I’m watching a drug bust go down right this very minute, behind my house!

Look at how the righty ignores logic. He is pointing that if drug deals are common in your area then there is a demand in your area. It's that simple. Wake up.

And that logic is flawed.

Drug dealers aren't going to hang out in the shitty, crime-ridden neighborhoods. Why? Because that's where the police are. They're going to find a nice neighborhood where they can ply their trade.

And before you say "but cops patrol nice neighborhoods", they really don't. I live in a very well-to-do neighborhood (average home price about $800,000) and I can't recall the last time I saw a police car cruising my neighborhood...
I bet it'd be less if it could be purchased legally. Many of the horrors of the drug trade are because they're illegal black market commodities and you have to be a ruthless criminal to profit. That changes if there are legal means.

lol moronic rubbish. Nobody is holding guns to your heads and forcing you scumbag degenerates to buy drugs from these vermin.
I’ve seen the lowlifes buying the drugs. They don’t live here. If they did, why are there always two cars involved - the seller and the buyer? Both are driving here from the nearby “bad” neighborhood.
Sorry not how things work. The user and seller are from the area or it would be happening elsewhere. You ever watch the show numbers? People pick places they know well and close to home to commit crimes. There are very few exceptions to this rule.
And that logic is flawed.

Drug dealers aren't going to hang out in the shitty, crime-ridden neighborhoods. Why? Because that's where the police are. They're going to find a nice neighborhood where they can ply their trade.

And before you say "but cops patrol nice neighborhoods", they really don't. I live in a very well-to-do neighborhood (average home price about $800,000) and I can't recall the last time I saw a police car cruising my neighborhood...
They don't have to cruise.
When we call they arrive in 10 seconds and have a helicopter in the air.
I bet it'd be less if it could be purchased legally. Many of the horrors of the drug trade are because they're illegal black market commodities and you have to be a ruthless criminal to profit. That changes if there are legal means. All of a sudden you wouldn't have to be a murdering criminal to profit off of the trade.
And then you would have more peo
My son-in-law is Hispanic and I work in 3 Hispanic neighborhoods; they are very Conservative.
Not sure how that applies to this specific conversation. Do you think Both seller and buyer are crossing town to do these deals? One or the other is from the area maybe both.
lol moronic rubbish. Nobody is holding guns to your heads and forcing you scumbag degenerates to buy drugs from these vermin.
I don't think you're keeping up. Are you sure I'm the one on drugs? Maybe you're just slow.
I don't think you're keeping up. Are you sure I'm the one on drugs? Maybe you're just slow.
You're just another moron who read some stupid libertoon bullshit you think sounds cool. You're the slow one here if you think people are forced to buy drugs by the govt. or anybody else.
You're just another moron who read some stupid libertoon bullshit you think sounds cool. You're the slow one here if you think people are forced to buy drugs by the govt. or anybody else.
Where did I say people are forced to buy drugs? Learn to read, dumbass.
I hope you're right.
I read an article where those DA's are going to be facing impeachment if they're elected abd prosecuted if they're appointees. Thanks to Andrew Jackson if they're elected they have to be impeached to be removed from office.
And that logic is flawed.

Drug dealers aren't going to hang out in the shitty, crime-ridden neighborhoods. Why? Because that's where the police are. They're going to find a nice neighborhood where they can ply their trade.

And before you say "but cops patrol nice neighborhoods", they really don't. I live in a very well-to-do neighborhood (average home price about $800,000) and I can't recall the last time I saw a police car cruising my neighborhood...
Lol, drug dealer s go to where the demand is Street level drug dealers are lazy and stupid they make deals where it's convenient for the buyer
I read an article where those DA's are going to be facing impeachment if they're elected abd prosecuted if they're appointees. Thanks to Andrew Jackson if they're elected they have to be impeached to be removed from office.
I know Eric Adams is pissed off at the idiot.
In the meanwhile, NYC businesses are being destroyed.

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