Imagine what the United States economy would be like TODAY! IF... we had IGNORED THE LEFT!

We had the last president that proudly called himself a liberal and people like you despised him even after he saved the world.


You're conflating "Liberal", which is to say 'one who advocates for individual LIBERTY', with a socialist, 'one who contests individual liberty'.

Jack Kennedy would have beat you into a blood stain before he would allow you to claim any kinship with him. Bad back notwithstanding.
You assume a lot in those few sentences but the fact remains that conservatives of the time hated his guts, you seeking to claim him as a conservative is pretty ignorant.

Social conservatives hated him because he was a philanderer and was an unfit role model as president. They didn't oppose his push for tax cuts or his opposition to communism and stand for national strength on a global scale.
What does any of that matter? If he had listened to them during the Cuban missile crisis we would be long dead, which was my original comment that you have done nothing to refute.

JFK WAS a conservative. That fact alone makes your argument look more than a little silly.

Sure he was.
I'll bet you'd love his description of what a liberal is. Wanna read it?

I don't care what his definition was. Liberal is a description of a political philosophy by which people are invested with natural rights that cannot rightly be deprived by any just government and that only government by the people can protect those rights. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. So was Patrick Henry, Alex De Tocqueville, and George Washington. They are the standard bearers of true liberalism. Everything else is a distortion.
I'll bet you'd love his description of what a liberal is. Wanna read it?

I don't care what his definition was. Liberal is a description of a political philosophy by which people are invested with natural rights that cannot rightly be deprived by any just government and that only government by the people can protect those rights. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. So was Patrick Henry, Alex De Tocqueville, and George Washington. They are the standard bearers of true liberalism. Everything else is a distortion.
To people like you political labels are fluid things that have become almost meaningless just so you can pin everything bad that has ever happened in the history of human governance on "the left".
JFK WAS a conservative. That fact alone makes your argument look more than a little silly.

Sure. And Reagan was a liberal.

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

Ayn Rand hammered this as collectivist tripe.

Today, we have revisionist history rolling at full force.

As an activist, Kennedy called on Americans to trust government to address the nation’s problems; as a pragmatist, he bade them to believe that dedicated public servants could again muster, as they had during the New Deal, the requisite know-how. In word and in deed, JFK put the weight of his presidency behind a liberal program. He backed a demand-side—not supply-side—tax cut designed to put money in people’s hands to stimulate short-term economic activity. The War on Poverty (an idea he had rolled out during the campaign) sought to alleviate penury, especially among the elderly, by pushing for Medicare and expanded Social Security benefits. The President’s Commission on the Status of Women endorsed workplace equality, child care facilities for working women, paid maternity leave, better Social Security benefits for widows, and equal pay for comparable work. Federal employees got collective bargaining.

Even on civil rights, where Kennedy often gave into his fear of alienating the Southern bloc, he ultimately put the power of the federal government behind racial equality. He used federal troops to ensure the enrollment of black students at the universities of Mississippi and Alabama; his administration implemented the first “affirmative action” program for government employees and contractors. Some movement leaders seethed with frustration over his slow pace. But when the historian Ellen Fitzpatrick compiled post-assassination condolence letters to Jackie Kennedy for a 2010 book, she found affecting notes from African Americans who considered Kennedy, as one correspondent wrote, “a beacon—a light in the darkness who would indeed be a second Emancipator.” His picture graced walls and mantelpieces.

JFK Was An Unapologetic Liberal New Republic
You're conflating "Liberal", which is to say 'one who advocates for individual LIBERTY', with a socialist, 'one who contests individual liberty'. Jack Kennedy would have beat you into a blood stain before he would allow you to claim any kinship with him. Bad back notwithstanding.

JFK would have kicked your ass up into your throat so that you could hear him thumping on it, son.

JFK was for national health care, he was for a government that protected the poor and weak from animals like you, and he would have you turned into the alley.
I'll bet you'd love his description of what a liberal is. Wanna read it?

I don't care what his definition was. Liberal is a description of a political philosophy by which people are invested with natural rights that cannot rightly be deprived by any just government and that only government by the people can protect those rights. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. So was Patrick Henry, Alex De Tocqueville, and George Washington. They are the standard bearers of true liberalism. Everything else is a distortion.

So taken together with your sig...Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Alex De Tocqueville and George Washington all had mental disorders?
Saintmike confuses his liberalism with classical liberalism.

Washington, Jefferson, Henry, etc., would have nothing to do with folks like Saintmike, would turn their sorry conservative asses into the alley.
Saintmike confuses his liberalism with classical liberalism.

Washington, Jefferson, Henry, etc., would have nothing to do with folks like Saintmike, would turn their sorry conservative asses into the alley.

Wrong. They were never called "classic liberals", they were called liberals. Some libertarians have taken to using the term "classic liberal" to distinguish the true liberals from what are today fallaciously called liberals because of that horse's ass Barry Goldwater.

There's no confusion here.
To people like you political labels are fluid things that have become almost meaningless ...

LOL! This from the Liberal, Progressive, Fascists, No-Name, Communists... . Which is the same group as th Global-Warming Climate Change, group who renamed the Queers, Gay and believe that just because something deviates abnormally from normality that DOESN'T MEAN IT IS DEVIANT or ABNORMAL!

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up!
I'll bet you'd love his description of what a liberal is. Wanna read it?

I don't care what his definition was. Liberal is a description of a political philosophy by which people are invested with natural rights that cannot rightly be deprived by any just government and that only government by the people can protect those rights. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. So was Patrick Henry, Alex De Tocqueville, and George Washington. They are the standard bearers of true liberalism. Everything else is a distortion.

So taken together with your sig...Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Alex De Tocqueville and George Washington all had mental disorders?

You're confused... Those who refer to themselves as Liberals today, have no more in common with the advocacy of individual Liberty, than do homosexuals have anything in common with being GAY.
Saintmike confuses his liberalism with classical liberalism.

Washington, Jefferson, Henry, etc., would have nothing to do with folks like Saintmike, would turn their sorry conservative asses into the alley.

Wrong. They were never called "classic liberals", they were called liberals. Some libertarians have taken to using the term "classic liberal" to distinguish the true liberals from what are today fallaciously called liberals because of that horse's ass Barry Goldwater.

There's no confusion here.

James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, with their faults and strengths, were classical liberals.

Libertarians and conservatives can never be considered classical liberals.
Saintmike confuses his liberalism with classical liberalism.

Washington, Jefferson, Henry, etc., would have nothing to do with folks like Saintmike, would turn their sorry conservative asses into the alley.

Wrong. They were never called "classic liberals", they were called liberals. Some libertarians have taken to using the term "classic liberal" to distinguish the true liberals from what are today fallaciously called liberals because of that horse's ass Barry Goldwater.

There's no confusion here.

James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, with their faults and strengths, were classical liberals.

Libertarians and conservatives can never be considered classical liberals.
They weren't classical liberals, they were liberals. If you can't even get that simple fact through your thick skull, it's impossible to traverse more advanced concepts with you.
The assumption then is that you don't believe that most businesses would chisel away at their workers wages, would not pollute without regulations, and would not take advantage of their workers in terms of safety. I believe that big business would willfully do all three. Getting rid of unions and collective bargaining is a start towards their plutocratic dream.
The best thing w worker can do is try to train themselves to become valuable and constantly seek out better employment. Part of capitalism is the conflict that needs to exist between worker and employer. A good worker isn't there to help the company any more than the company is there to create jobs.
The assumption then is that you don't believe that most businesses would chisel away at their workers wages, would not pollute without regulations, and would not take advantage of their workers in terms of safety. I believe that big business would willfully do all three. Getting rid of unions and collective bargaining is a start towards their plutocratic dream.

Plutocratic dream... viability. Potato, potato.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds?

None... zero... nada.

But tens of millions of Leftists do it everyday.
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Compared to todays Dem leaders, absolutely yes.
We had the last president that proudly called himself a liberal and people like you despised him even after he saved the world.


You're conflating "Liberal", which is to say 'one who advocates for individual LIBERTY', with a socialist, 'one who contests individual liberty'.

Jack Kennedy would have beat you into a blood stain before he would allow you to claim any kinship with him. Bad back notwithstanding.
You assume a lot in those few sentences but the fact remains that conservatives of the time hated his guts, you seeking to claim him as a conservative is pretty ignorant.

Social conservatives hated him because he was a philanderer and was an unfit role model as president. They didn't oppose his push for tax cuts or his opposition to communism and stand for national strength on a global scale.
What does any of that matter? If he had listened to them during the Cuban missile crisis we would be long dead, which was my original comment that you have done nothing to refute.

JFK WAS a conservative. That fact alone makes your argument look more than a little silly.

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