I'm Voting For Nikki Haley

She will increase the debt, she is another spender, so far all the Republican and Democratic candidates are a joke, there is no difference between the two. I’m not settling for Haley.
So who are you voting for?
“I'm Voting For Nikki Haley”

If she is the Republican nominee – which she won’t be – I’ll be voting against Haley; she’s just another big government conservative authoritarian hostile to citizens’ rights and an advocate of failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma, such as reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

And because she’s too much of a coward to stand up to Trump and state the fact that Trump is a treasonous insurrectionist, corrupt degenerate, enemy of democracy, and unfit to be president.
So you plan to vote for that POS known as "Too Old Joe"?

What the hell do we need a war with Russia for?

We want a stable, peaceful, prosperous Russia and that’s never going to happen if they keep destabilizing the world with their land-grab invasions.

They invaded Ukraine, a young democracy that asks for our help for survival, to whom we pledged assistance against any aggression in exchange for them giving up their nuclear weapons.

America and EU failing to be on the right side of history, failing to stand with Ukraine, would mean more wars and volatility in the long term.

What the hell do we need a war with Russia for?

To prevent all the things you said in your following paragraphs. You just said it, Ukraine needs our help, and, we gave it to them.

Everyone keeps saying that Russia is our greatest geopoliical adversary, and what better way to defeat them than waging war with them, but not actually having to “say” we are at war with them, we just do it through Ukraine
To prevent all the things you said in your following paragraphs. You just said it, Ukraine needs our help, and, we gave it to them.

Better way is to materially assist a country they are invading, country we PROMISED to assist in case of exactly such attack. DUH

If it wasn't Russia invading Ukraine, but Belarus or Poland, then we of course would also support them against such agression, so it's not about some sort of American bias against Russia, but about their invasion.

Putin's descision to invade is the cause of the war and "proxy war" along with the rest of the war is over as soon as Putin calls it off and brings his invader army home.

We have no interest to maintain any war or any other agression against Russia, what we do have vested interest in is to RESPOND to Russia's wreckless foreign policy that will keep destabilizing the world. If Russia doesn't learn the heavy COST of invasions it will never stop invading, never stop ignoring international laws and conventions intended to prevent exactly this sort of fascist imperialism.
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I’m not a Haley fan, but what did she lie about?

"What bothers me more than her being a neo-con, is that she has no integrity.

Is there something written somewhere that says, once you sign up to be a neo-con or neo-lib, you sell your soul?

I mean, look here, at minute mark 48:00, she LIED, right to a voters face, when she asks Nikki if she was part of Klaus Schwab's merry band of psychopaths.

(I've book marked the timestamp)

Davenport, IA Town Hall (FULL)​

While her own political propaganda touts that crap?!?! She bragged about it previously? So at one point in time? When it was cool, yeah, she is a WEF young global leader. When the jig is up? And she is caught? SHE LIES!


December 3rd, 2008
Date: 9/14/2007
"Lexington, S.C. – September 14, 2007 – S.C. District 87 Representative Nikki Haley was one of three state legislators joining Gov. Mark Sanford and a delegation of Palmetto business leaders at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Dalian, China this month. South Carolina was the only state in the nation invited to attend this annual gathering of CEOs, political dignitaries and top investors from around the globe, offering what Rep. Haley called “a rare opportunity for us to expand economic development prospects here in Lexington County and across our state.”

Captured: Nikki Haley is One of Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’​

The donor-class darling for 2024 was one of Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders' of 2011.​




Very long winded way to say I don’t like Trump or anyone who does.
YOu probably love many who love Trump.
All the people professionally , in the neighborhood , through shopping. public officers of medicine or the law --- statistically you must love many who support Trump. Study statistics
"What bothers me more than her being a neo-con, is that she has no integrity.
Is there something written somewhere that says, once you sign up to be a neo-con or neo-lib, you sell your soul?
I mean, look here, at minute mark 48:00, she LIED, right to a voters face, when she asks Nikki if she was part of Klaus Schwab's merry band of psychopaths.
(I've book marked the timestamp)

Davenport, IA Town Hall (FULL)​

While her own political propaganda touts that crap?!?! She bragged about it previously? So at one point in time? When it was cool, yeah, she is a WEF young global leader. When the jig is up? And she is caught? SHE LIES!


December 3rd, 2008
Date: 9/14/2007
"Lexington, S.C. – September 14, 2007 – S.C. District 87 Representative Nikki Haley was one of three state legislators joining Gov. Mark Sanford and a delegation of Palmetto business leaders at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Dalian, China this month. South Carolina was the only state in the nation invited to attend this annual gathering of CEOs, political dignitaries and top investors from around the globe, offering what Rep. Haley called “a rare opportunity for us to expand economic development prospects here in Lexington County and across our state.”

Captured: Nikki Haley is One of Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’​

The donor-class darling for 2024 was one of Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders' of 2011.​

Calling Nikki a liar when Karin Jean-Pierre, Mayorkas, and Biden do nothing but lie is laughable.

Joe Biden is simply unelectable, he's way too old.

Looking at the polls, Biden beats Desantis, Biden and Trump are tied, and Nikki beats Biden by 17-points.

As a Republican I'm very happy with Nikki.
Calling Nikki a liar when Karin Jean-Pierre, Mayorkas, and Biden do nothing but lie is laughable.
No, in fact, it is not.
There is nothing funny about it at all. . ..

Lots of politicians lie. I don't support any of them that do. Your error here, is making the argument or assumption, that I give a shit about any of those that do, eh?

Replacing shit leaders, with more shit leaders, does nothing to better the nation. It just leads to more of the same.
Everyone keeps saying that Russia is our greatest geopoliical adversary
Everyone keeps saying it TODAY because of the agressive invasion Putin has signed up his country for.

A decade ago Republican presidential nomenee was made fun of by a sitting American president as a person living in the past, for making that exact statement:

Countries with means and a will to conduct agressive wars against other countries OF COURSE become a great geopolitical threat. And Putin's regime has proven exactly that with their constant agressive interference and invasions of their neighbors.
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. . . you have been warned. Now you can't claim you are not ignorant, just self-deluded.
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.

Ms. Haley is an attractive enough broad, and makes a nice contrast with Kamala, the cackling hyena on the D side.

But the problem with her remains the same. The concern is that she will make unacceptable appointments of RINO's and Romneyites, if elected. And those are the folks that caused the problems with the Republicans in the first place.

You can welcome those folks to vote Republican again, but you can't pander to them, as they are the ones who are responsible for Biden in the first place by their refusal to back the Trumpsters.
Nikki is the least obscene Republican running but she tolerates some of the really retarded culture war bullshit the right pushes out, softly tolerates the racism from the party base, but more importantly is another righty focused on consolidating more wealth into the hands of fewer people by trying to convince dumb hicks that anything that doesnt support the wealthy is socialism.
No, in fact, it is not.
There is nothing funny about it at all. . ..

Lots of politicians lie. I don't support any of them that do. Your error here, is making the argument or assumption, that I give a shit about any of those that do, eh?

Replacing shit leaders, with more shit leaders, does nothing to better the nation. It just leads to more of the same.
So.....drum roll please......your candidate to vote for in November is...______________________________?
(because the $34T Debt means we all owe $100,000 each, so there is no easy solution, no money means they can't do anything except watch the US and the US dollar tank)
Nikki is the least obscene Republican running but she tolerates some of the really retarded culture war bullshit the right pushes out, softly tolerates the racism from the party base, but more importantly is another righty focused on consolidating more wealth into the hands of fewer people by trying to convince dumb hicks that anything that doesnt support the wealthy is socialism.

In your view, can Haley actually vanquish the Democrats, or is she just wasting her time?
Nikki is the least obscene Republican running but she tolerates some of the really retarded culture war bullshit the right pushes out, softly tolerates the racism from the party base, but more importantly is another righty focused on consolidating more wealth into the hands of fewer people by trying to convince dumb hicks that anything that doesnt support the wealthy is socialism.
Nikki committed to fixing entitlements, that's more than Biden and the dems did when they had the majority.
In fact, Biden is letting in millions more mouths to feed, so we already know this will not end well.
Nikki committed to fixing entitlements, that's more than Biden and the dems did when they had the majority.
In fact, Biden is letting in millions more mouths to feed, so we already know this will not end well.

Nikki can't fix a damned thing, if she doesn't have a path to actually vanquishing the Democrats are sending them to the cesspool of history.

I would suggest that she reach out to the little Trumpsters to try and win their votes.

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