Imagine a world without hated billionaires!


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2011
It would be so wonderful not to have the Fords Duponts Gates Rockefellers, Jobs types around anymore. Who needs their stinkin jobs and products anyway. What was so bad about the Stone Age anyway??
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It would be so wonderful not to have the Fords Duponts Gates Rockefellers, Jobs types around anymore. Who needs their stinkin jobs and products anyway.

Yeah, imagine a world without reasonably priced cars, thousands of useful chemicals like plastics and paint, personal computers and cheap gas.
It would be so wonderful not to have the Fords Duponts Gates Rockefellers, Jobs types around anymore. Who needs their stinkin jobs and products anyway.

A world without envious morons would be far more desirable!
the first decade or 2 of my life, there were no individual billionaires, that i know of or can remember???
brutus is joking guys.... at least from the posts that i have read of his....he does not believe what he's sarcasm imo.
You're fond of working in the Aechulian Handaxe Industry, I presume? Or grubbing for your fruits, roots, and nuts.

No Henry Fords, No Alexander Graham Bells, no Thomas Edisons, No Bill Gates, No Steve Jobs, No Eric Schmidts. No birth controls, must use the cowboy's old sock technique, no antibiotics. Catch a dose of clap in passing you die, or spend the rest of your life in a cloud of senility.
Its American excellence that produced these wonders, and some human beings incidentally became very wealthy as a result, but you Libs are like envious Cows in a meadow, content to chew on their cud, and insisting on spending your time defecating on them.
It would be so wonderful not to have the Fords Duponts Gates Rockefellers, Jobs types around anymore. Who needs their stinkin jobs and products anyway. What was so bad about the Stone Age anyway??

Yep that worked so well for the Soviet Union! If you like a world without billionaires the communist paradises of Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea might take ya!
If you like a world without billionaires the communist paradises of Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea might take ya!


If you like a world unshackled by government regulation the paradise of Somalia might take ya!
Just think. If we put everyone's money in a great big pot and divided it up between all of the people in the nation, we'd be so happy! I wouldn't bother to work, I would get the same amount if I did or didn't. No one would bother to invent anything or go to further their education if they aren't going to get "ahead." Everyone would just lay around or go to the beach.

But, who would serve me at the restaurants? We would finally run out of money if there isn't anyone "getting ahead" or working, would there. Billionaires would finally run out of money subsidizing all of us. Hmmmmmm maybe capitalism is better than I thought.

I think I understand what communism, socialism and Obama is about. And I don't like it at all.
Jeeze. Just think of all those taxes we could pay.

You know. The lions share of the Fed taxes that those filthy rich pay now.

Can hardly wait.
If you like a world without billionaires the communist paradises of Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea might take ya!


If you like a world unshackled by government regulation the paradise of Somalia might take ya!
Never said I want government out of everything. In fact I think we need to copy a few of our successful first world country allies on say healthcare. Canada, Israel and Germany for starters have programs we should copy!
If you like a world without billionaires the communist paradises of Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea might take ya!


If you like a world unshackled by government regulation the paradise of Somalia might take ya!
Never said I want government out of everything. In fact I think we need to copy a few of our successful first world country allies on say healthcare. Canada, Israel and Germany for starters have programs we should copy!

Settle down Beavis. :lol:

This whole thread is sarcastic hyperbole. I'm pretty sure nobody ever said they wanted to rid the world of billionaires either.
I don't mind billionaires. I just hate that they pay less of a percentage of their income in taxes than I do. I mean.......they only pay 15-20 percent while the rest of us pay 28 to 32 percent. I know the tax rates for the working joes because that is what the military taxed you at. If your state taxed the military, they got 4 percent, and then the federal government took 28 percent. One of the reasons people loved to reenlist in a war zone is because there is no taxes paid on a military check in one.

Like I said, I'd just like them to pay their fair share.
Bill Gates wasn't a billionaire when Microsoft began, and the top tax rate was 70 some percent.

If you believe the 'logic' of conservatives, that's why Microsoft never happened. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
It would be so wonderful not to have the Fords Duponts Gates Rockefellers, Jobs types around anymore. Who needs their stinkin jobs and products anyway. What was so bad about the Stone Age anyway??

I have nothing against billionaire who dont mind paying their fair share.

its the greedy fucks who want to be the new kings that bother me.

Do you really think ONLY these people know how to create jobs?

You are with BriBri on the monarchy thing huh?

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