I'm Switching Political Parties

You do you. I ain't rollin' that way. You ain't swayin' me from Trump if he runs ary a bit, either. :nono:

You do you, and I'll do me, sister. Trump has been the best president in my lifetime, and that's sad, but at least somebody did something good.
What did trump do?
buttercup actually agreed with me that your current behavior is foolish and childish as she liked my post calling you out. Sorry, I don't mean to get you involved with this B.C, but I'm looking for a current way to turn off the temper tantrum.

I gave a thanks to post #104 because I think we have to be careful about saying things that could be perceived as threats of violence (even if that's not how it was intended)....but also because I don't think your decision to not vote for Trump should be a reason to no longer be friendly with you. That said, I don't have anything against Duke, I know that the person he was originally replying to can spark a lot of anger (if you go to the religion section, you'll see that I know that firsthand lol) and I get that we all can lose our patience once in a while.
I gave a thanks to post #104 because I think we have to be careful about saying things that could be perceived as threats of violence (even if that's not how it was intended)....but also because I don't think your decision to not vote for Trump should be a reason to no longer be friendly with you. That said, I don't have anything against Duke, I know that the person he was originally replying to can spark a lot of anger (if you go to the religion section, you'll see that I know that firsthand lol) and I get that we all can lose our patience once in a while.

I didn't have anything against him either until he lashed out at me for no reason, but yeah I also know what you mean about surada,.. I'm just finally seeing some good in them is all. Ah well, same old same old crap.

First people on here started turning on me because the kind of friends I have, then my candidate interest, now my political party change,... Yet not once have I forced anybody to agree with me so how it's affecting them, I don't have the slightest idea.

If people only like you for one particular reason or a few particular reasons then they just aren't worth your time. That's the way I see it anyways. I'm not going to pretend to be what people want me to be just so that they'll like me.

Especially strangers over the internet although I tend to grow attached to reading certain posts from different posters. You know that I love eating meat and that I celebrate Halloween and love Harry Potter yet you finally learned to just accept it agree to disagree and move on as you like me anyways even if it's against your beliefs.

For that much I think you deserve the HIGHEST respect out of everybody on this message board because you actually could accomplish what most people can't and if I could,... I'd nominate you as a mod. In fact I probably will before I go to bed. You deserve it. :D
First people on here started turning on me because the kind of friends I have, then my candidate interest, now my political party change,... Yet not once have I forced anybody to agree with me so how it's affecting them, I don't have the slightest idea.
Bullshit. People turned on you because you like to pit mods against posters, lie a lot, pretend to be something you are not, start stupid threads because you think this is Romper Room and in general are a retard who runs around here trying to be all bad ass and instead make most dizzy from the eye rolls as you suck mod ass when you aren't lying about them in pm's to other posters. And yes, you try to force people to agree with your idiotic opinions and when they don't, you go crying to staff and sulk.

Your nickname is SEEEE MEEEE because that's what you want. Usually I ignore you but when you lie, I will call YOU out on it.

Stop lying.
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Whoopdee freaking doo! You already know that I don't have a problem with his political views and there's not many differences with Republicans and Libertarians as JGalt already pointed out, but think what you want of me as like I already said that I don't honestly give a shit. 🙄

Libertarians actually believe what they say, Republicans don't.

ie: 7.8 trillion in new debt in Trump's 4 years.
Doesn't that mean you're not Libertarian?

This is brainwashing by the parties.......if you are a member of a party you MUST vote for their candidate even if you don't really care for them.

I'm not a member of the (L) party but I've voted for people of many different parties. IMO, best one gets my vote regardless of party.
I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.

Government, irrelevant of how little of it you have, is still force.

Which means that liberty is always gonna be limited in some way, somewhere.

Placing the wisdom (and the foresight to understand where compromise should be and how it could be made) of the Framers aside, I don't know that Libertarians are capable of such logistics. Well...actually, I do know that they simply aren't. I think they'd throw the liberty of their own family under the bus if it meant having the luxury of unchallenged identity.

There's a lot that could be said about it. I don't hapen to feel like going down the rabbit hole here.

End of the day, personal responsibility is what defines one's true freedom from government-over-man. That, too, can be a rather long and drawn out discussion in itself.
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Libertarian is Lib-lite….Dem-Lite. Tell us how Lib-Lites feel about immigration and our nations right to sovereignty?

About the same as the Democrats and Republicans.

These jobs aren't going to fill themselves.
The libertarians were a joke 40 years ago and they are a joke now.

Here's how you can tell that Libertarians aren't serious. They had a pretty good showing in 2016. They ran Gary Johnson, a former governor, and got about 3.3% of the vote. But then people blamed them for Trump getting in because a lot of that was self-righteous liberals who wouldn't vote for Hillary.

So to make sure they wouldn't get blamed again, in 2020, they ran a non-entity named Jo Jorgensen. She got a whopping 1.2% of the vote.

The ironic thing is that the Libertarian's goal is to someday, little Timmy, hit 5% of the popular vote so they qualify for Federal matching funds. (After the two major parties rejected them because they limit how much they can spend.)

and if you can't see the irony in that, I'm not sure what can be said for you.
The more divided we become, the more loony the parties become -- or is it the other way around?

Regardless, I've never understood how or why a person would swear allegiance to either "major" party.

Because they can get things done I want..

For years, I was a Republican. I did so because I was in the military and the Republicans were big on defense spending.

Then I realized that a working person voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

The issues I care about, the Democrats might get something done on. And they are generally better on the economy.

Other issues, I don't care that much about, other than the enjoyment I get watching the Religious Zealots whine when they have to bake a cake.
Hillary gave Liberals no reason to vote for her.

You mean other than 30 years of successfully advocating liberal causes?

The sad thing about you Bernie Bros is that you mistook the misogyny of some in the Democratic base as support for your crazy socialist ideas.

Which is why Commie Bernie melted away in 2020 pretty quickly.

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