I'm Voting For Nikki Haley

Nikki committed to fixing entitlements, that's more than Biden and the dems did when they had the majority.
In fact, Biden is letting in millions more mouths to feed, so we already know this will not end well.
Nikki Haley is basically a female version of George W Bush. She’s not particularly conservative.
Go suck off another hobo, you brainless quiff.

When I want to hear or read one word from you, I’ll give you a command. Otherwise, your silence is the only thing from you worth hearing. 👍
Don't you sound like a prissy little queen!
You shouldn't dish it (constant trolling and flaming) out if you can't take it wonder boy!
Don't you sound like a prissy little queen!
You shouldn't dish it (constant trolling and flaming) out if you can't take it wonder boy!
When I want advice from you, I’ll squeeze your little pinhead til the pus comes out.

You’re a dishonest little bitch.

Now, go practice your deep sea underwater breathing, you quiff. 👍
Buuuuuuut you are the pussies trying to censor opposing viewpoints.
Some viewpoints are pure bullshit garbage.
Why should those be given the same weight as factual ones?
Like the old adage says:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.


"conservative" = Zionist Fascist
Some viewpoints are pure bullshit garbage.
Why should those be given the same weight as factual ones?
Like the old adage says:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Doesn't matter. THIS country says that ALL viewpoints are welcome.

Don't like that sort of freedom move to whatever fascist shithole you like.
Doesn't matter. THIS country says that ALL viewpoints are welcome.

Don't like that sort of freedom move to whatever fascist shithole you like.
Can you provide some link to our country "saying" this?
That even bullshit, alternative "facts" are just as credible as the real thing?

For instance if a man says he's really a woman or a woman says she's really a man....are you saying this is true just because someone says it and believes it?

See what I mean?
With the Debt at $34T and climbing, and interest on that Debt approaching $1T a year
2023 $34T is also only $29T in 2020$, lets keep it REAL.

This is inflation adjusted Federal debt:

With the Debt at $34T and climbing, and interest on that Debt approaching $1T a year, we need a president that will cut costs with an ax, not a scalpel.
1. Send Welfare back to the states (saves $1.3T a year) for starters.
2. Cut the Dept of Education. (It was started in 1980 and it is a waste of money)
3. Hire a new "Grace Commission" to study the Federal government and cut waste, fraud, and abuse. They tried it before but the turf wars killed any changes, so we ended up with a bigger Federal government.

While all of that is good, none of it addresses the elephant in the room. Without true understanding of how the system works? It would do little to help I am afraid.

No where in the Constitution, does it say, that "We the people," shall be the international banking and global corporate police force. That isn't necessary to secure the national defense of the nation.

This is a pie chart from 2021 is a good example. And since the conflicts that have engulfed the world, (in which we really have no national interest,) I am afraid these budgetary woes have gotten even more out of control. The only beneficiaries? The folks on Wall-street, the defense contractors, and the few workers they employ.

. . . oh, and of course the government pols, and the attendant bureaucracy.


Clearly? That meme you responded to? Flew right on over yer head. :lol:
Fish indeed. :rolleyes:

"Corporatism is a collectivist[1][better source needed] political ideology which advocates the organisation of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests.[2][3] The term is derived from the Latin corpus, or "body".. . "

The reason the "liberals" and so-called "conservatives" are united behind Haley in this thread, is because Haley isn't really a conservative, she is a neo-con. Neo-cons have their roots in Trotskyism.


. . . and without addressing the FED, and its relationship to pols who want to sell the public a free lunch? All you have posted is empty rhetoric and dreams.. . . respectfully IMO.
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Can you provide some link to our country "saying" this?
That even bullshit, alternative "facts" are just as credible as the real thing?

For instance if a man says he's really a woman or a woman says she's really a man....are you saying this is true just because someone says it and believes it?

See what I mean?

Yes, it's called the FIRST AMENDMENT.

Color me not shocked you have no idea what freedom of speech actually means.

It's anathema to fascists, like you.
While all of that is good, none of it addresses the elephant in the room. Without true understanding of how the system works? It would do little to help I am afraid.

No where in the Constitution, does it say, that "We the people," shall be the international banking and global corporate police force. That isn't necessary to secure the national defense of the nation.

This is a pie chart from 2021 is a good example. And since the conflicts that have engulfed the world, (in which we really have no national interest,) I am afraid these budgetary woes have gotten even more out of control. The only beneficiaries? The folks on Wall-street, the defense contractors, and the few workers they employ.

. . . oh, and of course the government pols, and the attendant bureaucracy.

Clearly? That meme you responded to? Flew right on over yer head. :lol:
Fish indeed. :rolleyes:

"Corporatism is a collectivist[1][better source needed] political ideology which advocates the organisation of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests.[2][3] The term is derived from the Latin corpus, or "body".. . "

The reason the "liberals" and so-called "conservatives" are united behind Haley in this thread, is because Haley isn't really a conservative, she is a neo-con. Neo-cons have their roots in Trotskyism.

. . . and without addressing the FED, and its relationship to pols who want to sell the public a free lunch? All you have posted is empty rhetoric and dreams.. . . respectfully IMO.
So looking at discretionary spending. How many of those items are in the US Constitution? Hint: One (defense)
Anyone who thinks this debt is going to get repaid....I have some seeds for you. A Bean Stalk will grow and you can get gold from the Goise of theGiant known as the WEF.

They intend to reset the world. Nikki is their bitch. Let that sink in and fester.

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