I'm Voting For Jeb!

I see from the headlines Jeb! picked up a key endorsement. Sen Lindsay Graham endorsed Jeb so that settles it for me.
Graham never polled over 2%. Why does he think anyone gives a flying fuck over what he thinks??
well, you might be even more succesful than last round, when rick perry was your guy. hahahha

I see from the headlines Jeb! picked up a key endorsement. Sen Lindsay Graham endorsed Jeb so that settles it for me.
Ole Lindsay, he just can't resist kicking a man when he's down, wonder what Jeb did to piss him off?

Graham never polled over 2%. Why does he think anyone gives a flying fuck over what he thinks??

Graham had 3 supporters and 2 of those only agreed to vote for him if he promised to drop out of the race.
wasnt he the only vet in the line-up? Graham? Is it any wonder why people like this Rabbi ( does anyone know why he picked that username BTW?) Troll slimes him?

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I see from the headlines Jeb! picked up a key endorsement. Sen Lindsay Graham endorsed Jeb so that settles it for me.
Graham never polled over 2%. Why does he think anyone gives a flying fuck over what he thinks??
well, you might be even more succesful than last round, when rick perry was your guy. hahahha
yep. The Rabbi sure knows how to pick 'em said no one ever :D

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The Rabbi and Senator Graham have more in common than being neo-cons, for sure. :lol:

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