I'm very sad today, the Establishment just hurt President Trumps re-election chances significantly

I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.

I'd add that Trump does understand how government works. He knew he couldn't deliver on many of his promises. He was treating his supporters like fools. When he said he could shoot a man, and not lose support what he was saying was, "You tards are going to support me no matter what I say or do." And he was right. They cheered when he said it. Amazing.
There is a ton of legislation that needs to be done this year. This will give Trump some breathing room until the next budget is due. I'll bet he has something up his sleeve until then. Schumer and the rest of the Commie left had better step lightly the rest of the year.

the only thing he has up his sleeve is his arm, dude.

you've be conned, just like anyone else who made the mistake of doing business with this jackass
I'm not worried in the least. You just keep watching his sleeve until the other hand comes around and slaps the taste out of your mouth. He's mighty tricky.

keep telling yourself that, i'm sure it helps ease the pain

No pain, no gain.
I ain't worried. Trump is a big boy. And I'm not a bit surprised at the defeatism being displayed by the unfaithful. We can't be big winners every time.

i always suspected it was a cult
Trump inherited a growing economy, and has done almost everything he could do destroy it.
No he didn't that is a liberal lie....he has placed America back on track...more opportunity better wages...you can't change those facts...


Seriously dude. Do you actually believe this nonsense?

Look at any metric - the economy is growing at the same rate (or slower) than it has been since 2014 or so.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same coutry they stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.

I ain't worried. Trump is a big boy. And I'm not a bit surprised at the defeatism being displayed by the unfaithful. We can't be big winners every time.


That's what it's about, isn't it?

I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.

And that goes double for Bernie.
I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.

And that goes double for Bernie.

No, not really.

Yes, Bernie Sanders has some pie-in-the-sky ideas that'll never happen. But at least he understands how our government works.
I wonder if this is the breaking point. It seems to be, for some of the Trumpers here.

I was reading the comments section on Breitbart today, and almost everybody is saying how they're not voting for him again, and the Democrats are winning big in November because of it. Maybe this really was the final straw for many. :dunno:

Who can the GOP run in 2020? That's what's next. I'm pretty sure there's a decent-sized list to choose from, i.e.: anybody would be better than this dumpster fire of a president.
I wonder if this is the breaking point. It seems to be, for some of the Trumpers here.

I was reading the comments section on Breitbart today, and almost everybody is saying how they're not voting for him again, and the Democrats are winning big in November because of it. Maybe this really was the final straw for many. :dunno:

Who can the GOP run in 2020? That's what's next. I'm pretty sure there's a decent-sized list to choose from, i.e.: anybody would be better than this dumpster fire of a president.

The GOP will run whoever wins the primary.

And any challenger against Trump would have an uphill battle. It's not out of the question, but it's still unlikely.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same coutry they stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.

I ain't worried. Trump is a big boy. And I'm not a bit surprised at the defeatism being displayed by the unfaithful. We can't be big winners every time.


That's what it's about, isn't it?


Yep. Who backs someone and doesn't believe in the guy and jumps off at the first stop? Defeatists.
Any of you celebrating the demise of America can go fly a kite. To hell with party, this is about America succeeding, I feel sick about this. Some of you spit in the face of police, military and ICE so "your party can win. You welcome a sieve of mass exodus from Mexico and elsewhere when they go to Mexico and walk across and pretend $25B is expensive to protect your borders.

Yes, the military gets funding, but just what are they fighting for? Illegal immigrants? People spitting on federal law and funding Sanctuary Cities? Chinese goods and lending to America, from the same coutry they stole millions of jobs and TRILLIONS of dollars? This is a bloody insult of the highest order.

To any military members here or those you know, let them know as a Canadian who's been screwed in my own country, tell them "I'm sorry". I'm sorry that some care little about America as a nation. I'm sorry you have to beg for funding when you put our life on the line. I'm sorry that your nation is being harmed while China is being empowered.

What does all of this do to the CIA. FBI and other intel agencies who have to fight like hell to protect America from the communist animals? Trump had the right policies, he came in like a lion, will he continue to persuade his supporters to have Faith in him? I'm not even sure it matters at this point, as the House and Senate are both most likely lost.

I ain't worried. Trump is a big boy. And I'm not a bit surprised at the defeatism being displayed by the unfaithful. We can't be big winners every time.


That's what it's about, isn't it?


Yep. Who backs someone and doesn't believe in the guy and jumps off at the first stop? Defeatists.

Well, I'm glad you admit it. Whatever floats your boat.

I'll take rational thought over faith any day.
For the first time I respected him, he was absolutely right (after the fact.) "Nobody read it."

EXACTLY. Thank you. It's bullshit how it was rammed through. It's been bullshit for years. He can go a long ways towards turning things around if he continues to hold that line.

That ignores that he didn't hold the line.
Trump didn't get involved - other than stamping his little foot after it was over.
Yep, he ran off to play some golf, get refreshed and back to the madhouse on Sunday.

Yeah, hiring Swamp Creatures and starting trade wars must be exhausting. He'll hide from reporters and fight his Twitter wars.
Anything to piss off Commiecrats is good.

The guy that was pissed off is the one that headed for Mar-a-lago.
I refuse to listen to the people who say, "Still better than Hillary." As if there weren't sixteen other people on stage with Trump, and a couple who were actually conservative. You voted for a long time Democrat over lifelong Republicans, and you want to cry "RINO" over anybody who disagrees with him? And all over his most unrealistic promises? Go fuck yourselves.
I didn't support Trump when he was running, and it had nothing to do with his policies. There are many of them I actually agree with. One of my arguments against Trump supporters was that he made a lot of promises anybody with a 3rd grade education in government knew he couldn't deliver on. It's like his supporters didn't understand that a President has to work with Congress, and he shit on 99% of them throughout his campaign. His supporters congratulated him on tax cuts. Big fucking whoop. He got the GOP to support him on something they've been fighting for for decades. Aside from that he hasn't accomplished shit.

And that goes double for Bernie.

No, not really.

Yes, Bernie Sanders has some pie-in-the-sky ideas that'll never happen. But at least he understands how our government works.

He has the far left fringe behaving just as badly as the far right, which would be my point. He may understand how government works, but it's certainly not because he's accomplished anything while in office, and he makes a bunch of pie in the sky promises that are not likely to ever come to fruition, and he most assuredly not explained how he will "make it so."

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