I'm still unclear as to why Putin started their idiotic war with Ukraine. Can you explain it to me?

Dear Mr. Chomsky - I never thought I will say one day to you "You are totally wrong" - but you are. Specially Germany gave Russia more than only all chances to live forever in peace. Donald Trump started a war against Germany and the EU including Great-Britain (Brexit manipulations) - but spitlicked Putins Russia. He liked to close the NATO. He was even so stupid to destroy the INF-shield what increased the danger for the USA to be attacked from Russia with intercontinental nukes if in Europe something goes wrong. So he did not calculate that something will go wrong - but exactly this had happened: Something went terribly wrong in Europe. And this is not good at all for the USA - in no direction. Russia started a war against Europe in the Ukraine. And no one provoked Russia to have to do so. Absolutelly no one! With nothing! Even the Ukrainians had been surprised. It was totally stupid and senseless what Russia did do. They are the biggest country of the world with an extremely low population density. They have everything in their own country what they need to be wealthy. And they are a nuclear power - what means no one is able to attack them in a war. So why this heaven-crying cruel stupidity of Russia? Makes not any sense at all what happens there.
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Also many key industries that traditionally have worked for Russia are now dealing with western markets....such as rocket engines, nuclear material refining, medicine manufacturing, as well as mining and groceries.

Which is similar to the relationship between Western Countries and Taiwan.
Western Countries tend to have a symbiotic relationship with other nations. The USA's relationship with Canada and Mexico are prime examples. Mexicans are trying to sneak into America and Canadians are just trying to control the border and make people realize that they actually are a different nation.

They tend to have a usurious relationship with their neighbors....they pay half price and charge 3x for goods....all while holding a gun to their heads.
I know the war is hugely unpopular in Russia. I've seen young men in the street saying that they don't want to die for Putin. The war has been an obvious FAILURE for Russia on many levels. My greatest fear is that, in an act of despair and vengeance, Putin uses nukes against Kyiv or even American cities. I'm no expert on the military details of the conflict but it's apparent to me from afar that the Russian soldiers don't believe in the war and that might explain why their military has struggled so mightily. So, again, why is Putin doing this?

Ukranian Nazis were killing Russians in Donbass plus in a further effort to drive the US econonmy to collapse from decades of wars, the CIA installed Ukranian government decided not to honor the Minsk accords
Ukranian Nazis were killing Russians in Donbass plus in a further effort to drive the US econonmy to collapse from decades of wars, the CIA installed Ukranian government decided not to honor the Minsk accords
Make no mistake, this has always been nothing more than a thinly cloaked effort by the DC empire to weaken an opponent of world hegemon. Minsk and Minsk II were merely feints in the empire’s war.
On the streets of Kiev, billboards glorify the Nazis:
"Ukrainian Division Galicia. Defending Ukraine since 1943".
American taxpayer money goes to this fascist country.
Biden's speech at the 1997 Atlantic Council
Twenty-five years ago, the U.S. greatly underestimated the development prospects of the PRC, led by the Communist CPC. They were amused.

Now, I think, they are no longer amused.
Ukranian Nazis were killing Russians in Donbass

Before this war had started In the Donbass region died much more Ukrainian civilists who had been attacked from combatants who came directly from Russia.

plus in a further effort to drive the US econonmy to collapse from decades of wars, the CIA installed Ukranian government decided not to honor the Minsk accords
Maybe this will help clear it up for the OP?

The Pope:
He has also pinned the blame for the Ukraine conflict on Kiev and its Western backers who started the war against the people of Donbass in 2014. He noted, however, that although Russia “did not start the military activities,” it is now trying to end them.

Or there's Biden's version!
I know the war is hugely unpopular in Russia. I've seen young men in the street saying that they don't want to die for Putin. The war has been an obvious FAILURE for Russia on many levels. My greatest fear is that, in an act of despair and vengeance, Putin uses nukes against Kyiv or even American cities. I'm no expert on the military details of the conflict but it's apparent to me from afar that the Russian soldiers don't believe in the war and that might explain why their military has struggled so mightily. So, again, why is Putin doing this?

According to the book written by the Italian Freemason # 1 Putin is a Freemason.
Just for information.

Together with his 'brothers' like Biden, Zelensky & Co he cleans Russia and Ukraina up from native peoples to facilitate relocation of Israelis to 'liberated' from Russian/Ukrainians areas.
Just google Khazaria 2.0
Putin is a traitor and enemy of everyone except his own people ( his mother was Jewish and he's a secret extremist of the Khabbad sect )

Putin is in Ukraine because we wanted a conflict with Russia.
We promised Russia that NATO wouldn't expand into former Warsaw Pact nations & we did anyway.
We instigated it from the get go because it's what we do now

You'd think people would have figured that out when Joe Biden invited Putin to invade Ukraine.

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