I'm Switching Political Parties

No, because I'm not identify as something that I'm not.
This discussion is just dumb.

Changing parties changes nothing.
Democrats are woke insane tards.
So called libertarians have wacky unelectable positions.
Republicans are only marginally better than the above.

Changing your pronoun is just a stupid waste of time unless you're in it for the HEY LOOK AT ME IM UNIQUE bullshit
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
Why support any political party?
Changing a political party isn't like changing your pronoun. I do agree with you about Democrats though.
Changing parties is exactly the same as changing your pronoun. It is pointless virtue signaling.
It literally changes NOTHING unless you're in a closed primary state and If that's the case it's a really stupid move
I am now Libertarian. That doesn't mean that I won't still vote for Conservatives as I obviously still want DeSantis as our next president, it's just I've always been more of a do whatever you want kind of person just don't try and go taking my rights away,.. so it would be totally hypocritical if I said that I wanted to do away with the rights of the left. As I've been saying for quite some time on here now,.. whatever floats your boat, just don't sink mine. I also want the government to be involved as less as possible.
No political party is going to be omnipotent or get it all right. I am 100% libertarian (small "L" aka classical liberal in that I believe in small, effective NECESSARY government that does what is impossible or impractical for the people to do for themselves and that allows us to function in peace as one nation, indivisible. That means the federal government does ONLY what the Constitution specifically authorizes it to do and leaves the states and the people in them to organize whatever societies they choose to have.

The Libertarian Party gets a lot that is right, but their track record is just as authoritarian as any other in that they would use government to promote their believes/wishes/preferences.

I want to return to a classical liberal government that does what government is authorized to do and then leaves the people alone to govern themselves.
Foxfyre Why do people seem to have a lot of problems with Libertarians though. It's not like we're Democrats and liberty is literally in the name.
Why support any political party?
Is it because politicians make the laws, and the two parties want to go in different directions (for the most part)
and it is better to have limited say in the direction than saying - Hey look everybody I want to have no say at all?
I'm not sure where you got the impression that the people I was going to vote for in 2024 would change.

I wasn't responding to you personally. But there seems to be quite a lot of people who won't vote for either major party cuz they can't see a difference. But I see a huge difference; it is my honest opinion that if the democrats get to the point where they can abolish the filibuster and have a democrat-controlled House and a democrat in the White House, they can and will make huge changes and cannot be undone. Even if Trump gets elected in 2024, the GOP is not going to abolish the filibuster if they regain a Senate majority. And that means they can't do shit without some democrats supporting it.
Foxfyre Why do people seem to have a lot of problems with Libertarians though. It's not like we're Democrats and liberty is literally in the name.
Libertarians were the impetus/origins of the ACLU that has become one of the most subversive/corrupt organizations in the country so far as individual liberty is concerned. But the Libertarians have never denounced that.

Libertarians have been at the forefront to disallow communities or societies to publicly express religious grounding in many of our national celebrations/holidays. And they would disallow communities or individual societies from prohibiting activities they disagree with such as pornography, abortion on demand, recreational drugs, etc. etc. etc.

I could go on and list all the things Libertarians promote that I can agree with and also where I think the Libertarians miss the boat on civil liberties, but the above examples are the gist of it.

True liberty means that the federal government sticks to what it is specifically constitutionally authorized to do and keeps its nose out of everything else especially the recognized right and ability of people to form the sorts of societies they choose to have.

Not the same thing.

I don't know, all I know is that I have more of Libertarian views than Republican views.

Abortion doesn't count because it's murder and it goes against the as long as you aren't hurting anybody rule that you can feel free to do whatever you want.
That makes no sense.

The liberals don't think it (abortion) goes against any principle.. Of course, how would they know since they have none of those...?
Foxfyre I thought that Libertarians were all about allowing everybody to live their own lives.
The sad truth is that in the 2024 election either the republican or the democrat will be elected to be the president. That is the reality, and by voting for any other person or by not voting at all, you are leaving that decision for others to make. That president could be making one or more nominations to the Supreme Court during his/her 1st term, so do you care about that? If the democrats gain seats in the Senate enough to end the filibuster and take back the House, are you okay with a democrat that will sign anything they pass? Under such a scenario, they will surely pass legislation to federalize our elections that eliminates voter-id and liberalizes mail-in ballots, so are you okay with that? They might add 4 new justices to the Supreme Court that are more to their liking, are you okay with that too? Do you want a democrat president that will sign all these changes and more? Do you really believe that a republican president would allow these things? Do you really think Trump would be THAT bad?

It seems to me that we have reached the point where clearly the democrats want to make historic, monumental changes that cannot be undone. they would have done so already if it were not for Manchin and Sinema. So, people can sit back and say, well I didn't vote for that. But you also didn't vote against it either.
well said

I was saying or attempting to say that

OP probably already knows he will have to vote R... can't see him voting D. But then, I can't figure out anyone voting D
Is it because politicians make the laws, and the two parties want to go in different directions (for the most part)
and it is better to have limited say in the direction than saying - Hey look everybody I want to have no say at all?
Both political parties are only interested in maintaining power and not doing what is best for average American citizens.
Why do people seem to have a lot of problems with Libertarians though. It's not like we're Democrats and liberty is literally in the name.

Principles, methodology and platform are more than just a name.

Libertarians tend to have a decent grasp of Liberty and Freedom ...
Right up to the point someone wants to do something they disagree with ...
Which means all that flag waving and Freedom talk ... Starts looking a whole lot like everyone else.

And ... They often have difficulties on a National level ...
Because they cannot agree with each other long enough to create a solid platform.

Foxfyre ... Did a wonderful job describing some principles held by Classical Liberals.
Classical Liberalism is not the idea that everyone runs around doing whatever they want as long as they don't hurt anyone.

That's not how a Sovereign Nation of Laws works ... And we have a Constitution.

Classical Liberalism is almost a Strict Constructionist (which may seem contradictory in terms, but stick with me) approach towards the Federal Government.
Limit the Federal Government and its Power ... Abide strictly by the tenets in the Eighteen Enumerated Powers ...
And don't try to pretend they mean something they don't just to fulfil someone's desires at the moment.

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well said

I was saying or attempting to say that

OP probably already knows he will have to vote R... can't see him voting D. But then, I can't figure out anyone voting D

She, but other than that you're one hundred percent correct.

This alone disqualifies libertarians from EVER getting my support. You want to see the demise of our nation elect libertarians.

How is illegal immigration not hurting anybody?
Foxfyre I thought that Libertarians were all about allowing everybody to live their own lives.
That is what they initially were and to some extent still are. But most Libertarians (capitol L) now would have the government prevent a community from having the traditional creche on the courthouse lawn or disallowing an adult bookstore in the heart of downtown or next to a school or banning alcohol or drugs or prostitution or whatever. In other words many Libertarian views is that liberty means anything goes and nobody should be allowed to restrict that for any reason. And IMO that kind of anarchist mentality is in itself restrictive.

I say if a community chooses to be a wide open essentially lawless and anything goes place it should be left alone to be that. And if it wants to be a narrow minded, restrictive, morals enforced etc. kind of place it should be left alone to be that.

History informs us that people allowed to govern themselves via social contract will eventually choose somewhere in the middle of those two extremes as the most productive and liberating policy/rule of thumb for life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
She, but other than that you're one hundred percent correct.

How is illegal immigration not hurting anybody?
They approve of open/no borders and ANYONE can come and go as they please.

You do realize that would DESTROY our country in 9ne generation right? Every fucking poor person on our side of the globe would come here

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