I’m watching a drug bust go down right this very minute, behind my house!

I'm sorry this happened to you. My entire life (education, career, etc.) has been dedicated to avoiding those filthy marxist dims and it's worked out swimmingly for me. Yes, occasionally one of those soulless rodents will hand me a cheeseburger thru a window, or scrape the bugs off my windshield, but I don't want any eye contact or engagement other than "Fuck off and die".

Concealed carry.
Probably because for many of them life revolves around God and family.
Well that's what the Republicrats tell me.

So it's gotta be true.

In all actuality they are not conservative in any stretch of the word.

Owning a rosary does not make you conservative...your actions do.

Their crime rates, though nowhere near basketball American levels, are still way disproportionate to pop representation.

You want true, hardworking, conservative LIVING people?

. When they legalized weed and let government tax it, the black market still thrived by selling cheaper and allowing the buyer to maintain their anonymity.
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Are you a liberal? You have more criticism for the older, responsible people living in the neighborhood than you do for the lowlife scum committing crimes in our backyards,

Look at how you’re doing everything possible to deflect blame. The “old“ neighbors are being “nosy”. Or the story is made up. Or maybe the neighbors ARE the ones buying the drugs.

NOPE. This was a Hispanic guy, the demographic that commits most of the crime in our area, breaking the law in our neighborhood.
Look at how the righty ignores logic. He is pointing that if drug deals are common in your area then there is a demand in your area. It's that simple. Wake up.
Look at how the righty ignores logic. He is pointing that if drug deals are common in your area then there is a demand in your area. It's that simple. Wake up.
Nope...The poor areas are a 10 minute drive from the nice homes where the dealers set up.
The neighbors see old, banged up cars parking and call the police.
The successful ones are not stupid junkies. Those types tend to live in ghettos, not nice neighborhoods.
Those types make up the vast majority of drug dealers; the top ones get killed or locked up all the time as well, 'smart' or not doesn't matter much. since they're psycho thugs into serial killing.
Well that's what the Republicrats tell me.

So it's gotta be true.

In all actuality they are not conservative in any stretch of the word.

Owning a rosary does not make you conservative...your actions do.

Their crime rates, though nowhere near basketball American levels, are still way disproportionate to pop representation.

You want true, hardworking, conservative LIVING people?

It's probably not accurate to say they belong to either side, but many Latin people are very conservative, particularly in places like Brazil.
By the way, it's actually the libertarian in me that wants to decriminalize drugs. That doesn't come from leftist thinking.
Lol, you realize you are trying to talk logic to someone that thinks the users are not from her neighborhood. She thinks they are constantly traveling to do the deal to some arbitrary point. Convenience of location for dealer and user has nothing to do with it.
Look at how the righty ignores logic. He is pointing that if drug deals are common in your area then there is a demand in your area. It's that simple. Wake up.
I’ve seen the lowlifes buying the drugs. They don’t live here. If they did, why are there always two cars involved - the seller and the buyer? Both are driving here from the nearby “bad” neighborhood.
Do you know how many people were killed so you can get your precious heroin?
I bet it'd be less if it could be purchased legally. Many of the horrors of the drug trade are because they're illegal black market commodities and you have to be a ruthless criminal to profit. That changes if there are legal means. All of a sudden you wouldn't have to be a murdering criminal to profit off of the trade.
Lol, you realize you are trying to talk logic to someone that thinks the users are not from her neighborhood. She thinks they are constantly traveling to do the deal to some arbitrary point. Convenience of location for dealer and user has nothing to do with it.
My son-in-law is Hispanic and I work in 3 Hispanic neighborhoods; they are very Conservative.
Glad the cops were finally able to nail the scumbags who have been conducting drug buys in the parking area right behind my townhouse. (It’s a neighborhood of $800,000 - $1,000,000+ townhouses, so no slum.) It backs to a lovely wooded area, so the dealers feel it’s secluded.

this has been going on for weeks, and I’ve been nervous coming home late at night. Now the word will be out, and the dealers and their lowlife customers can go elsewhere.

Just wanted to share…..
One of the few upsides to the anarchy the commies want to enable is that soon we can just start shooting and lynching these scum with no worries. As I've said several times, the stupid dope addled deviant Democrats won't be happy how their culture war 'victory' is going to turn out; we have the Leninist/Stalinists and Nazi victories to show how that stuff turns out.
One of the fe upsides to the anarchy the commies want to enable is that soon we can just start shooting and lynching these scum with no worries. As I've said several times, the stupid dope addled deviant Democrats won't be happy how their culture war 'victory' is going to turn out; we have the Leninist/Stalinists and Nazi victories to show how that stuff turns out.
The DA in NYC will not prosecute anyone who steals less than $1,000.00 of goods.

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