I'm triggered!

You didn't "shoot up LSD". You put it under your tongue, and no one who was a parent would ever take that stuff.

Then you recommend beating children with belts. It certainly explains a LOT about you.
my parents used belts on me and I am far more educated and sophisticated than you. Plus, I have an open mind and think for myself. no one owns me. You, yep. You are all on board the demofk crazy train. Maybe a belting would have done you good.
You probably were in the same LSD experimental group The Unabomber was in.

The GOV fried that guys brain so much he wrote a manifesto declaring a war on technology which he said if we did not curtail it would lead to Censorship and Artificial Intelligence running our lives.

Come to think of it, maybe he wasn't as crazy as we thought he was. Still crazy like all leftists are, but he at least made a little bit of sense, unlike you.

Why would any sane person ever get involved with CIA drug experiments? You must be crazy to think that anyone other than a right wing loon such as yourself would ever let the CIA experiment on them.

Then there's the whole idiocy of taking unproven drugs manufactured by "who knows", and expecting it not to harm you.

Once again, your assumptions about me are entirely false.
Why would any sane person ever get involved with CIA drug experiments? You must be crazy to think that anyone other than a right wing loon such as yourself would ever let the CIA experiment on them.

Then there's the whole idiocy of taking unproven drugs manufactured by "who knows", and expecting it not to harm you.

Once again, your assumptions about me are entirely false.
Plenty of "Free Love" leftist hippies gladly ran to sign up for CIA LSD experiments. In fact, I'd say that it's one of The Left's Characteristics, that they like being experimented on, hence this is the reason they gladly accepted experimental MRNA shots.

I find that most leftists have had some traumatic event in their lives either as the result of their own faulty decision making or the faulty decision making of others. They blame God for it, so in a way dehumanize themselves, and reject that they are special in anyway, and reject the notion that they are God's children.

So they equate themselves as nothing special in The Animal Kingdom and instead of setting themselves apart as something special, lower their state to that of monkeys and birds, and adopt a motto of "Do What Thou Wilt"

So yah, that is you with your lack of humanity, rudderless drifting, looking for your salvation in other ordinary nothing special human beings, rather than looking to your Creator.

You have become wise in your own eyes, but foolish in your hearts. Anything goes in such a amoral morass. You are the fertile ground for shifting situation ethics, and that ground you will some day find is as solid as quicksand.

I think I nailed you 100%
unproven drugs
you didn't write that with a straight face, did you? The entire scoping of the supposed vaccines, is all unproven. Now girl, that's some kind of special right there. ohhhhhhh all that irony.

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