Imagine a New World Order

then you think the whole new world order thingy is a bat shit lie seemy?
It is time to consider moving to a New World Order

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for

Imagine all the people living life in peace

I cannot imagine it as a reality. It's a dystopian vision like Brave New World or 1984. But it will never happen. People are too nationalistic. They will fight and argue and bicker forever, far too much to join forces and conquer the world with one ruling party. One thing I've learned is that people around the world think their country, their culture is the best in the world, no matter what that culture or country is. For example, Mexicans don't come to America because they are rejecting Mexico, they come for economic reasons; if the economy in Mexico was better, they'd stay home. Studies by the EU have shown that when a poor country joins the EU, a lot of people from that country move to and work in better off countries, but most don't stay. Most make money and send it home, and eventually they return home and open up a little business with the money they made in the richer country. I knew a man who left Turkey to live in Australia for 30 years, where he raised a family, had a business, had a good life. When his kids were grown and he was divorced and retired, he moved back to Turkey to spend his retirement; all along all he wanted was to be in his home country. People are nationalistic and want their own culture and country. And, in the end, they will always be ready to fight and die for it.
You may say I'm a dreamer,but I'm not the only one

Nothing wrong with dreaming...until you try and apply fantasy policies in the real world...that is when the problems begin.
Can you say Obamacare?

Can you imagine if there were no possessions ? I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man

I will rewrite your lyrics here (or should I say Yoko's lyrics)
"Can you imagine communism? I wonder if you can.
No home to call your own, where children belong to the community in the brotherhood of man."
It is time to consider moving to a New World Order

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for

Imagine all the people living life in peace

I cannot imagine it as a reality. It's a dystopian vision like Brave New World or 1984. But it will never happen. People are too nationalistic. They will fight and argue and bicker forever, far too much to join forces and conquer the world with one ruling party. One thing I've learned is that people around the world think their country, their culture is the best in the world, no matter what that culture or country is. For example, Mexicans don't come to America because they are rejecting Mexico, they come for economic reasons; if the economy in Mexico was better, they'd stay home. Studies by the EU have shown that when a poor country joins the EU, a lot of people from that country move to and work in better off countries, but most don't stay. Most make money and send it home, and eventually they return home and open up a little business with the money they made in the richer country. I knew a man who left Turkey to live in Australia for 30 years, where he raised a family, had a business, had a good life. When his kids were grown and he was divorced and retired, he moved back to Turkey to spend his retirement; all along all he wanted was to be in his home country. People are nationalistic and want their own culture and country. And, in the end, they will always be ready to fight and die for it.

All I am saying, is give peace a chance
No country with morals would want to be part of a New World Order, with a country such as the United
States being the leader. America has no morals. All this talk of homosexual and lesbian marriage has
destroyed Americas reputation. There are countries that have laws against perverted forms of existence. So , these countries would not be interested in having any thing to do with America or Europe.Or any New World Order.
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then you think the whole new world order thingy is a bat shit lie seemy?


you righties are such fools.

If there were a possible new world order coming the US would be the one in the best postion to sway it into the USAs direction.

we are the most powerful country in the world.

the idiot pablum lappers fear the weaker countrys because all they know is fear
ANOTHER Republican idea like mandatory health coverage :rofl:

[ame=]Proof of NWO from George Bush SR New World Order - YouTube[/ame]
No country with morals would want to be part of a New World Order, with a country such as the United
States being the leader. America has no morals. All this talk of homosexual and lesbian marriage has
destroyed Americas reputation. There are countries that have laws against perverted forms of existence. So , these countries would not be interested in having any thing to do with America or Europe.Or any New World Order.


what color is the sky in your imaginary world?
It is time to consider moving to a New World Order

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for

Imagine all the people living life in peace

I cannot imagine it as a reality. It's a dystopian vision like Brave New World or 1984. But it will never happen. People are too nationalistic. They will fight and argue and bicker forever, far too much to join forces and conquer the world with one ruling party. One thing I've learned is that people around the world think their country, their culture is the best in the world, no matter what that culture or country is. For example, Mexicans don't come to America because they are rejecting Mexico, they come for economic reasons; if the economy in Mexico was better, they'd stay home. Studies by the EU have shown that when a poor country joins the EU, a lot of people from that country move to and work in better off countries, but most don't stay. Most make money and send it home, and eventually they return home and open up a little business with the money they made in the richer country. I knew a man who left Turkey to live in Australia for 30 years, where he raised a family, had a business, had a good life. When his kids were grown and he was divorced and retired, he moved back to Turkey to spend his retirement; all along all he wanted was to be in his home country. People are nationalistic and want their own culture and country. And, in the end, they will always be ready to fight and die for it.

All I am saying, is give peace a chance

It's a beautiful idea. Here's an example of why this song is so beloved yet unrealistic conceptually. I was in a ME country recently. There was a celebration for World Peace Day. They used Lennon's song as the theme song of their celebration, but they changed the words where the song says something about no God. They believe too much in God and had to change the lyrics to fit their vision of reality, to include God. They could not bring themselves to even consider a world without God. There is no way you will get all countries and all peoples to agree on enough to join together in a world where everyone co-exists in peace and harmony. Where they don't fight over property, ideas, religion, and natural resources.
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you dont love mankind enough to imagine it

It's just the opposite. I travel all the time and have lived in five countries besides the US. I also work in an international environment where my colleagues and clients have been from literally more than 100 countries. I know that no matter what the country is, no matter how small it is, how beaten down, how poor, how fucked up, the people of that country love their culture and their country. They may immigrate because of economic or political reasons, but in the end, they would stay if the dictator left or the economy improved or the people of their religion were not oppressed, etc. For example, the people of any given country, you name any country in the world, think their country is just as good as, if not better, than the US. I have no problem with this. I understand and accept and am empathetic of their point of view. Never in a million years would I think that other people would want the United States to be Big Brother and rule all the little guys. That is not what they want. They want to be their own person, so to speak. They do not want to be dominated by another country, and they CERTAINLY do not look up to the US as a country to be ruled by. Most of the time they find the US to be a big bully.
We live in a world where several hundred thousand people live in work prisons for little to no reason...where the most common cause of death is starvation or exhaustion.
The rest of the world tolerates this abomination.
And you think it is possible we could all live in harmony?

It makes a nice song. It does.
But reality is reality. Mankind is a very very selfish creature with small minds and fearful of anything different than themselves. it is what we are.
We prove it on this forum everyday.
In the last election, dissatisfaction with government is as high as it has ever been - YET - we voted in the same people almost 100%. Insanity...all because we foolishly fall for the "yay rah for my side" mentality.
It is time to consider moving to a New World Order

Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die for

Imagine all the people living life in peace

Cloying sickening sentiment makes me want to
$stewie puke.gif
[ame=]The Doors - The End (original) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Devo - "Beautiful World" - YouTube[/ame]

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