I'm Switching Political Parties

You realize that the best military is the one that never has to fire a shot.

World War II happened because the idiots thought we could disarm and disengage. The democracies disarmed and the Fascists and communists armed.

Since then, we've kept the peace by being strong.

We haven't kept the peace.
The libertarians were a joke 40 years ago and they are a joke now.

Here's how you can tell that Libertarians aren't serious. They had a pretty good showing in 2016. They ran Gary Johnson, a former governor, and got about 3.3% of the vote. But then people blamed them for Trump getting in because a lot of that was self-righteous liberals who wouldn't vote for Hillary.

So to make sure they wouldn't get blamed again, in 2020, they ran a non-entity named Jo Jorgensen. She got a whopping 1.2% of the vote.

The ironic thing is that the Libertarian's goal is to someday, little Timmy, hit 5% of the popular vote so they qualify for Federal matching funds. (After the two major parties rejected them because they limit how much they can spend.)

and if you can't see the irony in that, I'm not sure what can be said for you.

Well than it’s a good thing we’ve get the D and R party, because they’re GREAT!
Trump never set up foundation after foundation so that his money is untraceable. Soros probably has much more power than Trump and always has he just does it undercover. You don't see Soros having rallies, giving his real POV, getting involved legitimately in government. All Soros does is use his vast fortune to undermine American values in hopes of toppling your economic system just like he did in England. That's his MO.

Well, I wasn't fighting that battle ... Just thinking about what the two had in common.
Screw it ... Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Elon Musk ... It doesn't matter and what I mentioned was true to them all.

I could stamp my little feet and bark at the moon all day and night about George Soros ...
I live damn near in the middle of nowhere ... And that bastard is financing District Attorney elections in a metro area 40 or so miles North of me.
It isn't even a major city in a major State ... Don't think you are going to enlighten me as to how far that man is into the game.

He's doing it on the ground here ... Even in the middle of nowhere ... That's what I meant about getting it to the "ground game".
And guess what ... His ass is winning in that game ... And there really isn't anyone trying to stop him ... :thup:

Did you wake up in the ruins of a nuked city this morning?
You didn't?
Then we kept the peace.
You're welcome, commie!

I say it's because McD's sells large drinks for .99 cents. Prove me wrong.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
I never really understood the Libertarian thing. Even Libertarians themselves run as Republicans because they can't win as Libertarians and we have a lot of people, such as yourself, who claim they are Libertarians and then turn around and vote for Republicans. I don't understand the point of it all, especially when Libertarian politicians don't run on the Libertarian ticket. Libertarians always have been and always will be losers. That's just a fact. I'm saying this as a person who despises both main political parties.
About the same as the Democrats and Republicans.

These jobs aren't going to fill themselves.
Outside of the 73 business owners you like to use to cite the position of Republicans, I don’t know one single Republican who thinks we should import one more thirdworlder…and you don’t either.
Outside of the 73 business owners you like to use to cite the position of Republicans, I don’t know one single Republican who thinks we should import one more thirdworlder…and you don’t either.

They all do which is why they don't actually address the situation.

As I said, Florida was supposed to pass a law making verification of employee's the law.

The first thing they did (the Republicans) was exempt Agriculture. Basically a big help wanted sign saying "Come to Florida", we need your labor.
Government, irrelevant of how little of it you have, is still force.

Which means that liberty is always gonna be limited in some way, somewhere.

Very much so ... In as when you govern something, you are applying limits and parameters.

I believe the greatest problem we have in our current society is the desire of the People to kick the can to the next level.
If they cannot achieve their desires within their own community ... They will attempt to leverage the opinions of others outside their community.

In a lot of cases ... This all boils down to desires, based in the incessant need to tell other people what they should be doing.
Most often ... That is to support their own ideology and validate it through forced compliance.

Freedom and Liberty come with personal responsibility ... Not with what you can make someone else do.

As long as we look towards the higher authority in government ...
We will never effectively unite, work together and meet the challenges that authority is constantly trying to push beyond our reach.

Liberals don't do things like that; Marxists do. Liberals are for individual rights and respecting others' opinions.
I got a cousin that's a liberal. There's worse things, I'll tell ya that. I took some test and I scored as a liberal. :dunno:
Liberals and Conservatives are really that far apart and many countries try and dip into both sides... Europe is a great example...

Understanding that everyone has the right to Healthcare used to be both a Liberal and Conservative thing... How it was achieve used to differ.. Generally in Europe the main parties don't associate Liberal or Conservative but look at each issue separately and try to figure out if the best solution comes from Government Services or Privatisation...
They try and get it right every time, they don't but not being rigid allows you to change your mind. Big one in Europe right now is water better supplied by the Government or Private companies... The term in Europe is Public v Private(and the multiple of mixes in between)...

BTW, France was the first country to privavtise water and then brought it back to public again...

So the rest of the first world looks a little bit fasciated at the US political policy of winner takes all and all in too one ideology...
As for the others, MAGA, Libertarians, Antifa, ANti-Vax, Anti-Climate.... They are just jokes really that don't get media coverage because they can't back up stuff with evidence... National Broadcasters/Newspapers get a lot of shit if they bring on people who tell lies... Just not acceptable way to behave... So the Crazies, are the ones standing on crates at the end of the parks shouting crazy stuff..
The first Libertarian I voted for was in the 1980 presidential race. The last Libertarian I voted for was in last month's US Senate race. There have been a handful in-between.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
Libertarians are just emotional conservatives.

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