I'm very sad today, the Establishment just hurt President Trumps re-election chances significantly

I wonder if this is the breaking point. It seems to be, for some of the Trumpers here.

i wish it was, but they'll have their lips firmly planted on his elephantine buttocks by monday

you really can't fix stupid, and i don't know what else to call anyone who voted for him
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

the only thing he has up his sleeve is his arm, dude.

you've be conned, just like anyone else who made the mistake of doing business with this jackass
I'm not worried in the least. You just keep watching his sleeve until the other hand comes around and slaps the taste out of your mouth. He's mighty tricky.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

the only thing he has up his sleeve is his arm, dude.

you've be conned, just like anyone else who made the mistake of doing business with this jackass
I'm not worried in the least. You just keep watching his sleeve until the other hand comes around and slaps the taste out of your mouth. He's mighty tricky.

keep telling yourself that, i'm sure it helps ease the pain
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

the only thing he has up his sleeve is his arm, dude.

you've be conned, just like anyone else who made the mistake of doing business with this jackass
I'm not worried in the least. You just keep watching his sleeve until the other hand comes around and slaps the taste out of your mouth. He's mighty tricky.


That's the thing - the longer you guys support him, the more you have to lose when you finally realize that it's all bullshit.

That's why you guys always double down.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same country that stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.
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Well, I think that's it. The Establishment outsmarted him with the latest spending Bill. He should have negotiated it himself, he needed to get at minimum the Wall, and maybe even the wall and DACA to be head and shoulders ahead. The Democrats they are clicking their heels by making this deal. Good for them as a party.

Now Trump has to throw Hail Mary's the rest of his term to have a shot, and it bothers me to see him in this position. China is going to win this because as I see it, there are too many people who lack the patriotism to see America succeed. I care little about Trumps language and undiplomatic way of dealing with things, I rooted for him, whether it was standing up to the UN, EU, China, Iran, N Korea. I don't have alot of confidence right now, and so many forgotten men and women will remain forgotten.

Here is how it will play out. The Dems will win the mid-terms, they will push for Impeachment, and probably fail, but, in the in-term they will simply push through big spending, socialists Bills which Trump won't sign. nothing will get done for his final two years and they will say "this guy isn't interested in governing".

They will send someone who can win the Rustbelt, most likely Biden, and Trump will be left behind because they will point to all his promises and what he got through. He can celebrate tax cuts and regulation reform, some courage standing up for U.S industries, MAYBE NAFTA, even that might require walking away, a renegotiation probably never gets finished, or is of less value.

I'm a logical guy, but also very passionate. I can tell you that America is in a tough place. I read it online, I see the stats, I see the economic harm being done by foreign enemies and even so-called allies. This Bill was exactly what Trump DIDN'T need, and everything the Democrats needed. With one fell swoop, they are back in the saddle. Amazing.

Well played Democrats. God Bless America. I believe in you and will pray accordingly that you Win.
Oh well. The libs and the cons have effectively destroyed the country. No matter though. Lying cheats at every corner. All I can do is wait and see what happens. And, there was nothing else I could do anyway.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

the only thing he has up his sleeve is his arm, dude.

you've be conned, just like anyone else who made the mistake of doing business with this jackass
I'm not worried in the least. You just keep watching his sleeve until the other hand comes around and slaps the taste out of your mouth. He's mighty tricky.


That's the thing - the longer you guys support him, the more you have to lose when you finally realize that it's all bullshit.

That's why you guys always double down.

i honestly don't know how anyone could have looked at trump's public career and said *yeah, he'll do the right thing*
For the first time I respected him, he was absolutely right (after the fact.) "Nobody read it."

EXACTLY. Thank you. It's bullshit how it was rammed through. It's been bullshit for years. He can go a long ways towards turning things around if he continues to hold that line.

But a lot of them will just stay home.

You're missing my point, though - I don't mean a "breaking point" in terms of Trump losing voters. I'm talking about whether this is the breaking point in which you guys will start realizing that nothing Trump promised you will ever come true
He has completely turned the economy of main street around...are you serious? It's the economy stupid...

But a lot of them will just stay home.

You're missing my point, though - I don't mean a "breaking point" in terms of Trump losing voters. I'm talking about whether this is the breaking point in which you guys will start realizing that nothing Trump promised you will ever come true
He has completely turned the economy of main street around...are you serious? It's the economy stupid...

Trump inherited a growing economy, and has done almost everything he could do destroy it.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same coutry they stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.

they're fighting for the right of big corporations to pay no taxes, foul the environment and corrupt our govt.

But a lot of them will just stay home.

You're missing my point, though - I don't mean a "breaking point" in terms of Trump losing voters. I'm talking about whether this is the breaking point in which you guys will start realizing that nothing Trump promised you will ever come true
He has completely turned the economy of main street around...are you serious? It's the economy stupid...

trump hasn't even matched the highest quarter of gdp we had under obama, and now he's putting in tariffs that are going to fuck the poor losers like you who voted for him.
Trump inherited a growing economy, and has done almost everything he could do destroy it.
No he didn't that is a liberal lie....he has placed America back on track...more opportunity better wages...you can't change those facts...
trump hasn't even matched the highest quarter of gdp we had under obama, and now he's putting in tariffs that are going to fuck the poor losers like you who voted for him
You don't know what you are talking about....
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same coutry they stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.


You're caught it a hole of your own opinions - to the point where you've convinced yourself that anyone who disagrees with you must be evil.

Tyrants love people like you.
Yes, I realize Trump signed it. As I said, the uphill climb he has now is massive, there are some of his strongest supporters who have stated on twitter "I'm sitting out voting until 2024" and the like. This Bill just reinforced the same old same old that everyone feared would happen eventually.

To all the men and women in the military who past and present have risked their lives for America and liberty, I am sickened that this is even a need that is open for negotiation. BOTH parties should support the military and then deal with the other issues. I just can't see much positive in this Bill.

R's over and over and over again have refused to sign bills helping our vets. Military spending should be much more comprehensive for our veterans. It's UNMITIGATED BULLSHIT that they have all the cannon fodder they need with all the toys they want, but these broken men and women come back and are homeless, undiagnosed and untreated, falling through every crack that exists. Bullshit.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same coutry they stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.

I ain't worried. Trump is a big boy. And I'm not a bit surprised at the defeatism being displayed by the unfaithful. We can't be big winners every time.

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