I'm Very Surprised There Were No Racial Riots.....

agriculture did not start in africa. IT started in the middle east. It spread to asia and europe before they went to africa. According to archeology. South America started growing before africa as well.
Pretty sure iron work didnt start in africa either. Think it started in asia and spread.
Agriculture did start in Africa.

I could spend several thousand words referring you to the evidence, compiled by African and European scholars alike

But you can read it yourself. You can begin with the works of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Ivan Van Sertima and Walter Rodney, and for you whose racism will lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the books of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is white and British.
are you referring to egypt?
No. Despite the arabs and the culture, economy and everything else making egypt "Arab" its still an African country. I thought we were discussing locations?
You seem have this thing were if you say "No" then it is "No"

I'm saying. I'm right and you are wrong. But let's unpack this "Egypt was not black" a bit more

White supremacist like yourself have reason to downplay the blackness of ancient Egypt while blacks have reason to play it up – because if civilization goes all the way back to Egypt and if it turned out to be founded by black people.......what would that say ?

The “Blacks never developed a civilization” belief is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history from Stormfront or quack YouTube historians.

But if you actually go to University, or even subscribe to magazines like… I don’t know… National Geographic, you will learn about Black Pharaohs as a matter of course.

Egypt was first settled by blacks and they built the first civilization with time other people came in from other areas of the world. Those who decided to settle married the indigenous people and with time some of them became light skinned.

Reconstructions :

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti, here is what you got :


What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselvessaw themselves as belonging to their own race, different from blacks to the south – but also different from all their other neighbours. On the other hand:
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”, though some say it just means they are from the land of black soil (the Nile).
  • They said they came from the land of Punt – a place they drew as having elephants and giraffes
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs.
So, where in africa did agriculture originate?
I just told you. Not to mention that I gave you links to documented research and books and authors who will also verify that fact.
No. Despite the arabs and the culture, economy and everything else making egypt "Arab" its still an African country. I thought we were discussing locations?
You seem have this thing were if you say "No" then it is "No"

I'm saying. I'm right and you are wrong. But let's unpack this "Egypt was not black" a bit more

White supremacist like yourself have reason to downplay the blackness of ancient Egypt while blacks have reason to play it up – because if civilization goes all the way back to Egypt and if it turned out to be founded by black people.......what would that say ?

The “Blacks never developed a civilization” belief is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history from Stormfront or quack YouTube historians.

But if you actually go to University, or even subscribe to magazines like… I don’t know… National Geographic, you will learn about Black Pharaohs as a matter of course.

Egypt was first settled by blacks and they built the first civilization with time other people came in from other areas of the world. Those who decided to settle married the indigenous people and with time some of them became light skinned.

Reconstructions :

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti, here is what you got :


What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselvessaw themselves as belonging to their own race, different from blacks to the south – but also different from all their other neighbours. On the other hand:
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”, though some say it just means they are from the land of black soil (the Nile).
  • They said they came from the land of Punt – a place they drew as having elephants and giraffes
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs.
So, where in africa did agriculture originate?
I just told you. Not to mention that I gave you links to documented research and books and authors who will also verify that fact.
I have very little doubt the egyptians were black, actually. How in the holy fuck did you get that from what i said? Are you fucking retarded?
A white supremacist? :lol:
Cant you explain yourself instead of relying on other people?
Holy shit. Good day you retarded dumbfuck
between different races? Are you for real?
I'm asking.

What are the differences between races and how does reflect in intelligence.

It really doesn't. Environment and development factor heavily, though.

In b4 Polish boy starts talking cranium shapes and sizes.
Genetics play a role in brain function.

Black people are born smarter, too.

I really don't want to get into how I know it to be fact, but I do.

I won't claim Asclepias is one of them. ;)
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I have very little doubt the egyptians were black, actually. How in the holy fuck did you get that from what i said? Are you fucking retarded?
A white supremacist? :lol:
Cant you explain yourself instead of relying on other people?
Holy shit. Good day you retarded dumbfuck
I believe that all white people are white supremacists. Why ? Because I can't prove it. So I assume that all white people are white supremacist.

Your white supremacy is just coded that's all.

You'll say things right up until it's clearly a white supremacist statement.

You won't say "black people are violent savages" but you will say "black have a higher violent crime"
You won't say "black people are dumb" but you will say "blacks have a lower IQ"
You won't say "whites are better" but you will try to prove that whites invented all the important stuff

That's coded white supremacy.
I have very little doubt the egyptians were black, actually. How in the holy fuck did you get that from what i said? Are you fucking retarded?
A white supremacist? :lol:
Cant you explain yourself instead of relying on other people?
Holy shit. Good day you retarded dumbfuck
I believe that all white people are white supremacists. Why ? Because I can't prove it. So I assume that all white people are white supremacist.

Your white supremacy is just coded that's all.

You'll say things right up until it's clearly a white supremacist statement.

You won't say "black people are violent savages" but you will say "black have a higher violent crime"
You won't say "black people are dumb" but you will say "blacks have a lower IQ"
You won't say "whites are better" but you will try to prove that whites invented all the important stuff

That's coded white supremacy.
Blacks dont have higher crime. They do murder at a higher rate though. Thats fact.
Blacks do have a lower average IQ than other races. Thats fact.
Blacks have invented all kinds of good shit.
You are obviously ignorant as fuck. And racist.
This time for real. Good day.
Blacks dont have higher crime. They do murder at a higher rate though. Thats fact.
Blacks do have a lower average IQ than other races. Thats fact.
Exactly and that's how white supremacy works

Facts can mean anything you want them to mean. It's a fact that Cars kill more people Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than Crocs ? Facts can mean anything without context.

The point if you want to practice racism against anyone then you are going to need some kind of scientific rationale to justify that racism. So you claiming that white people are smarter (IQ) and less violent (Violent Crime Stats) is one of the ways white supremacists like yourself do this.
Blacks dont have higher crime. They do murder at a higher rate though. Thats fact.
Blacks do have a lower average IQ than other races. Thats fact.
Exactly and that's how white supremacy works

Facts can mean anything you want them to mean. It's a fact that Cars kill more people Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than Crocs ? Facts can mean anything without context.

The point if you want to practice racism against anyone then you are going to need some kind of scientific rationale to justify that racism. So you claiming that white people are smarter (IQ) and less violent (Violent Crime Stats) is one of the ways white supremacists like yourself do this.
Same old, same old. Anytime anyone dares to mention that blacks are inferior intellectually (in general) than other races you immediately get branded a racist and/or a white supremacist. Blacks would do themselves a favour by recognizing this fact.
Blacks dont have higher crime. They do murder at a higher rate though. Thats fact.
Blacks do have a lower average IQ than other races. Thats fact.
Exactly and that's how white supremacy works

Facts can mean anything you want them to mean. It's a fact that Cars kill more people Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than Crocs ? Facts can mean anything without context.

The point if you want to practice racism against anyone then you are going to need some kind of scientific rationale to justify that racism. So you claiming that white people are smarter (IQ) and less violent (Violent Crime Stats) is one of the ways white supremacists like yourself do this.
Same old, same old. Anytime anyone dares to mention that blacks are inferior intellectually (in general) than other races you immediately get branded a racist and/or a white supremacist. Blacks would do themselves a favour by recognizing this fact.
Stats arent racist. He is just an insecure racist moron.
....after Connor got embarrassed by Floyd Mayweather. We know that whites have a history of rioting over things like boxing matches and pumpkins. I see online that whites are in denial over the fight. Scratch that. american whites are in denial. The Irish broadcasters saw it for what it was. A master at his art teaching the novice why he should stick to MMA.
Whites don't gorilla up every time something doesn't go their way.
Of course they do. There is a reason they lead the world in killing.
But we don't do it like a herd of gorillas like you all do.
I know. You do it like a troop of crazed chimps. If you notice gorillas are peaceful. Chimps are sadistic killers
Blacks dont have higher crime. They do murder at a higher rate though. Thats fact.
Blacks do have a lower average IQ than other races. Thats fact.
Exactly and that's how white supremacy works

Facts can mean anything you want them to mean. It's a fact that Cars kill more people Crocodiles. So are cars more dangerous than Crocs ? Facts can mean anything without context.

The point if you want to practice racism against anyone then you are going to need some kind of scientific rationale to justify that racism. So you claiming that white people are smarter (IQ) and less violent (Violent Crime Stats) is one of the ways white supremacists like yourself do this.
Same old, same old. Anytime anyone dares to mention that blacks are inferior intellectually (in general) than other races you immediately get branded a racist and/or a white supremacist. Blacks would do themselves a favour by recognizing this fact.
I dont necessarily brand you as a racist. I just automatically know youre ignorant of the fact that you and yours were educated by Blacks. Not once but twice because you "flunked" and had to be reeducated during the dark ages of europe.
No, you decided not to use the one you were born with because it was so faulty when you were born.
Are you saying white people are a different species to black people ?
Are you saying white people are more intelligent than black people ?

Just bring it and stop being scared.

I brought it, BOY, and you still don't get it.

Whites are more intelligent than blacks as a whole.
Whites have no clue what intelligence is. You guys think its determined by a test that was made up to satisfy your inferiority complex. Thats why none of you will take my test on a subject you claim was made up by whites.
Also the agricultural revolution demanded intelligence to build farms, cultivating the land, those who could build farms better, could have more kids.

It just happens to be that Europe, and Northern Asia had both factors, and Africa had neither factors, well not the agricultural revolution until much later.
How do you explain the fact that most important inventions have come from Africa.

Agriculture and metallurgy were both developed in West Africa.

Humans spent thousands of years as hunter gatherers b4 somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food.

Seems pretty obvious but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron industry, in both smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE.

Agriculture and iron smelting were 2 of the most important things man ever discovered because they create a foundation for so many other things.

Eskimos do score higher IQ's than other Native Americans, or Black Americans.
So are you saying that having a high IQ makes you intelligent ?

The second part of my statement doesn't cover Eskimos, who never really adjusted much at all to the Agricultural Revolution.
Most people forget that evolution requires millions of years to make significant changes to any species,

When the human migration out of Africa began, the climate in Europe likely looked like this:


The entire African continent is not now and never has been on the equator… check your map. There is more non-equatorial land mass in Africa then there is in Europe.

Climates have changed dramatically over the eons. That is why you can now find tropical turtle fossils on Greenland and tropical fish fossils in Antarctica. You have no idea what the relative temperatures were during much of the migratory periods. You don’t even know the exact positioning of the continents when migration began.

And as I say If cold-climates increase intelligence then why do Inuits and native Siberians not have the most advanced and intelligent civilizations by your standards?

The classical civilizations began in tropical, Mediterranean, and equatorial climates (Aztecs, Mayans, Sumerians, Babylonians, Indus Valley, Egyptian)

If you want to go up to the Renaissance-era Europe, which was when Europe regained much of the knowledge it lost in the aftermath of the Roman Empire’s collapse, the most advanced civilizations were still not from anywhere in the northern climates. The Ottoman empire was the most advanced in mathematics, science, and medicine.

Even back to the beginning of hominid evolution. Neanderthals? They were among the first of the evolutionary ancestors to leave Africa and migrate into northern climates. Then, they were followed by Cro-Magnon.

Yet, as we see in the archaeological record that Cro-Magnon, who had just left Africa for northern climates basically out-adapted Neanderthals, winning against them in competition for territory, for game, and in basic warfare.

This has been shown in the archaeological record from various grave sites, and burial grounds where Neanderthal bodies have had wounds in them, as well as remains of Cro-Magnon sites in territories that were previously inhabited by Neanderthals.

So despite being adapted to cold climates for a longer period of time, Neanderthals were unable to compete or out-survive Cro-Magnons, who had less time to adapt to the colder climates.

It should also be noted that Neanderthals had similar to larger cranial capacity which strongly indicates that they had brains as big, if not bigger, than ours. And in the case of this discussion, that means they had comparable intelligence too!

The only time in history have northern civilizations been the most advanced, intelligent, dominant, etc etc, has been in the last 300 or so years when Europe began its age of conquest.
agriculture did not start in africa. IT started in the middle east. It spread to asia and europe before they went to africa. According to archeology. South America started growing before africa as well.
Pretty sure iron work didnt start in africa either. Think it started in asia and spread.
You sound like an idiot for two reasons. First off the middle east is actually part of Africa even according to the ancient Greeks. The people that started agriculture there were Black. Secondly even if confined to the continent that whites now recognize as Africa we still started agriculture at least in 5200 BC which means way before that. White people such as yourself have no intelligence and were still eating each other during those times instead of farming.
No. Despite the arabs and the culture, economy and everything else making egypt "Arab" its still an African country. I thought we were discussing locations?
You seem have this thing were if you say "No" then it is "No"

I'm saying. I'm right and you are wrong. But let's unpack this "Egypt was not black" a bit more

White supremacist like yourself have reason to downplay the blackness of ancient Egypt while blacks have reason to play it up – because if civilization goes all the way back to Egypt and if it turned out to be founded by black people.......what would that say ?

The “Blacks never developed a civilization” belief is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history from Stormfront or quack YouTube historians.

But if you actually go to University, or even subscribe to magazines like… I don’t know… National Geographic, you will learn about Black Pharaohs as a matter of course.

Egypt was first settled by blacks and they built the first civilization with time other people came in from other areas of the world. Those who decided to settle married the indigenous people and with time some of them became light skinned.

Reconstructions :

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti, here is what you got :


What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselvessaw themselves as belonging to their own race, different from blacks to the south – but also different from all their other neighbours. On the other hand:
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”, though some say it just means they are from the land of black soil (the Nile).
  • They said they came from the land of Punt – a place they drew as having elephants and giraffes
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs.
So, where in africa did agriculture originate?
I just told you. Not to mention that I gave you links to documented research and books and authors who will also verify that fact.
You will find you cant teach white people something that blows their minds. They depend on believing that wild story that whites traveled from europe and built Egypt before suntan lotion was invented and never built the same things in europe. They need to believe this lunatics story because it cause them cognitive dissonance to accept the truth not to mention heightens their inferiority complex.
between different races? Are you for real?
I'm asking.

What are the differences between races and how does reflect in intelligence.

It really doesn't. Environment and development factor heavily, though.

In b4 Polish boy starts talking cranium shapes and sizes.
Genetics play a role in brain function.

Black people are born smarter, too.

I really don't want to get into how I know it to be fact, but I do.

I won't claim Asclepias is one of them. ;)
Of course we are born smarter. Its the ability to produce the bio-conductor melanin that heightens our perception. You dont have to claim anything. No one depends on your claims for facts.

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