I'm your opinion, based on modern times, what is the technical differences between a republican and a leftist? Is it based on policy or tribalism?

Okay, first you have posed 4 or 5 questions in the thread title and in your OP. So, let's walk through it one at a time.

Based on modern times, what is the technical differences between a republican and a leftist? Is it based on policy or tribalism?

You should probably specify what you mean by 'technical differences'. To me, the major difference is in the size, scope, and power of gov't. The GOP wants a smaller and less powerful gov't that is more limited in scope than the democrats want. The degree to which differs within each party, meaning that some repubs want a smaller, less intrusive, less influential, and more limited gov't than others in their own party do. And of course the same can be said of the democrats, some of them want a bigger and more a powerful and controlling gov't than others on their side. So, there are policy differences to that end between the 2 parties and also within each party.

As to tribalism, there are no doubt many on both sides that were brought up to be a liberal or conservative and their minds are basically closed. Some will vote for a dead fucking dog before voting for the other party's person, and that's just the way it is.

Do the majority of people vote based on party or character? What specific policies turned you on to one, and what policies turned you off from another?

For some people, character and emotion are the deciding factor for who they support, while for others it's party and policies. Both are important, ideally you get somebody that has the right character and has the right platform of policies, but too often that is not the case. We are forced to prioritize; do I want to vote for a total asshat whose policies are better, or the other person who is less of an asshat but has the worst policies?

For me, the policies of the democrats are such that I cannot support them at all. The Far Left is currently running that party or appears to be, and the policies and actions they want to do are a total anathema to me. It's one thing to raise taxes, but it's another to abolish the filibuster or pack the Supreme Court. The things they want to do cannot be undone if and when the GOP ever gets back a majority in the Congress. And I believe they would be disastrous if they actually did all the stuff they want to do. Plus, the chances of the GOP ever winning back a majority in Congress or their person in the WH would be far harder if the democrats have their way.
If conservative economic policy was good it would produce prosperity for everyone, not just the politically connected wealthy.

Why is it that virtually every Oligarch is a radical leftist?

Jack Dorsey, slave owner LeBron, Zuckerberg...

Bezos didn't rig the election in Georgia for Republican, he bought two Nazi democrat Senators.

Do all the ruling elite promote the Marxist fascist democrats because they are against their own interests?

I am not a Republican nor a leftist. Conservative is how I identify.

Conservatives believe in individual freedom and accountability.

Lefties are fascist communist cuck faggot assholes.

That is the difference.
I am not a Republican nor a leftist. Conservative is how I identify.

Conservatives believe in individual freedom and accountability.

Lefties are fascist communist cuck faggot assholes.

That is the difference.
Fair enough. But the OP asks us to contrast "leftists" and "Republicans". In my view, both groups are fundamentally statist, and have the same basic views on how government should work. They just disagree on what government should do.

In Florida, for example, the Republicans, via DeSantis prevail. And they think masks and vaccines aren't that useful in fighting the pandemic - so they've passed laws forcing businesses to accept non-masked patrons.

In NYC, leftists are in charge. And they think masks and vaccines are the bee's knees - so they've passed laws forcing businesses to require customers (and employees) to be masked and vaccinated.

Both sides share the core conviction that is something is bad, government should ban it, and if something is good, government should mandate it. They both worship at the altar of the state.
Mark Richard I believe it comes down to what the individual believes is most important to him or her. For me I want to see America respecting the rights of the American citizen over the needs of everyone else.
The DNC is a center-right party. They just aren't as far right as the GOP.

The DNC is center-right? Can you elaborate on why you believe that?
In Alabama at least one has to move out to find prosperity. I suspect it is a a similar situation in the other conservative utopias.
You suspect upon anecdotal stories from a couple of friends of yours, that are probably like minded, and are looking for some miracle to drop in their lap. If they have to move, then do it. I did, several times. And each time it was a better situation.
Fair enough. But the OP asks us to contrast "leftists" and "Republicans". In my view, both groups are fundamentally statist, and have the same basic views on how government should work. They just disagree on what government should do.

In Florida, for example, the Republicans, via DeSantis prevail. And they think masks and vaccines aren't that useful in fighting the pandemic - so they've passed laws forcing businesses to accept non-masked patrons.

They've passed laws forcing businesses to serve black customers as well. Should those laws be repealed as well?

In NYC, leftists are in charge. And they think masks and vaccines are the bee's knees - so they've passed laws forcing businesses to require customers (and employees) to be masked and vaccinated.

Both sides share the core conviction that is something is bad, government should ban it, and if something is good, government should mandate it. They both worship at the altar of the state.

Disingenuous whataboutism. The Florida law prohibits counties, cities and school districts from enforcing mask mandates. Despite your false claim, it doesn't have anything to do with what policies businesses have for customers.

Once again we see that you are a shill for the statist democrats.
Before 1998 the difference was clear.

The republicans were mostly conservatives who supported

Fiscal conservatism
Patriotism to America
Small accountable government
Right to privacy
Balanced budgets

Since Fox News and W, the GOP mutated into just the opposite (replace America with Israel)
The first and the last are the same thing really and Trump was far worse that Obama on that. (Before COVID)

Trump also told Putin that he believed him over his own intelligence agencies.

Trump also increased Government spending considerably (before COVID)

"Right to Privacy" - US is far worse on this the that Socialist EU... It was EU that brought in GDPR which amongst many things has the "right to be forgotten"... Bloody Socialists with there insistence on protecting the people

So can you tell us why you a Trump supporter then?
If conservative economic policy was good it would produce prosperity for everyone, not just the politically connected wealthy.
1. Trump's economic policies did produce prosperity for everyone before Covid hit.
2. Democrat economic policies are a disaster.
1. Trump's economic policies did produce prosperity for everyone before Covid hit.
2. Democrat economic policies are a disaster.
When you look at where these policies rule that's clearly not the case.
Now its more about being on a side, picking a team, being right without regard for reality or facts, it's about telling others they are wrong.

Used to a while back each side didn't like eachother and argued but they still had some common ground, there was concessions and agreements.

Now its all about utterly destroying the other side, about proving them even if they have to be wrong, it's all absolutes now. Each side has gone back into their corner so far they will ruin a country just to be on the opposite side from the other party, they will fuck an entire country just to piss off with the other party.

Democrats being the worst in this scenario though. They will let criminals run free, allow racist groups to run wild, censor citizens, censor the media, lie, let illegals run wild, leave Americans behind in terrorist war zones, write mandates telling people what do do by threats of force, increase taxes, tell people what to think and a lot more just to try and piss off republicans.

And the people all do the same thing. They pick a side and yell "fuck you" at the other side. While most Americans are sitting in the middle having to dodge shit each side is throwing across at the other.
Link please. Otherwise I have no clue what you mean.
You just have no clue. Red states have the lowest wages, the most regressive taxes and the most people on public assistance. The great thing for republican politicians is they can point to the people doing well in other parts of the country and somehow make their voters believe it's their fault. It's them libruls out on the coast that fucked you, certainly not the people who make your laws and sign your paltry paychecks.
You just have no clue. Red states have the lowest wages, the most regressive taxes and the most people on public assistance. The great thing for republican politicians is they can point to the people doing well in other parts of the country and somehow make their voters believe it's their fault. It's them libruls out on the coast that fucked you, certainly not the people who make your laws and sign your paltry paychecks.
NY, HI, and CA have the highest rates of homelessness in the US. All are democrat run states.
The democrats are now the party of the uber-wealthy, and their urban-plantations have vast differences in wealth distribution. The last video proves that NY, HI, and CA have the highest homeless populations.

NY, HI, and CA have the highest rates of homelessness in the US. All are democrat run states.
The democrats are now the party of the uber-wealthy, and their urban-plantations have vast differences in wealth distribution. The last video proves that NY, HI, and CA have the highest homeless populations.

Not really an explanation why you think the poorest people in this country seem to be confined to places where conservatives have had total control for decades.
They've passed laws forcing businesses to serve black customers as well. Should those laws be repealed as well?

Indeed they should.

Politically, that's not easy to acknowledge. Most people will assume you're a racist if you do, and most people don't want to be labeled a racist (miscreants on this site notwithstanding). But the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was bad law, and a mistake. It injected the nonsensical premise that "everyone should be treated equally" as into our legal status quo. As such, there's been a continuous stream of minorities, and other groups, asking government to force others to cater to their desires. It's become a part of our political landscape, something everyone assumes is a good thing, without really thinking it through. Even self-styled "radical libertarians" fall for it.
Disingenuous whataboutism. The Florida law prohibits counties, cities and school districts from enforcing mask mandates. Despite your false claim, it doesn't have anything to do with what policies businesses have for customers.
But wait, there's more! He's trying to prohibit business from requiring their customers from being vaccinated. He's also pushing for laws that will force social media companies to host Trumpster nonsense. He's all about bullying businesses. He either has no respect for private property and individual rights, or - like many of you, he just doesn't get it.
Not really an explanation why you think the poorest people in this country seem to be confined to places where conservatives have had total control for decades.
LOL!! Your leftist programming trumps your eyes!
You show me red states where there are poorer people than the homeless I showed you in NY, HI, and CA.
I don't think the poorest people in the US are confined to red states.
These videos of the homeless are from BLUE states.

The first and the last are the same thing really and Trump was far worse that Obama on that. (Before COVID)

Trump also told Putin that he believed him over his own intelligence agencies.

Trump also increased Government spending considerably (before COVID)

"Right to Privacy" - US is far worse on this the that Socialist EU... It was EU that brought in GDPR which amongst many things has the "right to be forgotten"... Bloody Socialists with there insistence on protecting the people

So can you tell us why you a Trump supporter then?

You are a typical leftist moron who lies and has no ability to think beyond parroting lies.

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