I'm Switching Political Parties

Are you switching to Biden/Harris kind of people OP?

Do you really have to ask? I'll NEVER be a Democrat, but I'm not buying that everybody in the same political party always has to agree with one another. There are Democrats who can't stand Biden for crying out loud!
I'll wait until I see what legislation comes out of the House Majority.
Pls don't hold your breath. Brace yourself for incoming bullshit.
Nothing they come up with, even if it was good, would pass anyway. If it's any consolation, our government was designed to be hamstrung by itself by the Founding Fathers. It's actually almost always been better than it's been worse.

The Harry Reid days were pretty bad, but all the chicanery Democrats pulled in them days ended up turning around and biting them right in the ass in the end. :dunno:
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I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.

Perhaps at some point in time your political views will be more firmly based in your Principles than any particular party.
The problem is ... When you allow your Principles to truly guide you, Politics may start to look like a steaming pile of crap ... :thup:

Seems all political parties are dividing themselves into different sects/catagories.

Tried to start my own, but nobody was interested.
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Harris is a ho; Hos are people too, though.

Not great to have one as Vice President.

You know Santa Claus hates the left because every time he sees Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden he always says "ho, ho," and "pedo."
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.


By that you should be starting to be realize you messed up somewhere. ;)

Perhaps at some point in time your political views will be more firmly based in your Principles than any particular party.
The problem is ... When you allow your Principles to truly guide you, Politics may start to look like a steaming pile of crap ... :thup:

I think it may not matter to which party one belongs. Recent events in Washington D.C. seem to show there is really a D.C. 'Uni-Party.' Oh, they call themselves different names and put on great displays of fake outrage at one another but, don't kid yourself, they are all in it for themselves and the individual power these elites hold makes them very rich. If you want a powerful say in America, you need to get out there and get a constituency large enough to topple the D.C. powerful elites. Even if you do that, they will come after you with a vengeance in order to protect their own interests. Principles may serve to give one an anchor but will not protect one from political vengeance.
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