I'm Switching Political Parties


Not the same thing.

I don't know, all I know is that I have more of Libertarian views than Republican views.

Abortion doesn't count because it's murder and it goes against the as long as you aren't hurting anybody rule that you can feel free to do whatever you want.
Accept you basically said that you would probably mostly vote Republican.
Outside of the 73 business owners you like to use to cite the position of Republicans, I don’t know one single Republican who thinks we should import one more thirdworlder…and you don’t either.
I know a Republican who thinks we should export cowardly losers like you.
I know a Republican who thinks we should export cowardly losers like you.
No you don’t….NO Republican wants to export good, real, productive core Americans…only you globalist feelz people think we can build a better America by trading our best for Mexico’s worse.
You globalist FEELZ people need me….Who’s going to feed all those desperate thirdworld pets of yours?

Very much so ... In as when you govern something, you are applying limits and parameters.

I believe the greatest problem we have in our current society is the desire of the People to kick the can to the next level.
If they cannot achieve their desires within their own community ... They will attempt to leverage the opinions of others outside their community.

In a lot of cases ... This all boils down to desires, based in the incessant need to tell other people what they should be doing.
Most often ... That is to support their own ideology and validate it through forced compliance.

Freedom and Liberty come with personal responsibility ... Not with what you can make someone else do.

As long as we look towards the higher authority in government ...
We will never effectively unite, work together and meet the challenges that authority is constantly trying to push beyond our reach.


That's about the nuts and bolts of it. Unfortunately, there's not even much of a fight being put up at the local grassroots level any more.
The war hawks caled Trump an "isolatiionist" for wanting to end stupid forieign wars and bring the troops home too.

Trump was right. It was the same warmongering Neo-Cons like John Bolton who stabbed him in the back.
Eh,.. I'm up in the air about the whole entire drug thing myself. Illegal or not people are still going to get their hands on drugs just like they would still get their hands on guns if they were suddenly made illegal.

Laws that protect society as a whole are important for any nation to survive.
We have hundreds of thousands dying from foreign drugs every year. Not to speak of all the other problems with drug addictions.
Making them legal will not stop drug abuse or the effects of it just different criminals will get richer.
Lots of nations know this already and make it very costly to bring drugs into their nations.
No parent or worker should be doped up. Addiction is horrible no matter who's pushing the drug or getting rich off it.
I can sort of see what you're saying but that's mostly true for the left. Recently Trump hasn't set the greatest example for our side though, but he was still the greatest president the United States of America has ever had.. in my opinion anyways and I think that DeSantis could possibly be an even greater one.

Anyone ever wonder why they let Trump stay in power long enough for him to pass TWO Un-Constitutional laws? Did they fool him or is he in the 'club', this is something I really don't know.
I think it's the latter, that's been my thought from the start.

I'm not real sure but have enough doubt to never ever vote for anyone again. I have no real faith in any of them now including Desantis, after he lied about stopping Big Sugar from the destruction of our Everglades and Springs. He promised to stop the disaster from polluting of our water.
I'm sure not a tree hugger but do realize something has to be done if we are to keep this state livable.

Starting with his fucking veep.

Trump is too trusting and too forgiving. If I'd gone through all the shit the left put him through, I'd probably choose Hitler for my next VP.

DeSantis had a chance to side with Floridians. He chose sugar.​

Trump is too trusting and too forgiving. If I'd gone through all the shit the left put him through, I'd probably choose Hitler for my next VP.

None of them are above reproach, nor is anyone immune to power corruption.
What des it mean to switch political parties? Nobody knows except you. Years ago the "libertarian party" was a legitimate political movement that sought to put Constitutional constraints on the system that tended to drift away from the values that the Founding Fathers placed on the system. Sadly the "libertarians" have been hijacked by the pot heads and the only thing that's important to libertarians these days is the legalization of drugs. If your political leanings still tend to be patriotic, your best bet is to channel your energies into getting the best candidates for the republican party.

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