I'm Switching Political Parties

What des it mean to switch political parties? Nobody knows except you. Years ago the "libertarian party" was a legitimate political movement that sought to put Constitutional constraints on the system that tended to drift away from the values that the Founding Fathers placed on the system. Sadly the "libertarians" have been hijacked by the pot heads and the only thing that's important to libertarians these days is the legalization of drugs. If your political leanings still tend to be patriotic, your best bet is to channel your energies into getting the best candidates for the republican party.

Too much reaching across the ailes to trust any of them.
Last half century it has only gotten worse while they take turns screwing us all. Musical chairs of tyranny.
Can anyone of any political persuasion tell us what has improved for us all? I don't see minorities do any better killing the hell out of each other and filling our prisons, or a losing our nation, no border, no nation.
What happened to all out factories, they sold them off to third world labor for profit.
I agree with the cussing bandit George Carlon" its a club and we aren't in it".
What des it mean to switch political parties? Nobody knows except you. Years ago the "libertarian party" was a legitimate political movement that sought to put Constitutional constraints on the system that tended to drift away from the values that the Founding Fathers placed on the system. Sadly the "libertarians" have been hijacked by the pot heads and the only thing that's important to libertarians these days is the legalization of drugs. If your political leanings still tend to be patriotic, your best bet is to channel your energies into getting the best candidates for the republican party.
Got hijacked by Berntards too.
The sad truth is that in the 2024 election either the republican or the democrat will be elected to be the president. That is the reality, and by voting for any other person or by not voting at all, you are leaving that decision for others to make.

LOL, making fun of people for not willingly making a sad choice.

That president could be making one or more nominations to the Supreme Court during his/her 1st term, so do you care about that?

Not really. In the end it seems I agree or disagree with the courts about the same level. Being able to step aside I understand how the courts operate. I may wish something was different but I can understand the legal reasons why it is not.

I said that on a simple legal level, I understood that there was legit arguments for the RvW decision to go either way. Work with it.

People worry about the courts curtailing gun rights. I'm not. The court could outright ban guns but no one would give them up.

If the democrats gain seats in the Senate enough to end the filibuster and take back the House, are you okay with a democrat that will sign anything they pass?

The filibuster is simply a Senate rule. The Democrats could do away with it tomorrow. They didn't. There is no law or anything in the Constitution that makes the filibuster anything special. It's just a Senate rule.

Under such a scenario, they will surely pass legislation to federalize our elections that eliminates voter-id and liberalizes mail-in ballots, so are you okay with that? They might add 4 new justices to the Supreme Court that are more to their liking, are you okay with that too? Do you want a democrat president that will sign all these changes and more? Do you really believe that a republican president would allow these things? Do you really think Trump would be THAT bad?

LOL, absolutely.

It seems to me that we have reached the point where clearly the democrats want to make historic, monumental changes that cannot be undone. they would have done so already if it were not for Manchin and Sinema. So, people can sit back and say, well I didn't vote for that. But you also didn't vote against it either.

They want to do all these things despite not doing them? Without Manchin and Sinema all they would have done is spent more money. Something I was and still 100% against without paying for it but Trump added 7.8 trillion to the debt and I'm supposed to be good with that?
No political party is going to be omnipotent or get it all right. I am 100% libertarian (small "L" aka classical liberal in that I believe in small, effective NECESSARY government that does what is impossible or impractical for the people to do for themselves and that allows us to function in peace as one nation, indivisible. That means the federal government does ONLY what the Constitution specifically authorizes it to do and leaves the states and the people in them to organize whatever societies they choose to have.

The Libertarian Party gets a lot that is right, but their track record is just as authoritarian as any other in that they would use government to promote their believes/wishes/preferences.

What are these things you believe they want to do and who is it that has promoted them?
I wasn't responding to you personally. But there seems to be quite a lot of people who won't vote for either major party cuz they can't see a difference. But I see a huge difference; it is my honest opinion that if the democrats get to the point where they can abolish the filibuster

I've pointed this out already but don't let that stop you. They can abolish the filibuster tomorrow.
Libertarians were the impetus/origins of the ACLU that has become one of the most subversive/corrupt organizations in the country so far as individual liberty is concerned. But the Libertarians have never denounced that.

Libertarians have been at the forefront to disallow communities or societies to publicly express religious grounding in many of our national celebrations/holidays. And they would disallow communities or individual societies from prohibiting activities they disagree with such as pornography, abortion on demand, recreational drugs, etc. etc. etc.

So they want to be anti-authoritarian. Please make up your mind. You are just flinging crap hoping something will stick.

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