obama, and several others. But they weren't indicted for it, only Trump.
There is one big difference, and reading the indictment I believe I can see why there was an unannounced raid to recover those documents. On two different occasions he produced top secret documents to reporters and PAC leadership that did not have even a minimal security clearance. He did that after claiming all documents had been returned, and he made it clear to his audience that he should not be showing them those documents.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that at least one, perhaps both, of the people that Trump showed those documents to contacted the FBI. Trump was not indicted because of a "weaponized" FBI or AG. Trump indicted himself because he is a big-mouth pompous show off. And to make matters worse, the whole thing was recorded, and Trump even knew it. I mean that man is dumber than a box of damn rocks.

And I have personal experience with contacting the FBI. I can tell you, they don't play. There was no choice other than to get the warrant and execute the raid before the orange buffoon showed top secret documents to some other yahoo.
That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats

Trump's AG Rosen...Democrat?
Trump's FBI Director Comey a Democrat?
Trump's AG aissigned special investigator Mueller a Democrat?
Trump's last Attorney General Bill Bar a Democrat? A guy that keeps saying Trump seems to have broken the law?

Dupe, let explain it to you very simply - the problem is NOT the enforcement, the problem is all the rediculous, criminal behaviour that Trump can't keep himself from.
Yes it does. He splits the Republican vote. Or, those who find him absolutely distasteful..stay home.
Either way, Democrats win by default. Hell, they may even keep the Senate despite the favorable map for Republicans.

That might work for the primary.

And if loses the primary (and I hope he does), then whoever is in there will get most of his followers support.
I never liked Trump. Didn't vote for him in 2016 (didn't vote for Hillary either). Only voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want socialism. Didn't want him to be president or win the nomination in 2024. I truly believed that if he won in 2024 he would be consumed and obsessed with revenge and that with all the other problems facing us, him being elected would not be best for the country. I felt we needed to get past revenge and concentrate on the things which are best for our country and I sincerely believe Trump would be unable to do that so I had no intention of voting for Trump in the primaries or in the general.


That has all changed with the DOJ's recent nonsense indictments (in addition to all of the other abuses of power by Democrats over the last six years). It has become abundantly clear that the greatest threat to our country is not inflation, it is not a looming recession, it is not our national debt, and it is not us being on the brink of WWIII. The greatest threat facing our country right now is the total and complete abuse of power and weaponization of government agencies including the DOJ, the FBI, and even the CIA by the Democrats, who also want to take away our first amendment rights, our second amendment rights, and are indoctrinating our children as the Nazi's did in Germany. These people need purging and revenge is needed to purge these anti-Americans from our government and our government agencies. We are facing the greatest threat this country has ever faced and revenge is the only way for us to turn it around. We need to begin our own Nuremberg trials of the Democrats and give them the justice they deserve.
He is definitely insulting, at times petty and petulant toward people, but I honestly don't think he is vengeful. He never ordered his Justice Dept. to go after people like Hillary who even Comey admitted committed real crimes, never militarized any agencies against political opponents.

I don't think they fear his vengeance. I think they fear what he would do to their agenda as his is pretty much opposite of theirs in pretty much everything. And of course he would allow their corruption and malfeasance to be exposed.

But yes, if they didn't fear that, he would be a non person and none of this would be happening. They can't beat him on the issues so they have to destroy him. And they're doing their damndest.
Then he has the very same problem he had in 2020. He isn't going to win any of the swing states. Worse, there will be Republicans who won't vote for him because they don't want to see four more years of his crap.

Again, your only hope is kick Trump to the curb and embrace someone like DeSantis. Otherwise, you're headed for another landslide loss.
Biden has switched a buddy of mine, he stated he would never vote for Trump again. Now he is ready.

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