I’m watching a drug bust go down right this very minute, behind my house!

Not the point. The point is the leftist answer to decriminalize crimes - liked armed robbery in NY - to lower the number of criminals just continues the erosion of a decent, law-abiding society.
It's a fair question when you compare it to legalizing rape and murder.
A lot of interesting issues from this problem.

First off, if the government were to end the war on drugs, people might buy their drugs in their own neighborhood.

Second, if the war on drugs is truly worth fighting, why don't we close the border to help reduce the availability of drugs.

Next, don't feel like it's over. They'll be back. And the users/buyers will be familiar with your neighborhood and that your townhouse faces the woods. Get a good security system (that means NOT from ADT) and surveillance cameras. Harden your doors and windows.
Not the point. The point is the leftist answer to decriminalize crimes - liked armed robbery in NY - to lower the number of criminals just continues the erosion of a decent, law-abiding society.
By the way, it's actually the libertarian in me that wants to decriminalize drugs. That doesn't come from leftist thinking.
Not all drug users are violent and thieving junkies.
I come from a large family of addicts. I thank God every day that I escaped the compulsion towards drugs and alcohol.

My personal experience of dealing with my junkie siblings and cousins and nieces/nephews and their associates says that the vast majority of drug users are thieves and sociopaths with very real tendencies towards emotional, if not physical, violence.
I come from a large family of addicts. I thank God every day that I escaped the compulsion towards drugs and alcohol.

My personal experience of dealing with my junkie siblings and cousins and nieces/nephews and their associates says that the vast majority of drug users are thieves and sociopaths with very real tendencies towards emotional, if not physical, violence.
The failed war on drugs has shown us that we can't stop people from selling and using. It's a powerful market that isn't going to go away. We should try different tactics.
Junkies are subhuman CRIMINAL scum and must at least be locked away from decent folks until they figure out how to stop being useless thieving lowlifes.

You might have a point... I mean, just look at this guy!

The failed war on drugs has shown us that we can't stop people from selling and using. It's a powerful market that isn't going to go away. We should try different tactics.
Look at the video I posted. It talks about a brilliant idea for dealing with the region's addicts in a practical, humane way. Then talk to any democrat about why these practical solutions are not being implemented.
Not the point. The point is the leftist answer to decriminalize crimes - liked armed robbery in NY - to lower the number of criminals just continues the erosion of a decent, law-abiding society.

Well, uh, no. If you want to fix crime, you need to eliminate poverty. The Europeans have figured this out, which is why they have nowhere near our crime rates.

But some are. And I don’t want them in my neighborhood at 11 pm.
Then legalize drugs and let them buy them at a designated store during the day.
You might have a point... I mean, just look at this guy!

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Please show me documentation of a single time that he ever stole from a drugstore to get merchandise to sell for drug money, or a time when he was documented assaulting a citizen or shitting on the sidewalk or leaving used needles in a children's park in any American town.

I'll wait.
Well, uh, no. If you want to fix crime, you need to eliminate poverty. The Europeans have figured this out, which is why they have nowhere near our crime rates.

Then legalize drugs and let them buy them at a designated store during the day.
Are you a drug addict?
Then legalize drugs and let them buy them at a designated store during the day.
Imagine all the taxes and legitimate jobs you could get from that. Black market dealers would be fucked, and prices would drop too.
Please show me documentation of a single time that he ever stole from a drugstore to get merchandise to sell for drug money, or a time when he was documented assaulting a citizen or shitting on the sidewalk or leaving used needles in a children's park in any American town.

I'll wait.

So drug addiction is okay if you can afford it?

There is only criminality involved in drug use because of it's illegality. You don't see anyone committing crimes to buy cigarettes or alcohol.

Are you a drug addict?

Nope. I just think they should be treated with compassion. I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp.
So drug addiction is okay if you can afford it?

There is only criminality involved in drug use because of it's illegality. You don't see anyone committing crimes to buy cigarettes or alcohol.

Nope. I just think they should be treated with compassion. I know this is a difficult concept for you to grasp.
What's so hard to understand about what I said? If you're not violating anyone else, it's no one else's business. Reality is that common junkies violate EVERYONE ELSE, all the time.
In a perfect world. Trouble is that you leftists rarely look beyond the utopian vision.
Why would it not work at least somewhat according to plan? Surely it wouldn't be perfect. The black market wouldn't disappear, but it'd have a lot less customers. Surely we'd create jobs and tax revenue as well.
I'm just trying to make sense of the situation.
Why is it so hard for you to “make sense” of the situation? Are you having trouble with concept that non-whites can be scumbag criminals?

it’s not that complicated:

1) I live in an affluent, quiet neighborhood,

2) My row of townhouses backs to a very lovely wooded area - part of a public recreation area - and was a key reason I picked this particular location. Nice and private, with no neighbors‘ houses behind me.

3) Obviously, this seclusion is also appealing to drug dealers, who want to conduct their crimes where it is unlikely to be seen.

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