I'm Switching Political Parties

I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
sorry but this objectively BS

If there is a problem between 2 people who disagree and we are seeking the correct policy.. well, you don't let everyone do his or her own thing (assuming we are speaking of serious matters)

Abortion is a prime example. You don't give in to people who scream CHOICE because not all that humans can choose should be allowed to be chosen. You don't let one person or group have the freedom to murder another just because that person say he or she has the right

And it doesn't matter which party you are registered in anyway. You will still have to vote for R or D. The 3rd option is no option at all. It is just throwing away your vote.

And frankly, I don't have a big problem with that. It forces people to choose.. you know.. between Satan and God.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire.


Just because you now identify as Libertarian, does not give you the right to demand that we refer to you as such.

See how that works?

Not the same thing.

I never really understood the Libertarian thing. Even Libertarians themselves run as Republicans because they can't win as Libertarians and we have a lot of people, such as yourself, who claim they are Libertarians and then turn around and vote for Republicans. I don't understand the point of it all, especially when Libertarian politicians don't run on the Libertarian ticket. Libertarians always have been and always will be losers. That's just a fact. I'm saying this as a person who despises both main political parties.

I don't know, all I know is that I have more of Libertarian views than Republican views.

sorry but this objectively BS

If there is a problem between 2 people who disagree and we are seeking the correct policy.. well, you don't let everyone do his or her own thing (assuming we are speaking of serious matters)

Abortion is a prime example. You don't give in to people who scream CHOICE because not all that humans can choose should be allowed to be chosen. You don't let one person or group have the freedom to murder another just because that person say he or she has the right

And it doesn't matter which party you are registered in anyway. You will still have to vote for R or D. The 3rd option is no option at all. It is just throwing away your vote.

And frankly, I don't have a big problem with that. It forces people to choose.. you know.. between Satan and God.

Abortion doesn't count because it's murder and it goes against the as long as you aren't hurting anybody rule that you can feel free to do whatever you want.
sorry but this objectively BS

If there is a problem between 2 people who disagree and we are seeking the correct policy.. well, you don't let everyone do his or her own thing (assuming we are speaking of serious matters)

Abortion is a prime example. You don't give in to people who scream CHOICE because not all that humans can choose should be allowed to be chosen. You don't let one person or group have the freedom to murder another just because that person say he or she has the right

And it doesn't matter which party you are registered in anyway. You will still have to vote for R or D. The 3rd option is no option at all. It is just throwing away your vote.

And frankly, I don't have a big problem with that. It forces people to choose.. you know.. between Satan and God.

You have a point in that eventually you still likely have to vote R or D.
But registering 3rd party makes the crooked politicians less assured of your submissiveness.

And it is WRONG to claim to know God.
You do not.
And while we are still reproducing at the rate of the prey we once were, obviously we have switched to being predators and need to cut our reproductive rate by about a factor of 5.
I know God BETTER than you do, because God would not want humans over running and destroying the planet.
There is zero difference between never getting pregnant and having an abortion.
The fetus never knows it is alive at all.
Those who try to force their beliefs on others are as close to Satan as anyone can get.
So you’ll be voting for Libertarian candidates only?

No, because:

1. The party isn't big enough.
2. Like somebody else already said, I want to vote for people that I believe can do the job and Libertarians and Republicans are really close in their beliefs that I think either could.
Abortion doesn't count because it's murder and it goes against the as long as you aren't hurting anybody rule that you can feel free to do whatever you want.

And proves you are not really a Libertarian.
An fetus that has never been conscious or sentient, can't be murdered.
You can not be stealing sentience from them if they never had it to begin with.
And a real Libertarian would realize "self defense" is a valid motive for abortion, since child birth has a high risk association.
No, because:

1. The party isn't big enough.
2. Like somebody else already said, I want to vote for people that I believe can do the job and Libertarians and Republicans are really close in their beliefs that I think either could.
So you announced that you are a Libertarian because??
So you announced that you are a Libertarian because??

Because I felt like it for one and for two,... I'm sick and tired of this war between the right and the left. I wish people would just focus on their own lives and stop trying to control everybody else's.
And proves you are not really a Libertarian.
An fetus that has never been conscious or sentient, can't be murdered.
You can not be stealing sentience from them if they never had it to begin with.
And a real Libertarian would realize "self defense" is a valid motive for abortion, since child birth has a high risk association.

Childbirth is not high risk (75 years ago, yeah, maybe)
One is more likely to get dead driving to the abortion than during childbirth.
The sad truth is that in the 2024 election either the republican or the democrat will be elected to be the president. That is the reality, and by voting for any other person or by not voting at all, you are leaving that decision for others to make. That president could be making one or more nominations to the Supreme Court during his/her 1st term, so do you care about that? If the democrats gain seats in the Senate enough to end the filibuster and take back the House, are you okay with a democrat that will sign anything they pass? Under such a scenario, they will surely pass legislation to federalize our elections that eliminates voter-id and liberalizes mail-in ballots, so are you okay with that? They might add 4 new justices to the Supreme Court that are more to their liking, are you okay with that too? Do you want a democrat president that will sign all these changes and more? Do you really believe that a republican president would allow these things? Do you really think Trump would be THAT bad?

It seems to me that we have reached the point where clearly the democrats want to make historic, monumental changes that cannot be undone. they would have done so already if it were not for Manchin and Sinema. So, people can sit back and say, well I didn't vote for that. But you also didn't vote against it either.
The sad truth is that in the 2024 election either the republican or the democrat will be elected to be the president. That is the reality, and by voting for any other person or by not voting at all, you are leaving that decision for others to make. That president could be making one or more nominations to the Supreme Court during his/her 1st term, so do you care about that? If the democrats gain seats in the Senate enough to end the filibuster and take back the House, are you okay with a democrat that will sign anything they pass? Under such a scenario, they will surely pass legislation to federalize our elections that eliminates voter-id and liberalizes mail-in ballots, so are you okay with that? They might add 4 new justices to the Supreme Court that are more to their liking, are you okay with that too? Do you want a democrat president that will sign all these changes and more? Do you really believe that a republican president would allow these things? Do you really think Trump would be THAT bad?

It seems to me that we have reached the point where clearly the democrats want to make historic, monumental changes that cannot be undone. they would have done so already if it were not for Manchin and Sinema. So, people can sit back and say, well I didn't vote for that. But you also didn't vote against it either.

Sadly there are a lot of people who just want to stand outside the window of their local department store and complain about the way that the mannequins are dressed.

Somehow this makes them feel superior.
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The sad truth is that in the 2024 election either the republican or the democrat will be elected to be the president. That is the reality, and by voting for any other person or by not voting at all, you are leaving that decision for others to make. That president could be making one or more nominations to the Supreme Court during his/her 1st term, so do you care about that? If the democrats gain seats in the Senate enough to end the filibuster and take back the House, are you okay with a democrat that will sign anything they pass? Under such a scenario, they will surely pass legislation to federalize our elections that eliminates voter-id and liberalizes mail-in ballots, so are you okay with that? They might add 4 new justices to the Supreme Court that are more to their liking, are you okay with that too? Do you want a democrat president that will sign all these changes and more? Do you really believe that a republican president would allow these things? Do you really think Trump would be THAT bad?

It seems to me that we have reached the point where clearly the democrats want to make historic, monumental changes that cannot be undone. they would have done so already if it were not for Manchin and Sinema. So, people can sit back and say, well I didn't vote for that. But you also didn't vote against it either.

I'm not sure where you got the impression that the people I was going to vote for in 2024 would change.

That will never happen.

Sad, but true. :(

This might not be the right planet for you.

Tell me something that I don't already know lol :p

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