Imagine a Conservative takeover of the country

Which group of items do you vote to add to the United States Constitution?

  • Allowing prayer in school, banning a federal income tax and banning of sodomy

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
You woke up in January 2017 and Conservative Republicans took the presidency, congress, the senate and 49 out of 50 states have Conservative Republican majorities. They have issued a national ballot to change the constitution. You have four options and only four.

Option 1: Abortion is banned, prayer is allowed in school, the federal income tax has ended

Option 2: Abortion is banned, prayer is allowed in school and sodomy has been outlawed

Option 3: Abortion is banned, the federal income tax has ended and sodomy has been outlawed.

Option 4: Prayer is allowed in school, the federal income tax has ended and sodomy has been outlawed

How would you vote in this national election to restore conservative principles or would you vote at all?

You only have 22 days to decide. Vote as soon as you read this poll and understand it.

Read these options carefully. All options are very similar.
This thread was started based upon a conversation between Bonzi and myself.

This is what was said:
If we allow prayer in school, ban abortion, eliminate income taxes and outlaw sodomy would that make our country magically better? If not, what is the RIGHT path?

God would be very pleased! I don't see how we could not be blessed if we did that!

This thread is here to entertain the prioritization of these four matters among average people. This thread should be fun if enough interest is generated.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?
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I've said for a long time that conservatism looks much less dangerous than it really is because conservatives rarely acquire enough power in a government to actually do what they want to do.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?

You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.
I've said for a long time that conservatism looks much less dangerous than it really is because conservatives rarely acquire enough power in a government to actually do what they want to do.

Why would they be dangerous if they took over?
Lol I know that they took over the local republican party in 2013 and kept the power in 2015. They have been utilizing the republican party to manipulate primary elections. You are silly. I know a lot about conservative idiots. However this thread is a good place for you to set the record straight.
OP if you want to avoid looking like an ignorant dishonest liberal of below average intelligence stop drinking the liberal koolaid.

This is something I discussed with Bonzi. My honesty is irrelevant. I am just curious as to which of these issues are the most pressing and which one(s) don't matter too much.

Since you accuse me of being a liberal I will set the record straight. I am a moderate Republican that has a hard time understanding what my fellow republicans find so intoxicating about focusing on our losses. I am a republican that wants my team to win. I'm tired of watching us lose and then crying about losing. I don't like it and I want the whining to stop. If tea party nut jobs want to cry then this thread is the best place for it.

Which one of these issues can we stop crying about? We can at least shut up about one of them. Am I right?

You know squat about conservatives, your OP is a joke born from liberal lies.

Please set the record straight. This is how many Americans view the conservative movement. Some of them may be using US Message Board. You should set all the idiots straight.
I've said for a long time that conservatism looks much less dangerous than it really is because conservatives rarely acquire enough power in a government to actually do what they want to do.

Why would they be dangerous if they took over?

Because they could actually what they mostly just talk about doing while they're out of power.

Can you give some examples and how it would change your life?
Ban abortion except in cases of harm to mother or child or if child is mentally or physically impaired alongside of bringing eugenics back to America.
Death sentence to ALL homosexuals,liberals,non whites etc :D
That would be a great start for me.I am not a conservative I think they are as big of a problem as democrats are. Oh and if you had not heard or seen Lindsey Graham who is a GOP candidate for president is calling for GOP to change position on faggots.
Leave it to conservatives and you'll have teachers leading Islamic prayers in public schools.

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