I’m watching a drug bust go down right this very minute, behind my house!

My racist agenda. Okay. You really know how to make a conversation interesting.

Quote me making a single racist statement.

Take your time. I'm here all day.

Wasn't responding to youwith that comment.

Get back to me when you learn how to read.
Wasn't responding to youwith that comment.

Get back to me when you learn how to read.
My mistake, but six of one, half dozen of the other.

So get busy finding all those nasty "RACIST" comments that were made by the poster to whom you were responding.

We'll wait.

And my edit about how tacky the liberal targeting with the "R" word is getting still stands.

So, any luck yet, JoeB131 at finding all that damning "evidence" of Indeependent's flaming racism?
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Oh fuck off with that alibi bullshit.

"It's a developing country"

Do you also say stuff like

"they're violent because they're poooor"

Brazil is a beautiful place with a lot of good people and a warm culture. That was my experience.
A lot of interesting issues from this problem.

First off, if the government were to end the war on drugs, people might buy their drugs in their own neighborhood.

Second, if the war on drugs is truly worth fighting, why don't we close the border to help reduce the availability of drugs.

Next, don't feel like it's over. They'll be back. And the users/buyers will be familiar with your neighborhood and that your townhouse faces the woods. Get a good security system (that means NOT from ADT) and surveillance cameras. Harden your doors and windows.
Thanks. I’ve got good locks, but a camera is a good idea too.
Yes, your fantasy completely built on white wing blogs and never going there. Like most racists.

They want to be where the likelihood of being caught is reduced...
Exactly. And am affluent, quiet neighborhood where police never patrol, at the end of a street that backs to woods, is a perfect place for them. Or it WAS.
Glad the cops were finally able to nail the scumbags who have been conducting drug buys in the parking area right behind my townhouse. (It’s a neighborhood of $800,000 - $1,000,000+ townhouses, so no slum.) It backs to a lovely wooded area, so the dealers feel it’s secluded.

this has been going on for weeks, and I’ve been nervous coming home late at night. Now the word will be out, and the dealers and their lowlife customers can go elsewhere.

Just wanted to share…..
If it's approaching 1 million for a fucking piece of shit crack den (shared) it is a slum.
Consider a buyer similar to an asshole who drinks Starbux and has lights in their shoes
If it's approaching 1 million for a fucking piece of shit crack den (shared) it is a slum.
Consider a buyer similar to an asshole who drinks Starbux and has lights in their shoes
Not sure what you’re talking about. There’s no “crack den.” These are $1 million townhouses with backs facing the woods, and the dealer and druggies meet outside there for the exchange.
It's a developing country. Of course it's not as good in some senses. It'll get better as they develop more. And yes, I have been there, as well as Peru, Argentina and Colombia.
It's the kind of shithole vermin like you want to turn the U.S. into.
But that's the point. Rich addicts like Limbaugh get rehab, poor addicts get prison.
Poor addicts get prison because they're assholes and get caught committing crime waves to satisfy their mindless self-indulgence nobody forced on them.
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