I'm voting Democrat

That was probably one of the snarkiest things you ever posted Angel. I thought you were smarter than this? Considering Bush's response to September 11, 2001, YouTube - Bush's Seven Minutes of Silence It is very delusional and unbecoming of you to attack the Democrats in such a fashion! :eusa_whistle:
hey genius, i love how a video a little over 6 minutes long can show 7 minutes of "silence"


yet another of the divisive lies spread by the left
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So what do you think of George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind?" :eusa_whistle:

Like I said it's the start of a LONG process. You choose instead to do nothing but grumble? Somebody had to start some place. Yes it requires more work but it's not entirely bad. Making expectations a requirement is a good idea but needs major tweaking. Just like any plan that's put together. Instead of throwing the entire thing out why don't we work with it or at least take the good parts and encompass them into the next plan.

To many see this as a Dems vs Reps issue. It's not. I'm a Republican (and DAMN proud of it!!! If you don't like it that's your problem not mine.). I do MAJOR volunteer work with in what many consider a hot bed of Democrats. I'm excepted and valued. I have seen the changes one actively getting involved makes. I've changed their views and they have changed mine.

You wish to change things, act and react in ways other than just bitching. Contact your officials. Offer them solutions to the issues not just complaints. Maybe you are the key to part of it.

I'm in regular contact with several of my state legislators and local school officials (outside of Head Start) on a semi regular basis. One of the things I'm hoping to bring about is a system like what's in Head Start. The Policy Council is the key to a lot of this.

OK, you want to hear a bitch about the Bush administration? When Head Start came up for reauthorization, they tried to do away with the power of the Policy Council. We where to be an advisory group to the board. I'm not OK with this. Parents need to be in the loop of control as well. We have a vested interested in the out come of the product they are producing.
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Damn Angel... I saw the title and thought you'd finally come to your senses :lol:

funny video, from both sides.
:eusa_shifty: ooops my bad. :eusa_angel:

Oh and I'd love to hear you're views once you chew on that a while. Don't worry your head will not explode when you realize they have fed you a line of BS when it comes do the feds and schools budgets. The feds don't pay school budgets, locals do.

You can keep pointing this out, but you'll be hard pressed to make them realize this obvious truth.

Part of the Republican mythos is that local control is better, and that the reason our schools are failing is because of Federal interference.

There's no real evidence to support that myth, but when has that ever stopped the Republican loyals from making shit up and then repeating that lie for decades as though it was a apoditic truth?

Not in my lifetime.
You can keep pointing this out, but you'll be hard pressed to make them realize this obvious truth.

Part of the Republican mythos is that local control is better, and that the reason our schools are failing is because of Federal interference.

There's no real evidence to support that myth, but when has that ever stopped the Republican loyals from making shit up and then repeating that lie for decades as though it was a apoditic truth?

Not in my lifetime.

I've seen otherwise. I've seen what having the parents directly included in the choices of the schools, you end up with a better program. To separate yourself from the effect of the choices doesn't work. We feel the direct effects of choices made on our schools. We must have a choice when it comes to who's hire and who's fired. I've had to make the choice on hiring several of our employees. From teachers to HR director. Why shouldn't I have a say in that.

It's up to us to be involved directing in choices of things that effect our children.

Bit of the information on Head Start:

We have to put paper work in every year that has all of our funding and how we follow all their requirements. Both Chairpersons (Board and Policy Council) have to sign off on it. The board has to be made up of a lawyer, CPA, education specialist, and a few other specialists.

The Board decides who's on the Board and the Policy Council decides who's on the Policy Council. We are required have by-laws, standing rules, etc etc for both parts of the governance of the program.

Yes, some of the things are confining but we have the ability to lobby directly to our elected officials about changes. I am now in direct contact with elected officials thanks to Head Start. One of the topics I'm currently talking with them about is requiring a former parent on the Boards of Head Start. I feel it will have a direct effect on the programs that benefit the programs.

Both the Board and Policy Council are nonpaying. The Policy Council is reimbursed for some of their expenses. Board is not reimbursed.

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