I'm Switching Political Parties

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
You do you. I ain't rollin' that way. You ain't swayin' me from Trump if he runs ary a bit, either. :nono:

You do you, and I'll do me, sister. Trump has been the best president in my lifetime, and that's sad, but at least somebody did something good.
You do you. I ain't rollin' that way. You ain't swayin' me from Trump if he runs ary a bit, either. :nono:

You do you, and I'll do me, sister. Trump has been the best president in my lifetime, and that's sad, but at least somebody did something good.

Not arguing with you at all on any of those points. I still like you no matter what too. :)

Only problem is...........like all other political parties, they don't practice what they preach.

Well, I'm not them.
I looked up the Libertarian party beliefs this past summer.

I actually identify more with their party beliefs than any other party.

Only problem is...........like all other political parties, they don't practice what they preach.

They also aren't a practicing "political" party.
Aside from drug decriminalization and isolationism, Libertarians and Republicans share many of the same platforms.
Not arguing with you at all on any of those points. I still like you no matter what too. :)

Well, I'm not them.

Wasn't blaming you for anything............just saying that if you join the party, just make sure you join the correct sect that agrees with your ideals.

Seems all political parties are dividing themselves into different sects/catagories.

Tried to start my own, but nobody was interested.
Aside from drug decriminalization and isolationism, Libertarians and Republicans share many of the same platforms.

Eh,.. I'm up in the air about the whole entire drug thing myself. Illegal or not people are still going to get their hands on drugs just like they would still get their hands on guns if they were suddenly made illegal.
Wasn't blaming you for anything............just saying that if you join the party, just make sure you join the correct sect that agrees with your ideals.

Seems all political parties are dividing themselves intot different sects/catagories.

Tried to start my own, but nobody was interested.

If all Liberals would just leave our rights the hell alone I wouldn't have such an issue with them,.. that's the only reason I do in the first place as I understand a lot of them are just living their lives like us, but I would let them be them if they would let me be me in a heartbeat.
I align with no political parties, because the parties have done nothing but divide and destroy.

I can sort of see what you're saying but that's mostly true for the left. Recently Trump hasn't set the greatest example for our side though, but he was still the greatest president the United States of America has ever had.. in my opinion anyways and I think that DeSantis could possibly be an even greater one.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.



My gosh I am SO sick of Trump!!! I'd only vote for him out of desperation but he's gone WAY off the deep end. I believe he still won the 2020 election, but I also believe that in general he is a sore loser when it comes to things unrelated to it. Sorry guys, but with all due respect it's true. I've really gotten a dislike for that man lately. DeSantis all the way for me.
My gosh I am SO sick of Trump!!! I'd only vote for him out of desperation but he's gone WAY off the deep end. I believe he still won the 2020 election, but I also believe that in general he is a sore loser when it comes to things unrelated to it. Sorry guys, but with all due respect it's true. I've really gotten a dislike for that man lately. DeSantis all the way for me.

Threatening Desantis is pretty low class.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
Libertarians are selfish scum...they want all the social benefits without paying the taxes.
Libertarians are selfish scum...they want all the social benefits without paying the taxes.

Doesn't mean they're all like that. You've known me for nearly two years now. I'm still the same person, just with different opinions. I'm never going to change my opinion about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris though. My cat would be a better president than either one of them. Miss word salads and potato brain. :rolleyes:
Threatening Desantis is pretty low class.

Although I'm undecided whether or not he's a criminal is I haven't gotten enough information from both ends of the story too,.. he's still an asshole.
Doesn't mean they're all like that. You've known me for nearly two years now. I'm still the same person, just with different opinions. I'm never going to change my opinion about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris though. My cat would be a better president than either one of them. Miss word salads and potato brain. :rolleyes:
I'm simply giving the reality.
I would rather be an Independent or a Blank, both of which are popular in my community.
I'm simply giving the reality.
I would rather be an Independent or a Blank, both of which are popular in my community.

Well, now being a Libertarian or at least knowing I've basically been one all along lol I respect your beliefs if you can respect mine. :)

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