I'm Switching Political Parties

The criminal lawyer Trump hired is from Atlanta and he gets paid in advance. His name is Drew Finding.

Oh,... When did we start becoming nice to one another btw? But I am curious to know if The Duke was targeting one of us specifically with that comment as that could wind him up in some real legal trouble and it's against TOS rules. Unless I'm simply just misunderstanding him of course.
Oh,... When did we start becoming nice to one another btw? But I am curious to know if The Duke was targeting one of us specifically with that comment as that could wind him up in some real legal trouble and it's against TOS rules. Unless I'm simply just misunderstanding him of course.

Duke never makes much sense.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
Check out the forward party… you might find them interesting…
I think it may not matter to which party one belongs. Recent events in Washington D.C. seem to show there is really a D.C. 'Uni-Party.' Oh, they call themselves different names and put on great displays of fake outrage at one another but, don't kid yourself, they are all in it for themselves and the individual power these elites hold makes them very rich. If you want a powerful say in America, you need to get out there and get a constituency large enough to topple the D.C. powerful elites. Even if you do that, they will come after you with a vengeance in order to protect their own interests. Principles may serve to give one an anchor but will not protect one from political vengeance.

I guess the easiest way to put it is that the Establishment is on both sides of the aisle and is becoming easier to recognize by the day.

Still ... The Assclowns on Capitol Hill don't bother me as much as the rot they bring with them
that is starting to infect and fester at an amazing rate within the majority of our Federal Agencies
and far beyond the reach of the electorate.


I guess the easiest way to put it is that the Establishment is on both sides of the aisle and is becoming easier to distinguish by the day.

Still ... The Assclowns on Capitol Hill don't bother me as much as the rot they bring with them
that is starting to infect and fester at an amazing rate within the majority of our Federal Agencies
and far beyond the reach of the electorate.

If they hate Trump, they are of the Swamp elite, that I can tell you. George Soros seeded our government with radicals that are all in the Democrat party and have become the main wielders of power in that party.
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
This is the second big announcement you’ve made about not being a trump supporter or a republican

Dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out
Read it again, "take over the world and leave you alone." :)

I think it was a joke at my expense though.

You, because surada likes that way of thinking. And that's a wrong type of person right there. ;)

You messed up somewhere if surada supports what you're doing.

Umm,.. I think the way I think and don't give a shit whether or not people agree with me. I didn't mess up. You only mess up when you put politics over family and friendships. Now,.. that is nowhere in my vocabulary, but if I disagree with you and or your behavior I'll say so.
This is the second big announcement you’ve made about not being a trump supporter or a republican

Dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out

Whoopdee freaking doo! You already know that I don't have a problem with his political views and there's not many differences with Republicans and Libertarians as JGalt already pointed out, but think what you want of me as like I already said that I don't honestly give a shit. 🙄
If they hate Trump, they are of the Swamp elite, that I can tell you. George Soros seeded our government with radicals that are all in the Democrat party and have become the main wielders of power in that party.

Lolz ... There's a plethora of threads that could be started off of what you put in those two comments ...
None of which would help the OP find their direction.

If I could say one thing about it ... One thing Former President Trump and George Soros have in common ...
They both know an idea is nothing but an idea until you can finance it and get it to the "ground game".

Whoopdee freaking doo! You already know that I don't have a problem with his political views and there's not many differences with Republicans and Libertarians as JGalt already pointed out, but think what you want of me as like I already said that I don't honestly give a shit. 🙄
Some folks like Trump and his policies but are put off by his 'mean tweets.' IMO, those folks listen too much to the MSM. Trump was the best President we had in decades and his policies gave us the best economy of our lifetimes. I like the way he put down stupid politicians including mealy-mouthed Republicans.
Trump was the best President we had in decades and his policies gave us the best economy of our lifetimes.

The fact that I still believe that this is such a winning statement seems to be simply overlooked anymore all because I prefer DeSantis and now call myself a Libertarian. Freedom in this country should be given to all parties not just those of the left or right and nobody has the right to take that away from anybody even if you disagree with them. Or at least that's what America should be. Anybody who disagrees with that is part of the problem.

Lolz ... There's a plethora of threads that could be started off of what you put in those two comments ...
None of which would help the OP find their direction.

If I could say one thing about it ... One thing Former President Trump and George Soros have in common ...
They both know an idea is nothing but an idea until you can finance it and get it to the "ground game".

I'm not looking to help the OP. She is more than capable of fending for herself.

Trump never set up foundation after foundation so that his money is untraceable. Soros probably has much more power than Trump and always has he just does it undercover. You don't see Soros having rallies, giving his real POV, getting involved legitimately in government. All Soros does is use his vast fortune to undermine American values in hopes of toppling your economic system just like he did in England. That's his MO.

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